View Full Version : mum has to have another operation.......

08-26-2003, 06:32 PM
I feel so bummed today, went to the specialist with my mother yesterday, she has to have a hysterectomy now, as if she has not been through enough this year, she is only just recovering from breast cancer,

WHY OH WHY do these things have to happen and all at once, I feel so helpless, and I worry incase things go wrong, I hate to see her suffering after the ops, life sucks sometimes doesn't it?

On the positive side, it is not due to cancer, thank goodness, and it can be done through keyhole surgery, which is much better and quicker recovery time for the patient, I am thankful for that.

Sorry folks just had to share, as I really am feeling down about it all, and its not even happening to me, I hope 2004 brings her better times.

08-26-2003, 08:08 PM
best wishes to your mom and you. I hope she gets some well deserved rest after the op.

08-26-2003, 08:16 PM
Oh Carole, I'm so sorry your Mom has to go through yet more surgery. The good news is it's not due to the cancer spreading. 2004 just HAS to be better and it will be. She's so lucky to have you there with her. When is the surgery? Please keep us updated. Prayers for a successful surgery and quick recovery are on the way.:) {{{hugs}}} Sandra

08-26-2003, 08:48 PM
Carole your mom will do fine. It's very a very easy recovery if done the way she's having it done (instead of being split open like I was) and it's not due to her cancer so that's WONDERFUL. Her recovery will be quick and easy and the pain is minimal. I've had laproscopic (sp?) surgery done and it's really a piece of cake. Mom'll do fine! Chin up! Be positive for Mom. :)

08-26-2003, 08:51 PM

Thoughts and well wishes for you and your Mum.

2004 WILL be better ......... she is lucky to have you near to help her through.

08-26-2003, 11:04 PM
Thank you all for your kind and positive words, and for re-assuring me, yes I have been told the keyhole surgery is pretty good, so I am thankful about that, she just gets so sick with the anesthetic(sp), infact she dreads that more than the operation.

She will probably get booked in for the procedure in september sometime,will keep you posted how it all goes, she does have another procedure as well to be done due to the prolaspe, which will cause her more discomfort than the hysterectomy according to the specialist, so I am worried about that bit more , finger's crossed all goes according to plan. Once again thanks everyone, I knew you would all make me feel better ,cheers.

08-27-2003, 10:50 AM
Oh Carole, your poor Mum and poor you. These times make us worry so much. As everyone has said, thank goodness it isn't because of cancer. Please keep us posted on how she is doing. You know that all of us care!

08-27-2003, 12:32 PM
best wishes for your mom, whenever she has the surgery. I'll be sending many good thoughts for both of you.

Miss Meow
08-27-2003, 04:06 PM
When it rains, it pours. Hopefully after this lot of surgery, your mum can enjoy some pain-free time (and you can relax too :)) We'll be thinking of her and hoping everything works out.

08-27-2003, 05:34 PM
Best wishes to your mom that all goes well with her surgery. With some people it seems like when it rains it pours:(

08-27-2003, 08:12 PM
Thank you everyone, it really help's being able to share my worry's with you all, thanks for being there and listening, yep it alway's seems to happen that way with mum, she get's everything at once, looks like mid sept will be when the operation is performed,going to specialist on monday, he comes highly recommended, and I am very impressed with him, he is south american from Peru, and is really up to date on everything, and keyhole surgery is his speciality, he does conferences world-wide, infact he is off to sydney for a conference soon.
So this does give me some peace of mind. will keep you all posted.

08-27-2003, 10:55 PM
Hi sweetie..I'm going to email you....Everything will work out.....Mum's in good hands....{hugs}