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Aspen and Misty
08-25-2003, 05:02 PM

If you get to the pigs...it's horible.



08-25-2003, 06:20 PM
So why "Choose vegetarian"? Why not "Choose free-range meat and eggs"?

Yes, the things in that video were horrible. However, PETA is a group of extremists, notorious for only showing one side of an argument. There exist a growing number of free-range cattle/diary/egg farms, support one of them instead.

Milk from grass-fed cows tastes so much better anyways!

08-25-2003, 06:24 PM
Yep, pretty bad. Makes you think doesn't it....

Aspen and Misty
08-25-2003, 06:25 PM
Wolfchan- I knew that. But it's still awfull I was telling my dad (who wached the video) that Peta is the extrem of all extrems group and alot of Pters who are known for there animal kindness think that Peta takes it to far some times. And I had trasted my Aunt's milk (owns her own milk herd) and I do have to say it taste better then anythign my dad buys in the store :o

I still think it is sad though :(


08-25-2003, 06:40 PM
I rather not watch that, I will save my self the torment of seeigng this, my mom wouldent ever let me become a veggy eater lol. She makes me eat meat :( :puke: I refuse to eat pig though YUK it is grose, and it isnt because of the animals it is because of the grose taste.

08-25-2003, 07:48 PM
I actually own a copy of the "Meet Your Meet" video. (I once wrote an article about veganism for my college paper). It does make me feel a little guilty, but I can't not eat meat (partially for health reasons & it would be very difficult for my liefstyle). However, I highly admire anyone that "goes veg". I agree with WolfChan - I eat free-range and organic meat whenever possible.

08-25-2003, 07:56 PM
PETA is a group of extremists, notorious for only showing one side of an argument

I totally agree!! I once sent away for a packet because I was thinking of becoming a vegetarian. I could not believe the photos in that package. I just dumped the whole thing in the garbage. Their way of trying to prove a point is far too extreme for me.

So, I do eat meat, but it's mostly chicken and fish and ALOT of veggies and salads.

End of story.

BTW, I didn't even bother looking at the link. I'd rather keep my salad down, thank you very much!

08-25-2003, 07:58 PM
We rarely eat meat in our house. I really think Americans need to rethink their diets, especially in regards to meat. There is just NO need to eat the amount of it that we do. It's just not healthy, and even less so when you consider how much of it is factory farmed.

But the main problem is, so many people here are so busy working, etc. that they no longer think about what they're eating. In order to get people to eat less meat, sugar, transfatty acides, etc. there has to be an attitude change in how much time/thought we put into our food.

IMO, PETA goes too far and really works against itself. But if they can help bring about a more humane and healthy approach to animal farming, everyone will benefit.

08-25-2003, 08:05 PM
If PETA is a group of extremists then I guess I am one too because I believe they do good and important work.

As a woman, I am offended by the way cows and chickens are used (mildly put) for their reproductive capabilities. For those of you that are familiar with the recent thread "Puppy!!!! " ( http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32941 ) may I ask you to take a step back and ask yourself why this same attitude does not apply to a cow or chicken? If you had either as a family pet, and formed a close relationship you would see that they hurt, love, fear and have their own life's purpose just as much as your beloved dog, cat, bird or other pet. They are no different.

Just my $0.02.

Aspen and Misty
08-25-2003, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by moosmom

BTW, I didn't even bother looking at the link. I'd rather keep my salad down, thank you very much!

Well sorry if I ofended you but I did say this is NOT for the weak stomach and you did choose to read this thread, and again I am sorry about offending you it was not at all my attempt.

I agree with Kater- as a women I feel the same!!!

Thanx for all the responses, I'll type more responses to ya'll later.


08-25-2003, 09:03 PM
I am also not a big fan of PETA, I think they do some wonderful things. But their way of going about it is wrong using their extremists tactics. But I will admit they have done a lot of good things. However "free range" meat doesn't mean that the cow has acres of land to roam around. Unless you actually go to this free range farm and see it for yourself don't believe that these animals are being treated any better than those that are not "free range". There are little government standards as to what is considered free range or free roam. Cows and sheep that are free range must be fed grass and have access to outdoors but there is nothing to regulate how much land they have, so often these "free range" animals are just as crammed and abused as those that are not.

However I will admit that i do buy "free range" cows milk and cage free eggs in the hopes that the farm it's comming from is actually decent, but when it comes down it unless I actually make a drive out to these farms I will never know.

08-25-2003, 09:49 PM
well said kater, I completely agree.

I support PETA, and personally I believe that they are a unique AR group that makes change fast because they are so big and threatening, and because they use controversial methods that threaten the way people think, and offend people. If there was no controversy there would be no change. No one would have any reason to think differently. Just my opinion.

And that was exactly what I was thinking, why do we eat one animal but love the other as a family member?

There are so many other reasons not to eat meat (not to mention dairy and other animal products) but I know what happened last time I got into it.. :rolleyes:

And you are exactly right Uabasson..

"However "free range" meat doesn't mean that the cow has acres of land to roam around. Unless you actually go to this free range farm and see it for yourself don't believe that these animals are being treated any better than those that are not "free range". There are little government standards as to what is considered free range or free roam."

08-26-2003, 12:28 AM
I love meat. And that is that.

I chose not to look at the link.

08-26-2003, 12:30 AM
that comment saddens my heart.

08-26-2003, 12:33 AM
Well, i'm dearly sorry then.

I was brought up eating meat, I love eating meat, I enjoy eating meat. Nothing is going to change it, it is a part of my "diet".

08-26-2003, 12:43 AM
I saw the chicken part, but turned it off, since I could not continue to watch. It was just too heartbreaking. :(

Our family doesn't eat much meat, usually just once or twice a week, sometimes more when we eat fish. We don't buy meat from the main industry, because of religious reasons, our meat has to come from animals slaughtered in a certain way (similar to kosher), therefore, the meat we buy is from special stores that get it from special farms, and not the main country's meat industry. I despise the way animals are treated in the US before being killed for food. I am NOT against humans eating meat AT ALL, but really, respect them in their life at least! :mad: I cannot believe how the meat industry abuses the poor animals their entire lives until they are killed for food. It breaks my heart. :( Fine, if you're going to eat them, but why torture them while they're alive? Why can't they live normal happy lives until its their time? It makes me sick!

Its not like my not eating meat would make any difference at all to the meat industry, and my not eating meat won't help save a single animal's life. If I won't eat it....someone else will...........so as you see, it makes no difference. I'm glad we don't buy from the main meat industry, and I have seen the animals at the special farms where the stores we buy meat from get their meat from. Although they are not treated as I would wish, its no way comparable to what I saw on that video. That just brought me to tears. I don't eat much meat, but I will not stop eating the meat that I do eat. If I can't make a difference, I see no point. I too, find Peta to be an extremist organization, in MANY MANY issues. I would never support them. Yes the video broke my heart, but again, I don't buy from the main industry, and my not eating meat cannot and will not make a difference, so I see no reason not too. After all, our beloved animals eat animals as well.

Soledad, I totally agree with you that Americans eat too much meat. That's why there's such an obesity problem in our country. Eating meat is fine, but too much is a no no. Bad for your health.

08-26-2003, 01:18 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Its not like my not eating meat would make any difference at all to the meat industry, and my not eating meat won't help save a single animal's life. If I won't eat it....someone else will...........so as you see, it makes no difference.

I disagree.
Doing an albeit tiny but good deed -- does that make a difference? Of course! Well, this commitment is far from tiny -- on average a vegetarian saves eighty-three lives per year. Makes no difference? Of course it makes a huge difference to those eighty-three that are never born and never have to live a life abused and used. Surely you've heard of supply and demand.

And if people on this board feel as though vegetarian morals are being "forced upon them" please consider this:

From a moral standpoint, actions that harm others are not matters of personal choice. Murder, child abuse, and cruelty to animals are all immoral. Our society now encourages meat-eating and the cruelty of factory farming, but history teaches that society also once encouraged slavery, child labor, and many other practices now universally recognized as wrong.

''We are called to treat them with kindness, not because they have rights or power or some claim to equality but . . . because they stand unequal and powerless before us.'' ~Matthew Scully

This is where I'm coming from.

Desert Arabian
08-26-2003, 02:38 AM
I eat meat, I love meat. I am an omnivore animal (human) who chooses to eat meat. I adore animals, but I still have to have my meat, I can't help it- I just love it. It's my choice to eat meat, and it is my choice to not eat meat.

I have NEVER seen a farm like that which were shown in the video...thank the Lord. Every farm I have seen is HUGE and the cows are free roaming, by that I mean they have acres of fields to roam. I was driving through Iowa today and saw tons of cows & cattle (and horses) out in the middle of nowhere... I couldn't see the barn anywhere-their pasture was so big. Some of the cows were grazing and some were sleeping under the trees. :)

In Wisconsin there are some cow farms with herds over 1,000 head, and they have acres upon acres of grazing pastures for the cows- and milking parlors which had to cost two arms, two legs, two ears, and one nostil- based on the pictures.

The video did make me a bit sad, even though I love meat, it breaks my heart to think there are some unlucky animals who have to live in those conditions.

08-26-2003, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by Kater
If PETA is a group of extremists then I guess I am one too because I believe they do good and important work.

As a woman, I am offended by the way cows and chickens are used (mildly put) for their reproductive capabilities. For those of you that are familiar with the recent thread "Puppy!!!! " ( http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32941 ) may I ask you to take a step back and ask yourself why this same attitude does not apply to a cow or chicken? If you had either as a family pet, and formed a close relationship you would see that they hurt, love, fear and have their own life's purpose just as much as your beloved dog, cat, bird or other pet. They are no different.

Just my $0.02.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I happen to agree with this one. These are some of the reasons why I myself chose to become a vegitarian.

08-26-2003, 08:49 AM
am I the only one who's having an extreme case of deja vu???



I think we established months ago that people on here have different beliefs and there's nothing anyone can do to change that. Instead of brining it up again, can we accept it and move on?

08-26-2003, 08:51 AM
Amen, RubyMutt.

08-26-2003, 09:12 AM
I think PETA's extremism has alienated them from most animal rights groups and serves to make them less effective in their cause.
I don't agree with PETA's propoganda and typically avoid anything with their name on it.

08-26-2003, 09:37 AM
I would HOPE there are far greater evils in this world to attack than Peta. While I agree that they are extreme at the very least they are making a point and a good one at that. They get the attention. If it saves one life then that's fine by me. Animal abusers, cock fighters, bull fighters, dog fighters, and those cruel bastards that do things like thow a kittens headless body over the fence of an animal rescue center deserve more of our rancor than the people putting themselves on the line for the rights of animals. Blessed be those that stand up for the lives of those that can't speak for themselves.

08-26-2003, 02:02 PM
well said kitten645. you are exactly right.

08-26-2003, 02:10 PM
I try not to eat meat. Part of it is I just wasn't raised on and don't want to try it. The only meat I really eat is the teeny-itty-bitty pieces of beef that stick to the broccoli in beef and broccoli from Panda Express, and it's been a long time since I've eaten baloney , although that's partly because Subway doesn't carry it. I also have a vegetarian teacher that really made me want to try harder to eat vegetarian. I like to call meats what they really are to discourage me and other people from eating meat, lol:

beef- cow chunks
chicken- chicken chunks (that one's not so bad)
veal- lamb chunks
pork- pig pieces
ham- pig chunks

I'd watch the video, but it doesn't work on my computer. :(

Aspen and Misty
08-26-2003, 02:46 PM
Rubymutt & Soledad- I am very sorry if in any way this had made you upset or angry with me. I did move this from the Genral board for that reson (thanks to someone saying I should, I forget who). I did not know that this was posted before and I am sorry for re-posting it. I did however know that some of you do not like PETA and I guess this was a bad decision for me to share this video and will next time keep any information I find out to myself. Again sorry.

Kay and Popcornbird and anyone else who said they couldn't be a vegertarian- I'm not a vegertarian.

I know that some of you don't like PETA and that some of you still eat meat. Heck I dont' like PETA that much AND I eat meat, but that video still brakes my heart.

yellowlablover- It's the same way around here, I only see farms that have large roaming ares for there cattle.

Kater- Very well said! And I totally agree.

I have just one question though...... If this wasn't a PETA video would more of you be upset???


08-26-2003, 02:57 PM
No, honey, you didn't upset me. I guess I just didn't want to see this thread go the same way as the others.

I also think it's good for meat eaters to see the reality of farming practices in America, and it IS happening and WE ARE eating it. If you think all the animals you eat are raised in humane environments, grazing in the sunshine you are wrong. This video intends to shock you into that reality.

I just didn't want this to turn into a people who eat meat=bad argument. I think EVERYONE here at PT can agree that inhumane farming practices are wrong and should be stopped.

08-26-2003, 05:35 PM

Well organic meat is healthier for you. Personally I see nothing wrong with being a meat eater.

Don't even try and say "But we don't need the meat" cause let me tell you any omnivour doesn't need meat but no one is screaming at Chimps saying "Stop eating meat!"

But I do believe people should only eat meat that is domesticated (and fish). I don't agree with eating endangered animals like Whales and such.

PETA. Load of garbage if you ask me. They are an extermist group and like somone said in my previous thread "Peta erks me off" "I don't want my money going to make bombs"


08-26-2003, 05:45 PM
Just curious, I thought you were leaving Pet Talk?:confused:

08-26-2003, 05:54 PM
Soledad-See my post in General

08-26-2003, 06:05 PM
veal- lamb chunks

I thought veal was baby cow?

08-26-2003, 06:06 PM
Not only is it baby cow, it's baby cow that's been put in a box it's whole life so that it cannot move and grow muscle (makes the meat less tender) and injected with hormones to make it all fatty like.


08-26-2003, 06:07 PM
I have adhesions in my abdomen from surgery to remove all of my reproductive organs because I had ovarian cancer. Any diet containing vegetables that are hard to digest or that are even more than minimal in fiber can cause a blockage in my small bowel and kill me within a few short hours.

Do I eat a diet consisting mostly of meat? Yes, I have to. Is it healthy? No. Do I like the taste? Yes. Do I like where meat comes from or how the animal was treated before slaughter? NO, I am disgusted by it. I must eat what will not kill me and if that's at another animal's expense, then so be it. I wish I could eat a good, healthy diet, but I can't. I'll probably die of heart disease, but that's better than the excruciating pain of dying from a blockage.

08-26-2003, 06:21 PM
What I hate about PETA is nothing is good enough for them.

Cows could be raised in the best way possible but they still would come up with some lies.

They say they care about marine mammals in captivity...:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: whatever PETA.

none of my money is going to support Ingrid Newrik who hates Pit Bulls and doesn't want us to own animals such as birds.


08-26-2003, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
Rubymutt & Soledad- I am very sorry if in any way this had made you upset or angry with me. I did move this from the Genral board for that reson (thanks to someone saying I should, I forget who). I did not know that this was posted before and I am sorry for re-posting it. I did however know that some of you do not like PETA and I guess this was a bad decision for me to share this video and will next time keep any information I find out to myself. Again sorry.

No, no, no, I'm not upset at anyone! I'm sorry you thought that Ash :(
(I know, it's hard to tell emotions when it's written words)

I don't mind that you posted the video. I just hate to see all the arguing when I'm sure no one is going to change their points of views. Too much stress. :(

08-26-2003, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
No, honey, you didn't upset me. I guess I just didn't want to see this thread go the same way as the others.

I also think it's good for meat eaters to see the reality of farming practices in America, and it IS happening and WE ARE eating it. If you think all the animals you eat are raised in humane environments, grazing in the sunshine you are wrong. This video intends to shock you into that reality.

I just didn't want this to turn into a people who eat meat=bad argument. I think EVERYONE here at PT can agree that inhumane farming practices are wrong and should be stopped.


08-26-2003, 07:38 PM
"I just hate to see all the arguing when I'm sure no one is going to change their points of views. Too much stress."

Exactly RubyMutt!

"I guess I just didn't want to see this thread go the same way as the others.

I also think it's good for meat eaters to see the reality of farming practices in America, and it IS happening and WE ARE eating it. If you think all the animals you eat are raised in humane environments, grazing in the sunshine you are wrong. This video intends to shock you into that reality.

I just didn't want this to turn into a people who eat meat=bad argument. I think EVERYONE here at PT can agree that inhumane farming practices are wrong and should be stopped."

Perfectly said Soledad, as usual. lol This is a really touchy subject for everyone I think, and it can be.. irritating with all the disagreements, so yes its pretty exhausting fighting over it again and again, but like you said, it is important for Americans to be aware of the reality of the meat industry, so I suppose Im glad these things get posted. However, it is hard sometimes for people to change their minds about things, especially as "against the grain" (for lack of a better term..) as vegetarianism, until they are ready to. But perhaps the more exposure to the truth will help convince more people to change to a more healthy and compassionate way of life. I do understand there are some people who just cant be vegetarian, or vegan, for health or whatever other reasons, and I respect that, but I just have no tolerance or respect for those who simply turn a blind eye to it all because they can, because the majority of society ignores it. It is still wrong, it is still happening, whether you choose to see it or not.

08-26-2003, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by allanimalswelcome
"I don't want my money going to make bomb"

To my knowledge PETA maintains a creed of nonviolence and does not advocate actions in which anyone, human or nonhuman, is injured. You/Someone must be thinking of another group, I think I know which one too. Unless you can back this statement up?

Originally posted by allanimalswelcome
They say they care about marine mammals in captivity...
Could you clarify your point here? I’m really not getting any meaning out of this statement.

Originally posted by allanimalswelcome
none of my money is going to support Ingrid Newrik who hates Pit Bulls and doesn't want us to own animals such as birds.

These statements are far too simplified to explain PETAs stance on these issues! If you want to understand PETAs stance on these issues then get it first hand and read what they publish! If you don’t care, then so be it but do not mangle meanings in your own twisted version of their words. Also PETA and Ingrid Newkirk are separate entities, while Ingrid has some control over PETA so do its more than 750,000 members. She may have certain opinions but this does not mean they will be put into action in some way using PETAs money.

08-26-2003, 11:30 PM
I will never support PETA, the Humane Socitey, or any other organization that seeks to ban the captive keeping of reptiles.

08-27-2003, 01:58 AM
I don't get it. Yes I know that animals are treated HORRIBLE in various farms throughout the country :mad:, but whenever we go out for a drive, in the hills and farm land, we always see free cows and calves EVERYWHERE, grazing happily, with acres and acres of land for freedom. These cows also belong to farms that provide animals for the meat industry. We also see chickens running around freely, as well as sheep and goats, all animals used for food. If all animals killed for food are treated so horribly in their lives, then who do these animals belong to? I have been to farms many many times in my life, and the farms we visit are often meat providers. I have seen their grazing cows, goats, sheeps, etc. and not a single one of them ever looked badly treated, crammed, or unhappy.

Also, as I said before, we don't buy meat from stores like Safeway etc. and only from small stores that get their meat from certain farms where they slaughter the animal in the proper way (the way my religion requires). If an animal is slaughtered in another way, it is forbidden for us to eat, so Safeway, etc. meat is forbidden for me to eat anyway, and I cannot and will not eat it. The animals we eat are slaughtered in the most humane way possible, and not shocked by electricty, shot, etc. The inhumane treatment of livestock animals in the US is terrible, and really, I do understand why people go vegetarian, but again, I don't buy from the main providers, and thus, am not supporting the mass inhumane treatment. I have seen a lot of Peta and I do believe they are very extreme. They may do *some* good things, but from what I have seen, the majority is extreme. I'm sorry, but I don't support and type of extremists. If they have a valid point, I will listen to their point of view, but when I see all their extreme articles, it makes me feel otherwise, about their organization.

Its not wrong to eat meat. If it was so wrong, God would not have created animals that survive eating other animals, and animals that eat both meat and veggies. Sure, its fine for lions, tigers, bears, dogs, cats, and all these other animals to eat meat, but for humans its a crime. :rolleyes: What's wrong is how certain farms treat their animals, but eating meat itself is NOT wrong. If it was so wrong, God would've let us know. I believe God knows what's best for His creatures, and if God did not forbid us from eating meat, no one else can. If you choose to be a vegetarian, good for you. I respect your decision and support you as well, but I for one will not be a vegetarian for now, and would never ever become a vegan. I cannot imagine living without milk or cheese or eggs (The REAL ones.....soy products are no comparison). I don't eat meat often as eating meat often is bad for the health, but I will not stop eating meat, since I find no valid reason to do so. I respect your opinions and I hope you respect our's as well. :) I know you do. :) May the people who mistreat animals rot, and may new farmers that treat their animals humanely and with kindness during their life replace them.

08-27-2003, 10:16 AM
I was raised in a family were we would eat meat...
One day I've wittnessed how my grandma has killed one of the chicken for dinner...it was a completely healthy and happy chicken before...somehow the chicken felt what would happened and it cried out loud making a lot of fuss...the eyes called out in disbelief...after having broken the chicken's neck my granny started to get away the feathers (my grandma was raised on a farm)...
I couldn't eat this chicken...because I've looked this one in the eyes...
Today I feel ashamed about it, but it took me another few years to stop eating meat at all and ever since I have my own household I've attached this quote in my kitchen:
"An excellent rule for the human race,
when sitting down at the dinnerplace:
To alleviate pain and death erase:
Don't eat anything with a face"

I could never ever kill an animal, so I don't eat them and this is what makes the difference between meateating animals and humans...you can make a difference!!!

But I've learned that this decision must be made in the heart...you cannot be persuaded to be vegetarian...
And I would never think of trying to turn my cat into a veggie cat...

08-27-2003, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by bisi.cat
And I would never think of trying to turn my cat into a veggie cat...

This reminds me of a doofus from another forum who was giving me a hard time about having snakes. She said to me "I would NEVER own an animal that I had to feed another animal too!"

What was her avatar pic? Her cat. An animal that needs Taurine from eating meat products to survive! *Laughs* She left me alone after that was pointed out!!

Edit: I'm not saying anything about you bisi.cat, just that your statement reminded me of that! :)

08-27-2003, 02:24 PM
(The REAL ones.....soy products are no comparison).

Ugh I know! And everyone is saying "Oh veggie burgers taste the same as real meat!" and that is just a lie because I bought a veggie burger at my father's work and it tasted like potatoe...yum:rolleyes:

Aspen and Misty
08-27-2003, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by allanimalswelcome
Ugh I know! And everyone is saying "Oh veggie burgers taste the same as real meat!" and that is just a lie because I bought a veggie burger at my father's work and it tasted like potatoe...yum:rolleyes:

Mmmm mmmm mine taste like chicken Patties!! There good :D


08-27-2003, 03:09 PM
The soy chicken patties are excellent!! I don't really notice the difference.

Gardenburger patties are really good, too. I like the original ones. They're so yummy. They don't taste like meat and they're not supposed to. They just taste like yummy cheesy goodness.

08-27-2003, 03:31 PM
Oh, I LOVE veggie patties and burgers, but what I meant by soy products was milk vs. soy. I LOVE milk and cheese, and I wouldn't trade if for soy milk and soy cheese. Soy milk is good when its strawberry flavored, but still, milk is milk. This is in reference of me not being able to become a vegan, ever. :p I need my eggs too, at least once a week. ;)

08-27-2003, 03:35 PM
Oh I know I was just saying any "immatation" isn't the same. I like real BBQ pork thanks very much.

There is a girl I know who got me to each a piece of soy cheese and I barfed a half hour later...it was disgusting!


08-27-2003, 03:42 PM
I really dislike milk and anything that attempts to be like milk. Soy and rice milk are extremely gross to me, and if I have to have something be milky I prefer to use organic regular milk, need be.

A note on farming practices:

You may only see fresh farms with cows grazing, but factory farms don't necessarily mean you will be seeing these animals. Think warehouse. Think hundreds of animals stored in the same barn. You're not exactly going to see that.

Even a lot of the regular old-time farms do things that are sketchy like load their animals up with antibiotics and use feed with pesticides and BONE meal. Yes, that's cows eating feed made out of other cows.

For more wonderful tales of American farming read My Year of Meat which is an excellent novel that includes facts about farming practices.

08-27-2003, 03:51 PM
My mom ALWAYS buys organic milk and meat products. They are much healthier for you. No antiboitics or crap like that.

I'm aware not all organic farming practices aren't always created "the best" but it's a step in the right direction.


Miss Meow
08-27-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Soledad

Is that the book with the yellow and white cover with a little cow in chopsticks??? I'm having a mental blank over the author's name (Ozeki?) :eek: I have that book and have read it at least twice. The stuff on routine antibiotic use in animals was scary to say the least.

Fast Food Nation was also an interesting read.

08-27-2003, 04:22 PM
Yeah, that's the book, Nicole. I think her name is Ruth Ozeki. It's excellent!

Miss Meow
08-27-2003, 04:40 PM
Oh good, my last little brain cell was trying so hard to remember!

08-27-2003, 05:10 PM
"But I've learned that this decision must be made in the heart...you cannot be persuaded to be vegetarian"

I totally agree.

"Ugh I know! And everyone is saying "Oh veggie burgers taste the same as real meat!" and that is just a lie because I bought a veggie burger at my father's work and it tasted like potatoe...yum"

Uh.. well I know Ive never said that to anyone. From my experience there are TONS of imitation meat products, and some are disgusting and some arent. You cant really know from just one kind, that you've eaten one time. And everyone has different opinions on taste. I believe soy is an aquired taste. If you grow up eating meat your whole life and then start eating soy all of a sudden, yeah it's gonna taste weird. I would think itd be the same the other way around (grew up on soy then switched to meat). But eventually you grow to know and like the taste. At least I did. And of course it doesnt taste like meat.. it isnt. It tastes like soy. It took me a while to find what foods I liked and didnt like, and it took a few months to get used to the taste of soy, but even throughout it all, I knew the reasons I was becoming vegan were worth choking down gross soy dogs all my life. Thankfully however, I do enjoy what I eat now. lol Personally I like light life brand the best, and garden burger has good stuff too, unfortunately most of their products arent vegan. Their riblets are though and they are the BEST.

And I hate and always have hated milk. I hate soy milk too. I can handle rice milk, but I only eat it on cereal or in cooking. Cheese makes me want to vomit, both the smell and taste. The best soy ice cream in the world is Soy Delicious. Tofutti is good too. They are the only brands I eat. All the others are disgusting- in my opinion. I havent had soy cheese before, and from my experience most soy dairy imitations are very soy tasting. :P But they are decent. lol

"I like real BBQ pork thanks very much."

Well hey, I like real pig flesh too, as long as its still alive that is. With or without the BBQ sauce- I dont have a preference either way.

Miss Meow
08-27-2003, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by veegan
... And of course it doesnt taste like meat.. it isnt. It tastes like soy. It took me a while to find what foods I liked and didnt like, and it took a few months to get used to the taste of soy, but even throughout it all, I knew the reasons I was becoming vegan were worth choking down gross soy dogs all my life.

Excellent point! Soy is soy and meat is meat. Soy will probably never taste like meat, nor should it. It's a food in its own right.

08-27-2003, 05:43 PM
I might also add, if I stopped eating an entire genre of food based on ONE bad experience there would be very little left for me to choose from.

If anyone is actually interested in seriously trying soy products, I'd start out with the veggie burger type stuff first. Do not start with soy cheese, it's very much an acquired taste. If you're interested in soy/rice milk I suggest you do so by starting with things like smoothies, etc. It's something that you have to ease yourself into, if you care to.

But there are some things that I just don't choose to go near such as soy cheese and soy icecream.

08-27-2003, 08:00 PM
mmm... veggie burgers are GOOD! I would take them over a meat patty ANY DAY! (I don't eat red meat, but I'd prefer veggie burgers over any other kind of burger even if it wasn't beef :p)

... I'm now craving a Denny's Boco burger.... mmmm *drools*

08-27-2003, 08:10 PM
If you're in the states, start with Morningstar farms products. Very mainstream soy based stuff. YUMMY. Best corn dog you ever had in your freezer.

08-27-2003, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Soledad

But there are some things that I just don't choose to go near such as soy cheese and soy icecream.

Soy yogurt is quite possibly the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted.

I don't eat much soy... soy "meat" patties I love (like I said earlier), I also LOVE plain soy nuts - they are one of my favorite snacks. I drink soy milk every once and awhile (we always have it around since my dad drinks it), but I still drink cow milk more (I'm obsessive over making sure I get adequate amounts of calcium).

I love chicken corn dogs... I'm going to have to try one of those Morningstar corn dogs. I've never heard of that brand before. I'll definitely keep my eye out for them next time I'm at the grocery store.

08-27-2003, 09:52 PM
Maybe I'm crazy, but I like soy ice cream! Even though I'm not vegetarian, I do like the taste of veggie burgers and such, and eat them on occasion just because they're yummy. They certainly don't taste like meat though! :)

08-28-2003, 06:18 AM
I guess their ok but when I want something like a hotdog I certainly wouldn't turn to them (and yes I know "But hotdogs are made a pig intestines!")

08-28-2003, 07:21 AM
Do you guys have the salad menu at Maccas? We have it in Australia and they have a vegie burger which is very nice!

I am a bit scared of soy ... mushrooms are my "meat alternative!" I am not a vegan, so I do eat cheese and drink milk but mainly in cooking as I don't much like the taste of either by themselves.

08-28-2003, 01:34 PM
Oh my gosh, that is truly the most horrid thing I have ever seen!!!

My farmer friends would have died if they saw how those farm animals were being treated. They raised milk cows naturally, in the field & barn, no drugs, got human attention every day while they were in the barn being milked. Rairly had sick cows & no calf was ever removed early from its mother. & any calf that passed away during birth was shown to the mother, so she would understand why her baby was being taken away & the calf was brought deep into the wood & left for the hungry wolves.

& the chicken farm near by wasn't as sick as that movie. each hen had her own pen & plenty of food & could move around. They had huge door that were open during the day so the hens could get fresh air. I think those hens were treated a hell of alot better then most hens. at least that hen farmer was trying to make his hens cumfy & make money.

Oh & my friends the cow farmers quit dealing with cows because the milk companies wanted them to drug the cows for more milk & they friends refused to do such a horrible thing to their cows, that the compinies refused to buy milk from them, so they had to sell all their cows... They loved their cows, they could never harm one for money, only killed what they needed for food.

08-29-2003, 01:30 AM
I chose not to watch all of the video. I stopped at the chickens. I don't need to see any more. I do eat meat, I'm sorry, but watching this video is not going to change that. But I do think it is sad how some of the animals are treated.:(

08-31-2003, 11:32 AM
thats pretty bad...i'm already a veggie eater..i mad me sick just watching it...i wonder how the people who work there can do that?....:mad: :confused:

08-31-2003, 12:41 PM
"Soy yogurt is quite possibly the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted."

LOL I COULDNT AGREE MORE!!! hahahahah *gag* Thankfully I wasnt too fond of normal yogurt before I went vegan, so I dont miss it. lol

08-31-2003, 01:26 PM
Ok I just want to say this-

If you are a vegetarien, vegan, don't eat _____, or anything like that great! But if I respect you for not eating meat or whatever just respect me for eating it. My best friend is a vegetarien (except she does sometimes eat turkey or chicken) and we get along great as long as I don't bother her and she doesn't bother me about what we eat!


08-31-2003, 01:31 PM
Soy tastes so good in hamburger helper, I buy "ground soy" LOL and then put it in hamburger helper and it tastes great. The cheesey lasagna flavor is my favorite.

08-31-2003, 01:37 PM
Mmm hamburger helper:D

We have like a billion soy packets from chinese resteraunts. I swear over a hundred packets. Anyone want some?:p


08-31-2003, 01:41 PM
Melissa's soy taco (which looks and tastes like hamburger meat) is the BEST in anything like hamburger helper.

The funny thing is: I plug Melissa's I plug Morningstar farms. and I eat it, a lot. But I'm not currently a vegetarian. My point, (I think) is that if a non-vegetarian eats it, it must be good!