View Full Version : dog school??

08-25-2003, 06:34 PM
who here has taking their dogs to puppy, or dog training school?

was it successful??

I havent taking Tikeya or Oscar to obedience classes, but I would like to.

08-25-2003, 06:53 PM
I took Rosco, my pit sharpei that I had to put down for agressiveness to all sorts of training and schools. He was more obedient, but it didn't help with his behavior problems. None of my other dogs have been to school. I don't think it is that necessary as long as you take the time and have the experience to train them on your own. The most important thing that I got out of the schools was the socialization aspect.

I have to add that my dogs pretty much only know sit, stay, and down. I'm sure if I put them through school, they'd do much better.

08-25-2003, 07:20 PM
Me and Pepper are taking basic obedience classes right now, infact, we have a class tomorrow, lol. After we finish Basic we are going on to Advanced and then on to agility classes. He is doing great, espcially for a dog that no one ever attempted to train until we got him at 10 months, and we was completly unruly when we got him. Obedience classes have done wonders for him.

We are going to compete in competitive obedince with him and i hope to get his CGC and CDX.

I would never not take my dogs to obedience class. I think it's very important in raising your dog to be an acceptable member of society. Not only are you training your dog, but you are socailizing them, when you train at your house they don't get the socialazation and you don't have an experienced trainer. But thats just my opinion:D

08-25-2003, 07:37 PM
I've taken all my dogs to classes, mostly agility but they've all done at least one obdience class and it was worth it for all of them. The agility training also helps with the obdience because there are commands from obdience that they need for agility or slightly modified obdience commands.

08-25-2003, 08:10 PM
never had to take Katie, when she was a puppy she was smart as a whip!! She was housebroken within 1 week and new all the commands and tricks too!! :)

08-25-2003, 08:10 PM
We have taken all of our dogs through classes. Sadie has tken, Family Dog Manners, Advanced family Manners, Advanced Agilty and Freestyle. Cincy took Puppy K, Puppy K2, Advanced Family Manners, Advanced Agilty, Frestyle (unoffically) and Therapy Dog. Spot has only taken Advanced Family Manners, but I think he will be taking Therapy Dog next month.

I can't say if our dogs would be as well trained without classes...we started teaching them the basics (sit, lay, come, etc) before classes. What I can say is that they enjoy the classes, are always excited to go, and it has definatly help us bond with our dogs. Sadie is a very hyper dog, and teaching her tricks (like Freestlye) helps focus her energy. Cincy is such a little lover, therpay work has been great for her. She little kids and she runs to give them kisses. It has also helped socalize the dogs. They play wellwith others, and they also know to leave a dog alone that doesn't want to play.

I definatly recommend classes to anyone.

08-25-2003, 08:17 PM
Angus only went to puppy class & Huney to beginners (obedience).
But Roxey she took them all (the advanced many times just because she liked it:rolleyes: ) plus agility.
I think it has helped her very very much! I would suggest it for anyone.

08-25-2003, 09:26 PM
Nebo's been through the Puppy Headstart, Basic Obedience, and we're starting the Advanced class this wednesday. If he can pass the advanced and get the CGC I'd like to start him in agility or something. I'd definitely recommend taking dogs to obedience classes.

08-25-2003, 09:36 PM
Yes, Daisy has been in basic obediance. The obediance instructor said she was the most well behaved one in the class! :D

Molly hasn't been to any obedience classes. I trained her myself, and shes as obedient as Daisy. If not more. :)

08-25-2003, 09:36 PM
Prince and I haven't taken obedience classes, I train him myself. We just went to agility classes. Digger went to a hunting class, because he loves to hunt, and there he learned basic obedience. Chubby hasn't went to any kind of training before, either has Otis, but he does know how to crawl!:p :D

08-25-2003, 10:44 PM
we dont need too we know how to train BUT we are original members of a dogsport club that teaches classes, we can go in a class situation and practice the things we already know, for free and we can go whenever we like, plus we have a key to the traning hall so we can use all the equipment whenever we like:D

08-25-2003, 11:26 PM
I took kai to basic obedience. I would have taken puppy classes but he was just a few weeks too old to get in. He did HORRIBLE in basic obedience. I taught him everything myself, before classes began but I wanted to socialize him more. The moment we stepped in, he wouldn't stop barking and trying to yank my arm off. He was only 6 months though..so I can't blame him for acting like a pup. I'm planning on taking basic obedience really soon followed by agility classes. I'd recommend going to obedience..just make sure you find the right instructor.

08-26-2003, 08:18 AM
yep all 3 of our mutts have been through some sort of obedience training classes.

penny started out with puppy pre school but did not exactly pass, but i am glad we did take her though to socialise, then we did no training with her for years and she was very badly behaved so i started her out in beginner obedience and she got to class 2 (heel, short stays, down,stand,just the basics) and that did wonders for her and she now knows so many commands and tricks that it is not funny anymore (i have run out of tricks to teach her)

when clover was a pup our dog club did not have puppy pre school classes (penny went to a special puppy school) so clover did not start classes untill she was 14 weeks old, and the first day we turned up she was lunging and barking at all the other dogs:o :mad: but after about the second week she started to make friends with some other pups :) and is now in advance obedience (im not sure what im doing with obedience at the moment if i will trial or not, we got a pass in encouragement:) ) so it is on to novice obedience, she has also done basic agility (at home) and advance/competition Flyball.

theo did puppy pre school (it was free as i am a Flyball intructor at our club, and instructors don have to pay :D ), and i have done advance training with him at home, and both beginner Flyball and aglity, im now interested in Freestyle with theo :)

:eek: oh i have been rambling sorry:o
i would highly recoment classes to everyone, even if it is just to socialise your dogs, and you would be amazed at how many human and doggy friends you make along the way :D

08-26-2003, 09:59 AM
my dogs in a wedding out fit lol

08-26-2003, 10:01 AM
lmao too cute but I think you posted in the wrong thread.

08-26-2003, 10:03 AM
i made that picture and painted that