View Full Version : Robilee-big Akita pics

My Peanuts
08-27-2003, 03:25 PM
This is Griz, my fiance's Akita. He is 4 and can be friendly, but most people are scared of him. Griz is 155 pounds, which I think means he's large for an Akita. He doesn't get along with other dogs. I love Griz, and I think Griz loves me because he doesn't bite me !!;)

http://www.lswon.com/upload/files/Mr%20Grizz%20Small.JPG http://www.lswon.com/upload/files/Grizz%20in%20shades%20Small.JPG http://www.lswon.com/upload/files/DSC00090%20Small.JPG

My Peanuts
08-27-2003, 03:40 PM
Here are more pics of Griz when he was a baby. I'm not sure, but I think he is 12 weeks or younger in these pictures. He's such a cutie!:D In the last picture he crawled in the bird's cage while it was being cleaned. Gives you an idea of how much he grew!

http://www.lswon.com/upload/files/grizz%20baby%20Small.jpg http://www.lswon.com/upload/files/grizz%20baby3%20Small.jpg http://www.lswon.com/upload/files/grizz%20baby2%20Small.jpg

08-27-2003, 04:39 PM
My Goodness!! What a great looking dog! A beautiful Akita! I love him!! He is huge...lol. Katie is definitely a skinny and scrawny Akita...lol. We bought her at a pet shop (big mistake) and I'm just not sure about her pedigree and how full blooded she is. We have her papers and all that but I just don't trust those pet shops anymore. I don't have any recent pics but here are some from last month. If they show up. I need to learn how to post pics on here. I am a complete idiot when it comes to computer stuff and I'm lucky that I can even figure out how to post...lol. Anyway here she is.



08-27-2003, 04:45 PM
omg I love akitas they are absoluty the most beautiful dogs I havce ever seen in my life, I love their coat and their fafes and how BIG they get, I love the akitas you guys posted pic of, they are soo cute. YAY more pic please!!!! :D:D

08-27-2003, 04:52 PM
KYS is another pet talker on here and she has 2 akitas. I'm sure she will love seeing the pics also. Are you around anywhere, Karen? By the way Karen, I would love to see some recent pics of your babies also.

:) Robin

My Peanuts
08-27-2003, 04:55 PM
I love Katie's colors! She doesn't look skinny, she looks like a good sized pup so far. I don't know if this has anything to do with his size, but the breeder told my fiance that all the other pups in the litter died and Griz got all the milk from the mother. I know someone that has a female Akita that only weighs about 75 pounds. I guess they come in all sizes :)

08-27-2003, 05:10 PM
Oh, wow, Griz is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Akitas also, my family had one when I was born, he was about one year when I was born. His name was Luther, but he passed quite awhile ago due to stomach cancer (that's what I think it was). I love the breed, but as my mom says, 'They are a no-nonsense breed' and I agree:)

I do think that 155lbs is quite big, but I really don't know. Normally Luther was around 120, but in the winter with his heavy coat and extra fat, he was around 130.

Anyway, Griz is beautiful!:D

08-27-2003, 08:51 PM

What more can I say??;)

08-27-2003, 09:27 PM
I love this I am in HEAVON!!!
I have Katie and now Griz too.
Wonderful pictures and I love the puppy pics.
My ROcky does not get along with strange
dogs either. How does Griz get along with
your dogs?
I hope he likes them, because they will soon be living
under one roof.

Robin, I am positive Katie is a purebred AKita.
Don't even worry about it. AKC keeps strict
records on pedigrees.

Hugs Karen

I am not very good with posting pictures, but Robin
if you post a separate subject and ask for help.
We have some picture pros on this sight that can
walk you through it. How do you think I was able
to do it. lol

08-27-2003, 09:55 PM
What a handsome BIG dog! :D Wonderful pics of Griz!

And Katie sure is a beauty too!

08-27-2003, 11:45 PM
How cute! :D

Welcome to PT! I see you have a bird cage. :p Do you have birds? If so, which kinds? We'd love to see pics of them in Pet General! I have two cockatiels (both in my signature). :p

My Peanuts
08-28-2003, 12:04 AM
Grizz doesn't get along with my dogs, but my fiance and I both still live with our parents. I don't think either sets of parents will let us take the dogs when we move out, which is good cause Grizz does not like any dogs. It would be impossible to live with Grizz and any other dogs.

The bird cage in the pic belongs to an African Grey Parrot, which is also my fiances, but I have three cockateils. I'll post all their pictures in the general section.

08-28-2003, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by My Peanuts

The bird cage in the pic belongs to an African Grey Parrot, which is also my fiances, but I have three cockateils. I'll post all their pictures in the general section.

Oh great! :D Can't wait to see their pics in Pet General!

08-28-2003, 07:10 AM
Griz is so handsome!!!

I just love Akitas--such a regal breed!!

The people we got Kito from also bred and showed Akitas--they had some real beauties too!!

08-28-2003, 07:46 AM
Last night I heard on the news of a young boy getting attacked by an Akita. He has stitches all over his head and barely survived. They made the breed sound so terrible and mentionned how other Akitas have gotten "destroyed" before because of this. :( From what I understand the young boy was with his 7 year old sister in an animal shelter. What on earth was he doing there anyway? You need adult supervision whenever you are with an animal. :mad:

Anyways, that was a rant, sorry. Grizz is gorgeous! :eek: And Katie is beautiful! What great looking dogs you have. And Grizz sure makes one adorable puppy! :D

08-28-2003, 07:50 AM
They are both just absolutely beautiful dogs!
More pictures please:)

My Peanuts
08-28-2003, 12:00 PM
I'll take more pics of Grizz tonight and post them tonight or tomorrow :D