View Full Version : BIG housebreaking problem =(

06-24-2001, 03:45 PM
My dog is about 5 months old, and we got him when he was 3 months old,
anyway he still goes to the bathroom in the house and the problem is
that he doesn't know its wrong and he doesnt see a problem doing it.
He doesn't run to the door or anything. I have no idea how to break
him, I've been on him constantly taking him outside every 30 minutes
to his spot but it doesn't seem to get into his head that hes supposed
to go out there and not inside the house. I think the problem is that
the breeders let him go anywhere he wanted inside the house. Can
someone please help because if he doesn't learn in the next two weeks
I have to take him back.

06-24-2001, 04:36 PM

There, that said, you need to be very vigilant, keep him with you (or you with him) at all times, and when he starts to squat, say No! and scoot him outdoors. When he "goes" outdoors, tell him "Good boy, good puppy!" just praise him and praise him! Take him outside right after meals or naps - likely times he'll need to go, and again, when ever he does his business outdoors, praise him like crazy! He's certainly not too old to learn, but because he hasn't yet, you've got to be very very vigilant until he "gets" it!

06-24-2001, 06:22 PM
You can also crate him when you aren't able to watch him closely. Dogs are very hesitant to potty in their "den" so he will most likely wait to go out. As soon as you take him out of the crate, take him outside. Keep treats in your pocket and if he potties outside, praise!

Be sure the crate isn't too large for him or he will just go in a corner of it!

Daisy's Mom
06-24-2001, 11:42 PM
Don't lose hope http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif My Basset didn't get trained completely until she was about six months old. What worked with her was the life-saving penny bottle! First, just fill a plastic soda bottle with some pennies. If you are able to with with your dog, keep a very close eye on him. When he starts to squat, slam in on your hand or on the floor really loud. It makes a really loud, bad sound and dogs hate it, and it will stop him from peeing right away. Then take him outside right away and when he goes, give him a LOT of praise. Consistency is the key here, and don't leave the penny bottle around, or it could be made into a toy by your puppy http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif That happened to my friend's dog, and the penny bottle is her new favorite toy! So don't give up! You can do it! Good luck, and keep us posted!

06-25-2001, 06:10 AM
This can be discouraging but don't give up. I don't really have a thing to add to this excellent advice everyone has given but if it's any consolation to you I have a puppy who is about 5 1/2 months old and she trained really quickly for her poopies but it took somewhat longer for the other. Just keep on keepin' on and let us know how you do! It will happen eventually!

06-26-2001, 06:48 PM
*sigh* i dont think he's going to get it =( he just pooped on the kitchen floor and im almost 100% positive my parents aren't going to let me keep, and actually while i was typing this he just went in his cage

06-26-2001, 09:48 PM
Don't give up! Who was in the kitchen when he went? Is everyone in the house participating in his training?

06-27-2001, 07:39 AM
I know everyone is saying it "But don't give up". It took me a full year to train my boxer. Fritz is 4 months and he still has accidents. Buy a really good rug cleaner and clean it up before your parents realize he's done it! My husband thinks Fritz is totally trained because I clean up the messes so fast he doesn't even know what happened!

06-27-2001, 09:04 AM
everyone was in the kitchen but me, I was outside cleaning his kennel. And I wish I could clean it up before my parents found out but we limit him to two rooms and one of my parents are always in them.

06-27-2001, 11:50 AM
hehe daisy's mom.. i think if Simba heard that sound it would make him pee on himself because he would be so scared.

Good thing that when i got Simba he had only pooped once in my house and when he did it i brought him to were he did it and i said "WHAT DID YOU DO!!!???" "BAD DOG!!!!" and then put him outside... He never did it after that. Thats the same thing i did when he chewed threw the screen door. I brought him up to the screen door. And when he digs wholes.. but he still doesn't stop that.. i dont mind it much i dont have a problem with filling the wholes up. And he never digs were we have grass... only were there are spots of dirt and we havent had grass in thoose spots for years. My parents dont mind him digging.. its just our yard dont look that good

06-27-2001, 01:39 PM
Is he peeing or pooping? Or both? I don't have much good experience in this deptment but - ??after he has gone in the house could you clean some of it up (soak the urine with a old rag etc./ put the poop on paper ect.) and bring it outside where you want him to go. And everytime you take him out bring him to that spot and let him smell and he might start going in that area. If he is peeing could he have a bladder/kidney infection? If its pooping could it be the food? Do you take him out right after he is done eating and after playing? I hope something works because I am sure you are heartbroken about having to return him and your parents have the finally say so I can see why you are desperate to get this under control.

06-28-2001, 12:16 PM
he does both. When I took him to the dog school near me they said that it could be the puppy chow we feed him and they said that food makes him hyper and have to poop alot so we changed his food to what they recommended but he still does it.

06-29-2001, 09:39 AM
I don't think your parents are being very fair. Some dogs take a while to unlearn bad habits. However, I also see that they don't want to be responsible for training the dog. If it's your dog and you have to train it, then you have to be the one to put it in it's crate. You have to keep the dog in a small enough crate so it can't wet without sitting in it. You have to keep it in the crate whenever you aren't in the room watching it.

Set yourself a schedule so the dog knows when it'll be going outside. Take him out to potty as soon as you get up in the morning. Praise him when he does. Don't take him in until he does. Then play with him for a while and back to the crate. Take him out to potty after meals. Praise. Play. Back to the crate. Do this at the same time of day every day. Don't play with him inside until he knows to go outside. If he looks like he's going to stoop, scoop him up and take him outside.

He should learn pretty quickly if you stay consistent. Maybe if there are few accidents, your parents will give you more time.

You might want to buy a bottle of enzyme cleaner for those smelly spots. They cost a lot but work real good.

Good luck! Keep us informed on your progress.

06-29-2001, 10:55 AM
Please don't give up. Some dogs train really fast and others can take a long, long time. I've had both kinds. When you take your dog outside, run and walk with him so he gets some exercise. That helps nature take his course. Use specific words to tell him to do his business. We use "go potty". Then as has been said, lots of praise when he "does it" outside. You might even want to give him a tiny treat.