View Full Version : Day in the life of an office cat

08-25-2003, 04:12 PM
Ritzy here - I've been helping meowmie out a lot....I'm here in the kitchen, giving meowmie tips on coffee making
(aside - meowmie thinks I'm "pigeon toed"....and INSISTED on posting this close up of my feetsies for opinions from the PT gang. Since she feeds me and has control of the computer, I guess I can't stop her, so here's that pic):rolleyes:
I'm thinking meowmie just doesn't understand how we models have to "pose" for the best profile...

Now, back to work....first, a few skritchies to start my busy day at work
Here I am monitoring meowmie's internet usage....gotta make sure she posts SOMETHING about me...my fans are starting to get restless. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid75/pf995b9622fb78fe0bcce04e81e6ca05f/fb483067.jpg
On my kibble break, I stopped by to see the backyard visitors
And then topped off the day by putting the finishing touches on my manicurehttp://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid75/p51edc0a4ca6ebe3a603119cba63bd8a4/fb48306a.jpg

08-25-2003, 05:06 PM
Ritzy's mom here -----I think it's becoming very clear who assists whom around here! :rolleyes: :) ;)

Edwina's Secretary
08-25-2003, 05:12 PM
Dear Ritzy,

Thank you so much for the peek into the life of an office cat. Now that my momma is working from home she expects me and Beastie Boy to be office cats. I do hope it doesn't entail anything like work! It appears you primarily supervise. Do you have to stay awake to do that????

BTW....I agree...the turned-in-toes look is very slimming...

Yours in Whiteout,


08-25-2003, 05:56 PM
:D I always look forward to a Ritzy post!

As your Mommie's signature once said, "Everything's better when Ritzie sits on it!" Great work, office cat!

08-25-2003, 06:00 PM
How timely! I worked from home today, and had several appropriately attired aides today....all working for minimum mousies.

Ritzy, you are such a big help, no wonder mommy likes you in the office. And, btw, pigeon toed'ness is so 'in' this year...

08-25-2003, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Dear Ritzy,

Thank you so much for the peek into the life of an office cat. Now that my momma is working from home she expects me and Beastie Boy to be office cats. I do hope it doesn't entail anything like work! It appears you primarily supervise. Do you have to stay awake to do that????

Yours in Whiteout,

Well, Miz Edwina, as you can see, mostly I just get to lie in the sun and periodically act like I'm watching out for something. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid68/p27bf47fb86b380990aa1e270c05dab39/fbc1f936.jpg ..it's really a pretty decent gig. You being the fashion maven that you are, with your natural beauty, could pull off not doing much of anything around the office, cuz you know how to make your looks work FOR you!!!

Of course, you have that "other" cat vieing for attention, but I think you can handle the competition...

Yours in class

08-25-2003, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
:D I always look forward to a Ritzy post!

As your Mommie's signature once said, "Everything's better when Ritzie sits on it!" Great work, office cat!

Just for you, I brought it back....with a twist ;)

08-25-2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
Just for you, I brought it back....with a twist ;)

:D She's so precious!

08-26-2003, 01:13 AM
Oh Ritzy, what a good job you're doing the whole day long...BEING A CAT!!!:D

Work always runs smooth with a helping cat around...and such a beautiful cat!!!:) :) :)

You're such a beautiful Tuxie, Ritzy and I wonder as Nellie has nearly the same markings as you, how it is called with red cats, of course tuxedos are ALWAYS black...maybe Nellie is a "Cardigan Cat"?!

08-26-2003, 01:53 AM
I can't see the photos! :(

08-26-2003, 04:22 AM
Now I can see the photos -they are so gorgeous. I love pictures of working people.
Tigris is my husband's office helper. In earlier times when I worked at home I all the time needed phony excuses like making some coffee, doing the dishes etc. when I found I was too blocked to work -now I simply stay at the desk and pet my cat:D

08-26-2003, 06:40 AM
Originally posted by bisi.cat
Oh Ritzy, what a good job you're doing the whole day long...BEING A CAT!!!:D

Work always runs smooth with a helping cat around...and such a beautiful cat!!!:) :) :)

You're such a beautiful Tuxie, Ritzy and I wonder as Nellie has nearly the same markings as you, how it is called with red cats, of course tuxedos are ALWAYS black...maybe Nellie is a "Cardigan Cat"?!

Aww, thanks Bisi....actually I like to think the "mitted sweater look", no matter what color, represents all tuxedos, just different "cloth" :)... Ritzy is the classic dinner-tux "black and white" but I've seen some pretty jazzy orange tuxedos, calico tuxies, grey tuxies...I think Nellie is sporting what I would call a "muted tiger tuxedo", very stylish indeed, seen on the runways in warmer climates, and a big hit at the spring fashion show. ;)

Actually, perhaps we should consult Mz Edwina, our duly appointed fashion consultant, on the proper couture classification of the sweatered-mitted butter yellow tiger kitty look! EDWINA? If we are lucky, I think she will offer a suggestion for the appropriate chapeau (hat) to complete the look.

After all, remember those crazy colors that used to (and sometimes still do) appear in prom and wedding tuxedos??

A tux kittie by any other color is just as chic! (can't say the same about the variations in the human tuxedo---some of those are pretty scary) :D

08-26-2003, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by Barbara
Now I can see the photos -they are so gorgeous. I love pictures of working people.
Tigris is my husband's office helper. In earlier times when I worked at home I all the time needed phony excuses like making some coffee, doing the dishes etc. when I found I was too blocked to work -now I simply stay at the desk and pet my cat:D

You know, I often think of Ritz as my live-in muse.....I write periodically for some trade publications and when I find myself blocked, Ritzy does take my mind to a calmer place, or a funny place....and viola! Unblocked! :cool:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-26-2003, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
meowmie thinks I'm "pigeon toed

Terry calls that "toed in." Toe in and toe out are terms used for aligning tires on cars and it looks like Ritzy is just a little "toed in." Being "toed in" makes it easier to go around corners at higher speeds. So I don't know how much high speed cornering you do these days, Ritzy, but if you did, you'd be good at it. :D

And Peanut is also toed in. Just another one of her traits that is so endearing to her daddy. :D

Oh, and it's so good to see you again Ritzy! You are so right that your mommy needs to spend more time putting pics of you up for all your adoring fans. :D

08-26-2003, 11:26 AM
Ritzy Ritzy, this is Rocky. Your life looks like a blast. I'd like to be an office kitty too. See, I'd be good at it, just like you:


08-26-2003, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by 2kitties
Ritzy Ritzy, this is Rocky. Your life looks like a blast. I'd like to be an office kitty too. See, I'd be good at it, just like you:


Rocky, you are a NATURAL!! And I love your white "nose splash"....a great twist on the classic tuxedo look!

08-26-2003, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Terry calls that "toed in." Toe in and toe out are terms used for aligning tires on cars and it looks like Ritzy is just a little "toed in." Being "toed in" makes it easier to go around corners at higher speeds. So I don't know how much high speed cornering you do these days, Ritzy, but if you did, you'd be good at it. :D

That explains a lot! Does she do any high speed cornering??? WEll, yes..she tears down the carpeted stairs going about 90, skipping two or three steps on each land, then hits the linoleum landing and makes an IMMEDIATE 90 DEGREE TURN...and in seconds flat, is rounding the turn from the great room to the kitchen.......hmmmm Nascar kitty! (and at 15 lbs she makes about as much noise-we refer to it as the "thundering kitty herd")

08-26-2003, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
hmmmm Nascar kitty! (and at 15 lbs she makes about as much noise-we refer to it as the "thundering kitty herd")

Yep, it's NASCAR all the way here. My boys are like - who are the big nascar rivals?- anyway. Rocky weighed in at 16lbs last time so he's a bit of a thundercat himself. And Taz is a mere 8 lbs, but can keep up!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-26-2003, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by 2kitties
Yep, it's NASCAR all the way here. My boys are like - who are the big nascar rivals?- anyway. Rocky weighed in at 16lbs last time so he's a bit of a thundercat himself.

And it almost looks like Rocky is a little "toed out" which would explain the "thundercat" because he wouldn't be able to do the corners quite as well as if he were "toed in."

And Ritzy! I never knew! You are always so sedate in your photos that I never knew you had a high speed side to you. :D :D :D

08-26-2003, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by 2kitties
Yep, it's NASCAR all the way here. My boys are like - who are the big nascar rivals?- anyway. Rocky weighed in at 16lbs last time so he's a bit of a thundercat himself. And Taz is a mere 8 lbs, but can keep up!

I think Ritz may be pushing that 16lb mark - we had to change her diet to take care of urinary crystals, and this food tends to make them a little more weight prone...when people see Ritz, they see BIG CAT, must be a boy...but she is all girl....all the way to the occasional snooty attitude. She is extremely active - at 3yrs old I keep thinking "when do they quit running around like kittens'? But, I also treasure it -she is a lot of fun...she gets going about 8pm running through the house doing her bootleg 180's on the kitchen linoleum, scaring herself into one of those little "fright dances" with a curled up fuzzed out tail....just hilarious.

08-26-2003, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
And it almost looks like Rocky is a little "toed out" which would explain the "thundercat" because he wouldn't be able to do the corners quite as well as if he were "toed in."

And Ritzy! I never knew! You are always so sedate in your photos that I never knew you had a high speed side to you. :D :D :D

A lady has secrets :) (and meowmie tries to get photos of me in "full romp mode" but they always just come out a big black and white blur)......and of course these moments of wild abandon are padded on each side with a suitable 16-hour nap, after all, a girl needs her beauty sleep! :rolleyes: ;)

08-26-2003, 05:57 PM
Edwina, see question about fashion category earlier in thread..;)

08-26-2003, 08:45 PM
Ahhhh, I just can't get enough of these pretty black and whites!
Great pics!!

08-26-2003, 08:55 PM
It is so nice to see the beautiful Ritzy again.:)
The photos of her and Rocky side by side made me think of matching bookends for the office.;)
If you would prefer a set of mini tux bookends for your office decor, Noah's Mommy has two sets, one in black/white and the other in gray/white.:)

08-27-2003, 06:49 AM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
It is so nice to see the beautiful Ritzy again.:)
The photos of her and Rocky side by side made me think of matching bookends for the office.;)
If you would prefer a set of mini tux bookends for your office decor, Noah's Mommy has two sets, one in black/white and the other in gray/white.:)

Hmm..tuxedo bookends! What a cool idea! Cataholic actually has enough for a tuxedo "border" :)

08-27-2003, 06:53 AM
Ritzy sweetie, it’s always a pleasure to see you, no wonder your mommy gets inspired with you sitting in the office. :)

But of course, a bit of exersise never hurts, so you do your racing around and keep fit. Fister says to tell you mom: “Don’t get Hills W/D to try and slim you down, it’s really not that yummy” ;) (less fat).

08-27-2003, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
Edwina, see question about fashion category earlier in thread..;)

Edwina responds

08-27-2003, 08:07 AM
Oh, Ritzy, what a stunningly gorgeous cat you are!! :)