View Full Version : Rat Biting Questions

08-26-2003, 07:44 PM
Bart, my ratty, has been biting in... er... areas he shouldn't have been lately. So, my stepmom told me to put him back in the cage every time he did that. Problem: What if we're teaching him to bite me there if he wants to go back in the cage? So today, he was on my shoulder, and it seemed like he was trying to nibble, so I squeezed his muzzle, then when my smart little guy figured out how to wiggle out, I let go, it was only for a few seconds, Two questions:
1. Does having his muzzle squeezed hurt Bart?
2. What should I do to get him to stop biting?


08-26-2003, 08:14 PM
I'd try giving a quick stern NO everytime he bites you.

08-26-2003, 11:26 PM
I dought saying "NO" to a rat will help lol. When he doesnt bite give him treats and pet him and tickle him . when he does ignor him. He will get the picture that you are a friend and not a foe soon enough :)

08-26-2003, 11:30 PM
Sometimes my rat Frisco will become annoyed at me, if I'm bugging him by trying to get him to play with me, or sometimes he'll even get confused when he is trying to attack my other rat and get me instead.

I say "No, bad rat!" in a loud and firm scary voice, and then I flip him on his back and hold him there.

I don't know about pushing down on his muzzle. I would think that it might cause damage to his teeth or jaw. :confused:

08-27-2003, 12:21 PM
Okay, thanks for all the help. I'll try all of your suggestions, I just tried the muzzle thing because I know my aunt holds Nikki (her dog's) muzzle when she starts barking like crazy. Next time, I'll give Bart a "No" and ignore, and turn him on his back... or one of those things. :)

08-28-2003, 12:04 AM
DO NOT hold his muzzle, this is only going to teach him to be afirad of you and act worse. What usually works when a person is bit, is to have them "squeek" like a rat in pain, and then the rat will sense that he has inflicted pain and thus is put back in the cage for a time out. Do not scold him in the cage, just squeek, put him back and then walk away.

08-28-2003, 01:05 AM
Okay, thank you for correcting me, luckily I've only done it once, I just didn't know what else TO do. Thanks again. :)