View Full Version : Great American Mutt show

08-26-2003, 05:40 PM
I don't know how many people remember back in July, Sadie competed in our local mutt show. She didn't win, but had a great time competing...

The Mutt show is put on by Tails in Need, a group that promotes the adoption of mixed breed dogsand spay and neuter programs (among other things)

The dog that won our local show, Tricky, is one 3 dogs that was selected for the on-line voting for best mutt. The show itself willbe held in New York, Sept. 14, so on-line voting is available until the 13th.

To see the competetors and vote (for any of the dogs), visit
Tails In Need (www.TailsInNeed.com )

Good Luck Tricky!!!

Cinder & Smoke
08-26-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
To see the competetors and vote (for any of the dogs), visit
Tails In Need (www.TailsInNeed.com )

Good Luck Tricky!!!

Miz Amy ~

We tried an tried...
But kan't find a *kliker* that takes you to
where ya can cast a *vote*...

Closest we got wuz da page wiff all 3 "Candidates"...
Even *kliked* on Tricky's detail page...

Kant find da *Voting Booth*! :(


08-26-2003, 06:55 PM
To vote, click on the dog you want, enter your name and e-mail; then press submit. Took me a while to figure it out.

08-26-2003, 06:56 PM
I voted :)

08-26-2003, 06:58 PM
You can click on the white square in the lower right corner to vote.

What did Sadie compete for? My Sadie was in the 2001 contest for the "looks like owner" category. I made a web site for it - Sadie at the Mutt Show (http://members.aol.com/sabies/sadie/MuttShow/index.html)

I didn't realize they were coming around to NY again. I wish they had the show when Sadie was younger - I know she could win for highest jumper!

Cinder & Smoke
08-26-2003, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by robinh
To vote,
click on the dog you want,
enter your name and e-mail;
then press submit.

Took me a while to figure it out. ;)

Furget it - they'll think we're a buncha dummiez!

Dad's gettin *pi$$ed* bout dis!

"Click onna dog you want" --- WHERE!!?? :mad:

"The dog we want" has her photo on 3 or 4 pages!!
And the only pix that *Clicks* gets you to her full-page bio and two pix - neither one of which "click"!!

The page with all 3 "Candidates" photos side-by-side... Duzint "click" ANYWHERE!! :mad:

Do you detect a slight bit of :eek: **STRESS** here? :rolleyes:

08-26-2003, 07:38 PM
OMGoodness Phred ................ doesn't know HOW??????

OK, gonna help .........

When you get into the tails page, look down the right hand side of the web page, and you will see this (snapshot.gif)

CLick on THAT and it takes you to the dogs to vote for ...

Click on radio button to pick Tricky, and at the bottom of the same page you put your name and e-mail addy.

Hope that makes sense ............

08-26-2003, 08:12 PM
I voted for Tricky before I even knew she was Your representative!!!!;) :) :D

08-27-2003, 07:33 AM
I voted:D

08-27-2003, 07:43 AM
Tricky got my vote. More for her story than anything else. Have you figured it out yet Phred???

08-27-2003, 08:30 AM
ok just voted *Go Tricky* :D

Cinder & Smoke
08-27-2003, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by captain

OMGoodness Phred .... doesn't know HOW??????

OK, gonna help .........
1) When you get into the tails page,
look down the right hand side of the web page,
and you will see this (snapshot.gif)

2) CLick on THAT and it takes you
to the dogs to vote for ...

3) Click on radio button to pick Tricky,
and at the bottom of the same page
you put your name and e-mail addy.

Hope that makes sense ............

Tankz, Cap!! ;)

Whut kinda pillz shud we be givin ta Dad? :confused:

He had a majur MELT-DOWN :mad: last nite wiff tryin ta *vote* fur Tricky...

OH, da language :eek: round da puter!
"!@#$%^&*(*)(#)*&^%$#@!" an summore NawTee wurds!
Air turned BLUE!
An da poor lil puter Mousie took a reel beatin!
We tried tellin him da kliker button prolly wudint *KLIK* any better frum
bein hammered wiffa Fisty-Paw! :rolleyes:

Went home aftur Dad sed he cudint STAND lookin at dat
kute *smiley* Mutt's facebone ennie more...

SAME ting dis mornin (lot more BULE AIR)...
He kept sayin "There AINT no (durn) Radidio BUTTONZ!!"

Onna whim we fired up da NEWER version of da NetScape browser...
NOW we gotz Radidio Buttons; an new lil BOXEZ fur our name!"

Well, we fink lil Tricky is one vote closer :)...
Dad? He'z *poutin* :mad: inna korner...
Rubbin da bruze onna fisty-paw an lookin atta BIG Blistur onna Kliker Finner...
an *whimpurrin* a lil bit...

Tankz agin, Cap!
Da "Radio Buttons" phraze is whut *Rang da Bell*

Hey Smoke! We gotz ennie *PROZAK* round here?


:eek: Mugsy = "Have you figured it out yet Phred???"

OMG, Cinnerz! Dont let Dad see dat comment!
He'll have a re-lapz fur sure!


Toby's Mommy
08-27-2003, 01:22 PM
i voted on tricky!

08-27-2003, 03:43 PM
I'm sorry I caused so much trouble at the house Cinner and Smoke...I just wanted to share the stories of some mutts :)

Glad your dad got it all figured out!!! Hope he didn't hurt his driving "paw" for this weekend!!!

09-16-2003, 03:45 PM
Tricky won!!!!

From the Toledo Area Humane Society:
Congratulations Tricky, 2003 National Mutt!!

Tricky won best in the mystery breed category and went on to take “Best in Show” at the first annual "Great American Mutt Show, Toledo" in July of 2003. She eventually became the NATIONAL MUTT by beating two other dogs (in an online voting contest) who won “Best in Show” at their regional competitions in New Jersey and Virginia. Tricky was announced as the NATIONAL MUTT at a ceremony in New York City on September 14, 2003. She won by 73 votes, so thanks to everyone who voted for her. Congratulations Tricky!!

09-16-2003, 03:53 PM
Way to go Tricky!:D Happy dance, happy dance!!:D Mutts are the best!!:)

Samantha Puppy
09-16-2003, 03:56 PM
Oh man, I *so* need to enter Samantha in that next year!!! She is the epitome of mutt and (if I say so myself) absolutely adorable!!! Think they'd mind a hyper, doesn't-always-listen pupper? ;) :D

09-16-2003, 07:19 PM
That's soo cool!