View Full Version : Nelson

03-17-2001, 08:34 AM
Nelson, as the song goes, "When Irish eyes are smiling..." And no "Irish" eyes smile brighter than yours! (Just love your "costume!) It is so nice to see a gorgeous Irish Setter like yourself gracing our screen! I think you truly are a "miracle" pup! I just loved reading about your very special birthday story! I think you are a dog born with a mission...To so admirably represent and be the "spokesdog" for your wonderful breed. It seems like you are well on your way to greatness, with so many accomplishments and awards under your collar. And what better advertisement for your breed than to be the grand "Irish" marshall of the St. Patrick's Day parade! Congratulations Nelson on this your very special day. We now add "Dog of the Day" to your list of honors! Big hugs and good luck in the parade! You're a real beauty!

03-17-2001, 02:05 PM
Just wanted to tell you Nelson, I think I just saw your twin. A beautiful "red" girl with a green bandana! (Gave her your number!LOL) Hope you are enjoying your special day!

[This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited March 17, 2001).]

03-17-2001, 04:15 PM
You are the perfect dog for St. Patrick's Day. What a gorgeous Irish Setter you are! Congrats on Dog of the Day.

03-17-2001, 05:28 PM
Love it, Nelson, that you stepped up to the plate to represent all the wonderful dogs in the world today with your bold and brassy good looks. There is something about a red head (body, legs, and tail) that wins me over every time, and you are a prime example of why. Like your namesake, you are probably one to go on to do good in your life. We hope your guardians will keep us informed, as now you are our DOG OF THE DAY!