View Full Version : Weird pets

01-06-2002, 07:34 PM
Guess this isn't really about dogs..anywho. Whats the weirdest pet you ever had? I think mine would have to be a butterfly. Yeah, don't ask lol. It couldn't fly or something. So we gave it flowers everyday. And he would crawl on our fingers and stuff..We were going to let him go, we did actually, and when we came back, he was still there, so we kept it a while..Yeah, you ppl must be like..ooooooookkayy...LOL he was cute though :[

01-06-2002, 08:07 PM
This story about unusual pets was told to me by the lady who lives next door to us.

This elderly neighbour of ours was talking to a man at the local senior citizen centre. The man was complaining about his son
who is in the Australian Army stationed in Alice Springs (central Australia). The son was being transferred overseas & was giving his father his two beloved pets to look after.
Our neighbour asked the father why he should be complaining...he lived on a small farm, so there'd be lots of room for a couple of dogs or cats. The man replied, 'His pets are not dogs or
cats...they're camels!'

01-07-2002, 01:46 AM
My neighbors have a pet fox that they sit out in the yard real quiet on a leash and let him sniff around. Really kinda freaks you out when you drive by!