View Full Version : Nebo meets his doggy family! <pics>

08-24-2003, 10:55 PM
Maybe I'm strange, but I often think about Nebo's "dog" family....his parents...and especially his brother. When I got him there was just 2 pups left in the litter. They looked like twins! It was so hard to decide...

I had the breeders email and I sent her a message a week or so ago. I've talked to her before. She also wanted to see Nebo again, and said she looked at my pics of him on imagestation all the time.

Well, today we brought over Nebo. To my complete surprise, Nebo's twin brother was also there. Just the night before the people that had him decided they didn't want him anymore and brought him back.....I could not believe it! I swear it's fate.....I want him so badly! :( I guess he was owned by some 15 year old kid who didn't take care of him. He's not neutered, and well, quite aggressive and hyper. He would need a LOT of training and socialization. He's a *completely* different dog then Nebo. I just keep thinking I could have taken him and he would have ended up so different. It's amazing the difference neutering, socialization and training can do with dogs....I wish I could take him.......ok I'll stop now....:( :( I hope he finds a good home. :(

Here he is. His name is Rusty. It may be hard to tell, but he's a bit bigger then Nebo and much lighter. He also has a more "masculine" build to his body and face.

This is Nebo's father, Kovu. Isn't he gorgeous? He's so sweet too...just LOVED to be petted!
Rub my belly! (he needs to be brushed!)

08-24-2003, 10:56 PM
And here's Nebo's mother, Kiara. Her temperament reminded me a lot of Nebo. She would come up to us, but didn't want to be petted much....a little shy with strangers.

And last but not least.....here's Nebo's 3 week old baby sister, Chloe. Kiara had a litter of 5, but she accidentally layed on them when they were just 2 days old. They tried to revive them but only Chloe survived. :(

Here's one last pic.......there's more in the ALBUM. (http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?show_all=1&start=1&id=4289309997)

I know for a fact I could never breed dogs. I can't stop thinking of Nebo's brother.....I'd worry constantly about all the pups and where they ended up. *sigh* :(

08-24-2003, 11:03 PM
Kiara is gorgeous! Thats really sad about her puppies :( :( :(

08-24-2003, 11:08 PM
I know, it's very sad. :( I'm glad I was able to see his parents again, but it just confirms my thinking that I want my next dog to be a rescue....

08-24-2003, 11:13 PM
Cool pictures! Thanks for sharing those. I always think about my dog's families too. I wish I could see their parents!

08-24-2003, 11:24 PM
Great Pics!
He has a gorgeous family!
Now I know where he gets his good looks from!

08-24-2003, 11:36 PM
oh wow, Nebo has a beautiful family...it runs in the family obviously ;) Must go look at the album now.

08-24-2003, 11:37 PM
what a nice family of pooches Nebo has their ;). I love his brother he looks just like NEBO except lighter :eek:

I love Nebos father, he is so beautiful!! I want him :D.

I love siberian huskies so much :D:D.

I wish Tikeya could meet her family once more :(

08-25-2003, 12:16 AM
I really enjoyed your pictures of Nebo's family.
Rocky's mom was named Kiara too. :)
I think Kiara is beautiful and I loved all the pictures.
I bet Nebo's breeder was tickled pink that you
came and visit. I think this is actually
a great idea, to show what the parents of your dogs looked
I'll have to rumage and see if I can find Sheba's parents
pictures etc.

Great idea, and thank you for sharing Nebo's family.

08-25-2003, 12:35 AM
I so wish you could take in Rusty, Amy. I know you'd be a wonderful (rehabilitating) home for him!

Nebo has a beautiful family fur-tree!

08-25-2003, 07:16 AM
I probably wouldn't want to meet Roxey's family since she came from a pet store:(

It's unbelievable how much Nebo's brother looks like him:eek: They are all stunning. Thanks for sharing their pictures Amy.

08-25-2003, 09:23 AM
All of Nebo's family is gorgeous! I'm sorry about his brother, I wish you could help him. I definitely want to go back and meet with Mickey's family but I don't see that happening. I'm waiting for the breeder to post his sisters' photo (she kept her to become a breeder).

08-25-2003, 09:30 AM
Nebo has a very pretty family. His mother is stunning. :)

08-25-2003, 09:35 AM
Adorable pics!! The naming Theme for his parents is very similar to someone else on the board however :rolleyes: :p

08-25-2003, 09:59 AM
Wonderful topic Wolfq and great pics too! I still keep in
touch with Oz's breeder and love to hear updates about
his family. The breeder kept one of his littermates for showing
and I always get a kick out of comparing his and Oz's
growing up stories.


08-25-2003, 12:15 PM
W:eek:W! What beautiful dogs! Those are great pics! Nebo's little sister is so cute, and he has a handsome brother! Nebo sure has a beautiful family. Thanks so much for sharing Amy.:)

08-25-2003, 12:30 PM
The more huskie pics I see, the more I want one! They are so beautiful. I couldn't be a breeder, either. I would want to keep every one of them.

08-25-2003, 02:35 PM
Now I see where Nebo got his stunning good looks!!!!

What a beautiful bunch of huskies--you must have been in husky heaven!!!!

Thanks for sharing!!!

08-25-2003, 03:00 PM
Great pics! Kiara is so beautiful! I bet the breeder was so excited to see Nebo again.

08-25-2003, 03:32 PM
Great pictures Amy! :D
It is sad about how Nebo`s brother has turned out though. I wish you could take him so he could become the wonderful dog he was meant to be, just like Nebo in personality as well as looks. Here`s hoping his next home is as good as the one you would give him.

Originally posted by wolf_Q
I know for a fact I could never breed dogs.....I'd worry constantly about all the pups and where they ended up. *sigh* :( [/B]
Same here.