View Full Version : The Stupid Friends Attack AGAIN

08-25-2003, 01:33 PM
Oh yes, they were over again. Remember the ones I told you about that called Abby stupid? Well they came over again today, being SO mean to my brother it was driving me insane. They were calling him a dumb blonde, and telling him he should die. Then they kept telling me how DUMB Abby was acting because they were TAUNTING her through the door, and it was driving her insane, so she was scratching on the door.

*deadbolts her doors shut and puts an electric fence around her yard to keep morons out.*

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

08-25-2003, 01:35 PM
Arg...:mad: I would have kicked them out of my house, and yelled after them, and don't come back!:rolleyes:

08-25-2003, 01:40 PM
Dumb little kids. :rolleyes: We have neighboors who look over *our* wall, just to taunt my dogs. (and they complain whenever Molly starts barking at them....grrr...)

08-25-2003, 02:09 PM
Anyone taunts Simba : "Would you like me to let him out?"

08-25-2003, 03:58 PM
Ugh... I know how you feel. Someone actually walked up to our yard and kicked Bear. I yelled for my dad and he came out and YELLED at that kid. Go dad!

08-25-2003, 05:23 PM
Ugh!! I hate those kind of people. My brother's friends come over, make fun of my babies and make fun of me. :eek: HELLO! I could knock them out if I wanted. (But I don't :p)

08-25-2003, 06:04 PM
Grrrr:mad: I hate those people. When we moved into our house we are in now I wasn't born yet. The building next door was a nursing home, so we were *promised* quite neighbors. Not for long:rolleyes: It became a day-care center. We have a 6ft privacy fence all the way around our back yard, and there is a 4ft space (our property) between our fence and the day-cares 4ft fence for the kids' playground. When we had Luther (130lb Akita) the kids would stand on the equiptment and throw things (buckets, shovels, snow, ice, ROCKS at him! And when my mom or dad talked to the teachers who were *supposedly* watching the kids, said that the kids were just playing 'Army Dog'!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: We were sooooooooo mad. I even started throwing the things back at the kids (I think I even hit one once:o *not on purpose, but I wasn't really that sorry*:p). They always throw over things, and we just keep them:rolleyes: One day the teacher came and asked if they could have their toys back, and my mom said no, they're ours now:D Sometimes I just wanted to sick Luther on them:rolleyes: ;) He might have even done something if they were standing really close to one of us and we started screaming and acting hurt, he was very protective:)