View Full Version : Dead Cone

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-27-2003, 11:51 AM
Ok, so I know I said I had to spend less time on PT, but it's my first day of my self-imposed ban....and it's so hard!!! I've been here all morning! I only responded to a few posts, not near as many as I normally would, and I've still been here all morning! :rolleyes:

Anyway, back to the subject of this post.

I have no idea what the "cone" thing is that was going around here for awhile, but I came to work and saw this and thought I better report it.

One dead cone. It's kinda hard to see because it's under the car.

Here's it is a little closer.

So what do I do about this blatant cone abuse?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-27-2003, 11:59 AM
I have an update already.

The murderer has left the scene. At least the put the poor cone on the sidewalk so it wouldn't get run over anymore, but my question is, is it really dead or can it be revived? It looks almost like it can be revived. It might be a little deformed, but might still be able to live a long happy life. What do I do?

This is right across the street from me here at work, and I'm torn. Should I run over and kidnap it and try and revive it or do I assume it's dead and leave it be, hoping its rightful owners will find it and give it a decent burial?

08-27-2003, 11:59 AM
That's so sad.

This last weekend I saw Cones being sold into slavery at a garage sale. Who should I contact about this cone abuse?:confused:

08-27-2003, 12:11 PM
:confused: very :confused:

Desert Arabian
08-27-2003, 12:12 PM
Yes, it appears that that cone can be saved. You have to act fast before it is too late. What you need to do is carefully straighten it back up, go slowly so you don't hurt the cone. Then, to help it out some more it is best to take some silt, little chunks of asphalt, and some concrete and mix it up in some wet contrete and feed it to it. I guarentee it will work.

If it is dead, burry it under a pile of gravel, that is the best place for a dead cone to be....they love gravel.

Ask Amy about this too, she is real smart when it comes to cones.

Connan said he is going to pray for that cone and hope it pulls through.

08-27-2003, 09:22 PM
Oh no! What a poor cone! I think YLL has some good advice...be real careful when you are straightening it! With a little love and nurturing I think it'll pull through. :)

08-27-2003, 09:42 PM
I love you guys! Y'all are so darn funny! :D My husband just thinks we're all lunatics. :D

08-28-2003, 01:21 AM
I witnissed the most horrible thing today while waiting on the bus for us to pull off after school. In the student parking lot, a student driver had carelessly run over a nice, bright, cone. He had no damage at all, until this crazy person ran him over.

I had been sitting there amazed by such a beautiful creature.. then boom.... right in front of my eyes. He lay there on the ground, people stepping over him. I felt so bad. I should have gone back for him and rescued him.:( :(

I'm traumatized for life.:(

08-28-2003, 02:25 AM
*is sooo confuesd* Cones?

08-28-2003, 02:26 AM
*confused...sorry I hate when I misspell things

08-28-2003, 02:39 AM
You know you can edit your post and just rechange the spelling.

08-28-2003, 03:22 AM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
You know you can edit your post and just rechange the spelling.
Well, that'd be good to know! Thanks! :D *feels like an idiot, and still doesn't understand the whole cone thing* :confused:

08-28-2003, 03:37 AM
Don't try to understand, just enjoy:D :D :D

08-28-2003, 03:47 AM
Poor, poor cones. Those pictures were so graphic, yet they must be shown, so as the public can become truly aware of the terrible fate so many cones endure. Their suffering goes largely unnoticed in this busy world. That is why they so lucky to have you as their voice, a dedicated, compassionate, and vocal few who will fight for the day when cones too have rights. When blatant cone abuse will no longer go on ignored and unpunished. When any cone will enjoy the same freedom as its living counterpart.

I applaud you.

08-28-2003, 09:16 AM
Quick!!! Call 911 Cone Ambulance. Maybe they can do CPR (Cone Pulmonary Resusciation) on it!!

Oh the travesty!!! Such irresponsible drivers! It looks like Ms. Cone will be in traction for some time now.

That pictures has given me nightmares. Will I ever sleep again????

BTW, where can I get one of these precious creatures??? It would have a wonderful life, I promise!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-28-2003, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
BTW, where can I get one of these precious creatures??? It would have a wonderful life, I promise!!

Well, Donna, since you ask. I was not able to help the cone yesterday. It's so called "owners" were around all day and I didn't dare go over and try and kidnap the poor thing. Couldn't they see it was suffering?

Today, however, is another story. Somehow it has made its way a little further down the street, so I may just take a little walk during lunchtime....

As you know, I can't have any more pets in the house, but if you are willing to take it, I would be happy to rescue it and foster it until we can meet sometime so I can hand it over. What do you say, are we going to rescue this cone or are we going to rescue this cone! ;) :D

08-28-2003, 11:48 AM
Sounds like the GREAT CONE CAPER is about to start :eek:

Russian Blue
08-28-2003, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
As you know, I can't have any more pets in the house, but if you are willing to take it, I would be happy to rescue it and foster it until we can meet sometime so I can hand it over. What do you say, are we going to rescue this cone or are we going to rescue this cone! ;) :D

Adoptions kits are available here:



08-28-2003, 12:50 PM
Please!! Let's rescue this poor thing from the throngs of inhumanity! Are you planning on coming to Findlay Park on Sunday?? Me and Moo will be there.

This poor orangie needs a home desperately and I'd be more than willing to help out!

Let me know.

ROFLMAO at the link!!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-28-2003, 01:27 PM
Ok, this is my plan. The cone is on the sidewalk, on the other side of the street, the side that I will be able to pull over on on my way home. And all other cars should be gone by then because there's no parking there after 4:00 pm. So I'm going to get in my car like normal, nice and casual so nobody suspects anything, then I'm going to pull out and when I get abreast of the cone I'm going to dive right in, jump out of the car, swoop in and grab the cone, throw it in the back seat, fly back to the driver's seat and be off before anyone even knows to look! Then when I'm back in traffic, I'll just drive like normal (hopefully the light will still be green and I can sail through) and before you know it I'll just be another car in traffic and Coney and I will be on our way to safety!

Whaddya think? Think it'll work? I just hope no cops are around because they regularly patrol for illegal parkers after 4:00 pm. I'm not worried about a parking ticket because I'll be out and back in and on my way so fast they won't even know I'm pulled over, but I'm worried about "stealing" a cone.

"But officer, you don't understand. This cone was obviously being abused! I have evidence and everything! <sob, sob> And it was abandoned too! People were just kicking it all over the sidewalk! Please won't you let me keep it and take it to a good loving home where it will never know abuse again? <sob, sob, sob> Please? <batting eyes through tears>"

Oh, and Donna, I thought about bringing it with, but unfortunately we're not going to be able to be there - drat! That would have been the perfect place to hand it over to you. We could have had a little ceremony and everything. :D

Oh again, and thanks so much for the link Russian Blue! I never knew there was a preservation society just for cones! How wonderful!
Oh, I know, maybe Mugsy can set up a rescue transport. I'd be willing to meet somebody at around the 80/94 & 65 intersection? :D :D

08-28-2003, 03:38 PM
That is so, so sad.. I am almost in tears as I look at those pictures... How can someone be so CRUEL? Did you get the license plate? Gosh... call the police or something... I am so glad you are saving that poor poor cone.

Have fun, and leash train him and maybe something like this won't happen again!

Heather Wallace
08-28-2003, 03:55 PM
LOL! Very good.:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-28-2003, 09:06 PM
I got it! I'm so excited, this is the first cone I've ever rescued! I did just like I said, but instead of swooping, I casually sauntered over and grabbed it - much less suspicious. :D And the good news is Terry says we can keep it!

Now my question is, how do I tell if it's a boy or a girl? Do cones come in different genders? And what do I feed it? He (I've temporarily determined he is a he) is in the garage right now so he should be able to find something to eat out there, shouldn't he? And do I need to provide a litterbox - or do I walk him? I'm so confused...I've never had a cone before, you know. :confused:

The first thing I did when I got him home was give him a good bath. He was filthy, but that's to be expected considering he was living on the streets and got run over and everything. So here's a before pic.
You can see he's pretty dirty, but overall he's in pretty good shape. He was a little tender where he had been bent over, but I'm sure that will heal in no time. He also has a few scars from previous abuse, but he's really in pretty good shape considering...

I have determined that he is of the Conus zebricus breed. More commonly known as the Lesser Striped Cone. I determined this by the wonderful reflective stripes he has.

And to make sure and keep this somewhat pet related, here's Tubby watching me give Coney a bath (yes, we've named him Coney).

After he dried off a bit, I brought him into his new home - our garage. I thought he would feel right at home there, but would be safe from all the maniacs on the road.

I think he's going to get along quite well here. Tubby didn't seem to have a problem with him....

And Peanut was more worried about the extension cord on the floor. I expected her to be a little skittish of the newcomer, but she didn't even bat an eye.

So those are all the pics I have for now. We left him alone in the garage to settle down a little and get over all the trauma he's experienced in the last two days. Hopefully he'll start feeling right at home real soon. We plan to bring him along in the motorhome when he gets more comfortable with us, so he'll go from being a homeless cone out on the streets to a sophisticated traveling cone. Now if I could only get to Germany for the International Pet Talk meeting, I could bring him along and he could be a world traveler!

Security: "'Scuse me ma'am, is that a traffic cone?"
Me: "Well, technically yes, but he's actually by pet. His name is Coney. Is there a problem bringing him on the plane? I didn't read anything where cones weren't allowed or had to be in my checked luggage...."
Security: "Not sure ma'am. I don't know what the rules are on cones. Somehow I don't think we can allow it on."
Me: "I'd like to speak with your superior officer, sir, because you don't understand. This isn't just any cone. This is Coney. My pet cone, and I believe I should be able to bring him on the plane with me."


08-28-2003, 09:10 PM
*YAY* For CONEY!!!

So glad you found a new home, Coney. You have MAGNIFICENT stripes! How beautiful!

08-28-2003, 09:24 PM
I'm so glad this story has a happy ending!!! I was so worried about poor Coney when I beganthis thread, but hearing he is home and happy is great news!!! Congrats on the new addition!!!

08-29-2003, 02:34 AM
That's great news! How wonderful of you to give such a neglected cone a new chance in a forever home.

Thanks for the link to the Cone Adoption agency too. I am thinking of adopting one for Christmas.

08-29-2003, 02:36 AM
Yay for Coney!

I see he's been given a very important job too, guarding motorcycles :) No wonder his stripes shine with pride! ;) :D

08-29-2003, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Now if I could only get to Germany for the International Pet Talk meeting, I could bring him along and he could be a world traveler!


I am happy to give you some more information on that. There aren't too many restrictions but you must make sure that he has his rabies shots. This is something I would anyway recommend as you cannot be sure he has a clean bill of health after his rough streetlife.

Any automotive engineer should be able to do that and we would be happy to welcome you and Coney here. At that time he will be used to cats so he may be able to deal with Tigris wanting to use him as a scratchpost (Tigris is a nawteekat unfortunately:( ).

08-29-2003, 08:32 AM
Congratulations on your new rescue! He looks so much better after his bath.
I'm also glad to hear he's getting along with the cats...that must have been the true test to see if he belonged with your family;)
I bet he would just love to be a world traveler!

Russian Blue
08-29-2003, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
I got it! I'm so excited, this is the first cone I've ever rescued! I did just like I said, but instead of swooping, I casually sauntered over and grabbed it - much less suspicious. :D And the good news is Terry says we can keep it!

I'm all in tears!!! You are just wonderful!!!! *sniff*

Security: "'Scuse me ma'am, is that a traffic cone?"
Me: "Well, technically yes, but he's actually by pet. His name is Coney. Is there a problem bringing him on the plane? I didn't read anything where cones weren't allowed or had to be in my checked luggage...."
.....This isn't just any cone. This is Coney. My pet cone, and I believe I should be able to bring him on the plane with me."


People have pet rocks! Why can't someone have a pet cone??? Pet cones are much more huggable than a rock!! Plus they are easier to dress up for special occasions.

;) :p

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-29-2003, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by Barbara
At that time he will be used to cats so he may be able to deal with Tigris wanting to use him as a scratchpost (Tigris is a nawteekat unfortunately:( ).
Oh, Barbara, when you mentioned this, visions came to my mind of all the times Coney might have been used by doggies as a substitute for a fire hydrant! :eek: Oh my poor Coney. :(

Pet cones are much more huggable than a rock!! Plus they are easier to dress up for special occasions.
Absolutely! I will have to get different seasonal outfits for him. Kinda like the people do with the geese on their front porches. Hmmm....maybe some of those goose outfits will actually fit him. I know it wouldn't be as good as real cone clothes, but it might just have to do until I can get my hands on some patterns to make him his own clothes. :D

And you'll all be happy to know that he was doing really well when I checked on him this morning. He was all settled in and almost looked like he was snuggling with my Corvette. I knew they'd be best friends. :D I'm actually hoping he doesn't get too attached to the motorcycle though, because that's for sale and I'd hate to have to break his heart when it comes time for the bike to go. But then we'll have room for the bicycles, so he'll have two friends to make up for the loss of the one.

I'll have to check on those rabies shots, Barbara. Does anyone else know what other sorts of "preventative" doctoring he might need? I'm just so new to all this and I just want to be sure and do everything right for him. ;) :D

08-29-2003, 09:53 AM
Now if the authorities were sensible, they would insist on cones with handles.
Much easier to save from automotive destruction: :D


Its a question worth asking. And the answer is increasingly clear.
If you look closer, you'll see what truly differentiates The Grabber from the competition: its versatility, strength and ease of use.
And that's where The Grabber really stands out.
Every aspect has been carefully thought out: its unique handle design, it's durable low density polyethylene material, the smooth integration of available components, and the multiple applications you can create.
And, we've taken into consideration the long-term effect The Grabber will have on the environment and made it 1OO% recyclable.

The Grabber measures 42" or 28" in height
Made of flexible low density polyethylene
Bright orange color molded throughout
UV inhibitors to minimize fading
Grabber handle allows for easy movement and prevents cones from sticking
Stackable for storage and transport
Available with various size reflective collars
Available with keyhole slots and plastic barricade panels (42" Grabber cone only)
Bases will not crush when run over
Meets Federal M.U.T.C.D. standards

Applications and Uses
(As a cone, tubular marker or barricade)
Channelize or delineate traffic
Barricade construction work zones
Lane closures
Vehicular or pedestrian traffic control
Parking lot traffic control, striping or resurfacing
Water/flood control
Parades/crowd control
Tree trimming

All Creatures Great And Small
08-29-2003, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by jonza

:eek: I haven't seen such blatant pet abuse since Lyndon Johnson picked a dog up by it's ears:


A cone should ALWAYS be lifted and carried by it's wide, stable base, not grabbed by the head or neck. ;) :p

I had thought the striped cones were Bengals, but I could have been misinformed. Congratulations on your new addition!

08-29-2003, 11:31 AM
If you're really serious about keeping the cone, T&P's mom, this might help:



Cones are not picky creatures, and most can live in a wide range of habitats. However, there are a few simple things that can make your pet cone feel more at home. As cones are naturally territorial, it is recommended that you set apart a small corner of your house or apartment that they can call their own. You might adorn this "cone home" with a photograph of a construction site or a bit of yellow caution tape. A small slab of asphalt or concrete for resting upon is also greatly appreciated.

Cones need very little in the way of maintenance. Periodically, they should be wiped down with a clean, damp cloth.

Cones can be adopted at all good hardware stores. They can also be obtained through the Traffic Cone Preservation Society's Dwarf Cone Adoption Program. It is not recommended that you obtain cones from the wild. Many species are endangered, and removing them from their natural habitats and duties could threaten their survival.

When choosing a cone, make sure it has a healthy shiny coat, sturdy foot, and a curious nature. Research to see what type of cone would best suit your needs. Some cones grow quite large, and would not be suitable for apartment living. More cone information can be found at the Traffic Cone Preservation Society's web site.

08-29-2003, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by All Creatures Great And Small
I had thought the striped cones were Bengals, but I could have been misinformed.

That's true -but not for the Lesser Striped Cones like Coney!

08-29-2003, 12:11 PM
If you ask me, this cone thing is getting way out of control!
Is nothing sacred? Where will it all end?


If we let this thing run amuck, we’ll have presidents,
pop stars and poodles wearing the damn things!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-29-2003, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by jonza
Cones are not picky creatures, and most can live in a wide range of habitats. However, there are a few simple things that can make your pet cone feel more at home. As cones are naturally territorial, it is recommended that you set apart a small corner of your house or apartment that they can call their own. You might adorn this "cone home" with a photograph of a construction site or a bit of yellow caution tape. A small slab of asphalt or concrete for resting upon is also greatly appreciated.

Oh no! Am I being cruel to my new cone?!!?? I left him in the garage, thinking that would be the perfect environment, what with the cars and motorcycle and all. And he has concrete under his feet - ok, so it's painted concrete, but it's still something he should be familiar with. I really thought he'd be happier in a somewhat familiar territory rather than brought in the house where everything is foreign and unknown to him - carpet, hard wood floors, cabinets, tile floor..... , <sob> I think I should run home right now and bring him in the house instead of leaving him suffer in the garage. My poor Coney! :( :eek: :( Thanks so much for the information Jonza. At least I have some idea of how to treat my cone now.

And ACGAS, I don't think that cone is being abused. I think it's ancestors might have been, but somehow it has evolved to the point where it's supposed to be picked up like that. It must have grown a much stronger neck, and you can see how the shape has changed....so I'm not really sure this would be abuse?? :confused:

08-29-2003, 01:48 PM
Why I'm sure I've seen something in Edwina's closet that is oh so very similar.... we'll have to ask her advise on the latest in cone-wear.

08-29-2003, 02:18 PM
Oh no! Please don’t misunderstand me Debbie, this was not a criticism, I think the garage is PERFECT. It was just some information I trawled on the web that I thought might be of value. I’m quite, quite sure that you will treat Coney really well and can bring up a cone as well as anyone. But are you aware of the long term implications? Cones grow up and develop too you know, sooner or later he’s going to need a mate.

As you can see from the picture of this happy couple below, it wouldn’t be the first time!


… and I agree with you on your theory of the evolution of the “Grabber Cone”, weirder things have been bred!

We wish you luck with your brave, daring enterprise!

08-29-2003, 02:23 PM
I have a question and I am worried.

I have gone into my local ice cream store and they have a stack of cones.

Are they just babies that haven't reached their full maturity, color and stripes? Is that how they are raised - in a stack like that?

Oh dear, and I have to confess that I have been "eating " them.

08-29-2003, 02:25 PM
A funny thing happened to me on the way to the post office today. There, in front of someone's driveway were three "mini" cones. They were absolutely adorable!!! Just hanging out making sure nobody smudges the new driveway.

Hmmmmmmm...I wonder if they need rescuing???

Whatdya think guys?

08-29-2003, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by gini

Oh dear, and I have to confess that I have been "eating " them.

LOL, steering clear of that one...

i have seen green cones across the street...

but what do you expect in Los Angeles on Sunset Blvd.???

08-29-2003, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by gini
Oh dear, and I have to confess that I have been "eating " them.

A long time ago I went into a store to eat one, but by the time I got it close to my mouth it was shivering so bad that I wrapped it up in blankets of napkins and held it close to keep it warm.

.......thank goodness for Tide with bleach.......

08-29-2003, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by gini
I have a question and I am worried.

I have gone into my local ice cream store and they have a stack of cones.

Oh dear, and I have to confess that I have been "eating " them.
Gini, we have them here too, they're all over. Little blond girls are carrying them around giving them nosekisses. :) But I fear they'll be gone soon, it seems that only sunny weather can entice them out. :eek: It's so exiting, I suggest we start a Cone society! Coney should of course be President - but what about Elbert? And could they be gay :confused: Will the world accept a gay President!!! :eek: :eek: I thought only good hairdressers were gay! We must all study harder and learn more about them!

08-29-2003, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Randi
It's so exiting, I suggest we start a Cone society! Coney should of course be President - but what about Elbert?

we can make Coney Island the capital and Dan Ackroyd (Conehead) will be the mascot!!!!


08-29-2003, 04:11 PM
Will they ever grow hair do you think. :confused: :confused:

08-29-2003, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by Randi
Gini, we have them here too, they're all over. Little blond girls are carrying them around giving them nosekisses. :)

Randi, that sounds sooo California! Are their belly buttons pierced and their cracks showing? Hmmm, could be some kind of cult - we should be careful.

08-29-2003, 04:26 PM
Uhhh Gini, I've only had a look from their backside, but I WILL investigate further - will have to wait for the sun to come out, though - I fear they'll freeze in the cold and I've heard rain won't do them any good. Could be a long term project. :eek:

08-29-2003, 06:41 PM
While I was walking to my building across the parking lot this morning I spotted a quartet of what appeared to be 'seniors' in their pen. Apparently their Dad brings them to work with him occasionally, and had a nice "cone friendly" environment set up for them to enjoy the sunshine and get plenty of fresh air:


Can anyone tell me what type of cone they are?

08-29-2003, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by micki76


Can anyone tell me what type of cone they are?

free range cones!

I was leaving a David Bowie concert when my cone followed me home. As I left the parking structure
i came close to a line of cones...one crept under the truck ...when i pulled up to my friends house he got out of the car- i backed out of the driveway-there he was!

I was amazed that he was able to hang on for the 12 mile journey home. Streets and Freeway!!

He had run away to become a star in Hollywood. But ended up with a job at Universal Studios, working in the parking structure. Although his dreams of working in the film business were shattered, he now leads a safe, sedate lifestyle in my yard...

Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

This is Coney. My pet cone, and I believe I should be able to bring him on the plane with me."


Jonza has the answer!!


Oh, no, that's no TRAFFIC CONE, it's my chapeau!!!!

08-29-2003, 09:06 PM
I did it!!! I rescued a poor lonely bumb cone, I named him Carl. Poor guy was hanging around on the street corner with a metal pole up his butt, filthy dirty. It was late at night so I offered to take him in. He didn't answer me, he just kina hung there looking sad and desheveled.

When I brought him home, both MooShoo and Shortie greeted him and looked at him like "WTF???"

Here he is. I'm going to give him a bath and clean him up a bit. I hope he likes it here.

I'll bring him to the outing at Findlay Park on Sunday so you can all meet him.

08-30-2003, 07:00 AM
oh dear.i have two cones in my basement that have been sitting there since my dad started teaching my brother how to drive.do you think they might be lonely?have i been neglecting them?at least they have eachother,but im worried.is a basement a suitable habitat for a cone?

08-30-2003, 08:47 AM
Well, Debbie, this may help answering your question about determining the gender of your cone. (It seems that there are some cones that try to copy human behaviour in order to infiltrate our society.)

The George Michael Cone

This is George Michael Cone lurking outside a public toilet. It has been suggested that he is waiting to attract the attention of a passing policeman, so that he can expose his true alien cone nature.

George is not displaying the usual male white reflective markings around his middle, because he is in drag. He has cunningly disguised himself as a female cone to improve his chances of snaring the prey.

(By the way, I notice that the toilets are only open from 9am to 6pm, Mon-Fri. Isn’t this when everybody should be at work? Not very practical!)

08-30-2003, 10:31 AM
Hi everybody,

Well, Carl had quite a rough night last night. First off, he was sore from having that steel pole removed from his butt. He enjoyed the bath (I let him soak a while). But the scars (both physically and mentally) are there and will never go away :( Poor thing is confused but happy to be out of the nasty thunder storms we've been having lately.

Here's a better picture of Carl, all dressed up. He's excited about meeting everyone tomorrow.

08-30-2003, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
Hi everybody,

Well, Carl had quite a rough night last night. First off, he was sore from having that steel pole removed from his butt.

Oh don't go too much in the details -I just cannot stand to hear about such a horrible abuse in detail. I am so glad he survived and is safe with you.

08-30-2003, 03:47 PM
It is my hope that Carl has a wonderful weekend, being admired by many at the Dog Park Event tomorrow. Perhaps he can forget his humilition of just a few days prior. He looks so handsome in his tux, but isn't he a tad overdressed for the event tomorrow?

08-31-2003, 11:52 PM
Oohhhh you guys are absolutely wonderful for saving those magnificent cones!!! :D

I loved the pics...what a wonderful way to show how rewarding it can be to rescue a neglected cone.

Carl you are stunning in a tux!!

Did everyone see my latest cone additions? Here's Lady and Nebo with their buddies.....the very rare breed of "German Shorthair Cone" and "Siberian Husky Cone." I'm still working on names.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-03-2003, 04:48 PM
Oh Donna! You are so wonderful for rescuing that poor cone. How can anybody abuse a cone so is beyond me. :( He looks wonderful in his tux. :D

I'm sorry to report that on our way back from Wisconsin yesterday, I saw a cone, dead, on the highway. :( He was most definitely dead because his bottom was ripped right off and was nowhere in site. :( Poor cone, may he RIP. Is there a RB for cones I wonder? I bet there is, and I be he's up there with all his buddies having the time of their life confusing all the drivers up there. :D Traffic was quite heavy and moving quite fast, so there was no way for us to pull over (we were in the motorhome) to give the poor cone a proper burial. :(

But I was wondering how those big orange barrels are related to cones? Are they a distant cousin or are they a completely different breed altoghether? Just curious, because cones are so cute, but those barrels have a tendency of getting on my nerves.


09-03-2003, 05:00 PM
I went over to my Mom's house last night to collect some stuff from the basement and what did I find in the corner?? A handsome cone that my Mom and Dad had rescued about 25 yrs ago. It hasn't grown much but Mom says he's happy and content. What more could we ask?? Yeah Mom!!:D :D :D

03-23-2014, 11:45 AM
I was on my way to run an errand and came across this......


This made me laugh and remember the fun we had with this thread!

So what do you think?

03-23-2014, 12:21 PM
God, I miss some of the people in this thread! My suggestion is that we bring some old threads to the surface whenever it's one of their birthdays... the ones gone forever, and the ones missing.

03-24-2014, 01:40 PM
Agreed, Randi.

Richard, I think you should have adopted a few! ;) :p

03-24-2014, 01:41 PM
I still can't see a cone and think about this thread. Good memories!