View Full Version : Puppy!!!!

08-24-2003, 12:10 PM
Well my poodle Cricket and A puppy! Just one! And for all my luck it was a male:( . I was hopping for femals but, at leaset she had one! He was born at 1:35pm! Cricket was having problems so we had to drive in the middle of the night to a good friends house(who knows everything about breeding) and she gave por Cricket shots to help. We got back home at 2:00pm! Thankfully both Cricket and the pup are fine!:) Thats my news for the day. I cant wait to take pics and sho you all! Bye!

08-24-2003, 12:12 PM
Its great that the pup is okay. Now, its time to get Cricket spayed!

08-24-2003, 12:20 PM
Well, she has never had any probs like this before.:( Were steel thing this should be her last litter.:( It was her 6th. We will keep that in mined.;) BYE!

08-24-2003, 12:26 PM
6th litter? Isn't that a bit too much? I assume that means she's bred once a year, but 6 is old to breed. 7 is a senior, so it's no wonder she had problems this time.

08-24-2003, 12:35 PM
wow.. i agree with jordan. I *think* 7 litters is too much, 6 is still too much! **flash backs from the articles** I think it's time to get your dog spayed.. She doesnt need any more litters it could cause her more problems as well as the puppies.. Get your dog spayed...

08-24-2003, 01:46 PM
Criket will be much healthier and happier if you get her spayed.

I would LOVE to have a little boy Poodle puppy. I'm getting Poodle fever really bad right now.

08-24-2003, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Its great that the pup is okay. Now, its time to get Cricket spayed! ;)


08-24-2003, 02:08 PM
It's definitely time to get her spayed. Why was she bred in the first place?

08-24-2003, 02:09 PM
No, she is not 6 she is 3 and a half. Yes we breed her. You all seem a bit rude:( . Ill know when she is done or not. She loves her puppies she is such a good mother! And she will continue to be a good one. She is much happier with pups! Well i took a pic of the pup and ill load it on and try to show you all;) Bye.

08-24-2003, 02:12 PM
We are not trying to be being rude, just trying to educate people... Why did you want to breed her in the first place? You say you will know when she is done....I think that time is now. You said she had a few problems with this litter, don't you think its time to stop?

08-24-2003, 02:15 PM
Why don't you take a look at this....maybe it will change your mind.


08-24-2003, 02:18 PM
Well we bred for business. Its not like we have a puppy farm or anything. We dont just have tham for breeding either. We love our dogs. Will give her a break and then when she is ready will try again.

08-24-2003, 02:21 PM
If Cricket had problems with this last litter, I would think most breeders would stop. Do you take her to the vet to get a health guarentee, for hips, eyes, heart, before you breed her?

08-24-2003, 02:26 PM
okay so let me get this straight. Cricket is 3 and a half and she's had 6 litters already, that would mean that you guys have breed her every single time she has come in to heat since she was a pup.

If you ask me that's a little to much, you might love the dog but it basicly sounds like she's spent the majority of her life pregnant...how would you like to live like that? You might not realize it but you are really putting her and the pups in jeopardy for health problems later on in life.

Oh and just in case you're wondering in my books at least breeding a dog every single time that in comes in to heat "just because the dog likes having puppies around" is pretty much the same thing as a puppy mill, not only that I but I feel that it's unethical.

By the way...why did you sign up under another username?

08-24-2003, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by Crikit

Oh and just in case you're wondering in my books at least breeding a dog every single time that in comes in to heat "just because the dog likes having puppies around" is pretty much the same thing as a puppy mill, not only that I but I feel that it's unethical.

I agree with you 100%.

08-24-2003, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by Crikit
By the way...why did you sign up under another username?
I was wondering that myself.

Do you screen the homes before you place the puppies?

Congrats on bringing another litter into the world when there are thousands upon thousands of shelter animals in need of homes.

08-24-2003, 02:34 PM
No one's trying to be rude. It's just that pettalkers really care about those extra dogs in the pounds who deserve homes too. When you breed, you're adding to the problem. Think of it this way, my mom's a great mom. She loves us dearly but it doesn't mean she should be having kids her whole life. It just isn't fare to your dog. I think you should really consider giving up before you run into any more serious problems. Please, there are other ways to make money. But using someone else's life isn't the right way. If you love her, you'd get her spayed before she runs into any serious complications.

08-24-2003, 02:42 PM
I agree with everyone else and wonder what your parents think. I wonder also, how old you are and why you're making the decisions that "responsible" adults should be making themselves.

08-24-2003, 02:56 PM
It's your choice about wanting to breed your dog or not. Although she had problems this time, go let your vet check her out and he/she can determine all of this. If you have great homes lined up for the puppies, then that's one thing. Give her a break though..that's about 2 litters a year. :)
Can't wait to see pictures!! :D:D

08-24-2003, 02:57 PM
Ok, look i sorry I even posted it!:( You guys shure made me feel alot safer on breeding MY dogs.:rolleyes: It is what breeders do if the dog has problems they dont give up! Plus the prob that Cricket had wasnt even that big. All she needed was a shot just to helper. Thanks alot for all the info (that i all ready know):rolleyes: :( Byebye!

Pictures (http://pak02.pictures.aol.com/NASApp/ygp/Main/ViewSharedFilm?state=47&tunnelId=1&requestId=1061612815921&filmId=19105.266.1061092930075.2&forceRefresh1061612986231&pageName=jsp/aol/passivePersonalization/PassivePersonalization)

08-24-2003, 02:59 PM
You sound like a "backyard breeder." First you say you're doing it for busniess, then you say you're doing it because she loves puppies ... 6 litters in 3 1/2 years does NOT seem healthy! Who is making the decision to breed her over and over? Poor Cricket!

Glad she had the one healthy pup, had she seen a vet beforehand? How come you didn't know there was just one pup?

Anyway, think about it, and give the girl a break!

08-24-2003, 03:00 PM
Ah yes the breeders don't give up on their dogs but the majority of breeders at least all the ones that I know or know of don't and won't breed their dogs every single time they go in to heat they give them a break, and if they dog continualy has problems with the puppies or giving birth they do the responsible thing and have the dog spayed.

We aren't trying to make you feel bad, we're just trying to get you to see that maybe what you're doing isn't the most responible thing in the world and that you're not exactly acting in the dogs best interests.

08-24-2003, 03:04 PM
No we are not runing a puppy farm! If she continuse to have probs then will stop. And i said we are giving hera break! Ill show your the pic soon!

08-24-2003, 03:12 PM
No!!!!! for the last time it is not a puppy mill! Yeah we breed to improve the breed. It is our responsibilty, yes. Will make the disitions. Not you!

08-24-2003, 03:16 PM
Nobody said that we were making any decisions we were just trying to inform you of the risks of what you were doing. And until I see proof of it being otherwise I'm going to stick with the old saying:

"if it walks like a duck, flys like a duck and sounds like a duck...well then it's a duck."

and so far everything you've said about the breeding practices of your family sound and look like a puppy mill or backyard breeder to me. Like I said you might love the dogs but it still sounds like one at least to me.

Oh and you still haven't answered why you signed up again with another name.

08-24-2003, 03:34 PM
Twice a year is a terrible rate to breed at! :eek: I know dogs that have almost died from that. My grandma's dog for instance, was rescued from a puppy mill that bred her twice a year and she was almost dead when they got her. The vet said that she was fed proper food and it seemed that she had exersise, but she had had too many litters. So if your dog is being fed proper food and still getting exersise, it still may not be enough to keep her healthy or alive.

I got this from a puppy mill site (http://www.westierescueofmissouri.com/puppymill.html) : Among these dogs, the most tragic are the bitches. They are bred at their first heat cycle, usually around a year old. After that, they are bred twice a year until they can no longer produce. At this rate, most of the bitches cannot produce beyond eight or ten years. .

No one is trying to run your life, just trying to steer you in the right direction that will be healthy for your dog who could get permanent damage from constantly whelping puppies. It comes down to whether or not you want your dog to live a long healthy life, or if the lives of puppies [who will probably end up with medical problems because of the mother's overbreeding] are more important to you. Make a choice, but make sure it's one that is truly better for your dog, not what you want to believe is better. Please, talk to a vet. Here where I live, if a dog is bred that much, they are automatically taken away, spayed, and put in a shelter where they can find a new home. You said that you took them to your friend's house who knows all about breeding --- YOU, being the "breeder" should know all about breeding. YOU should have the nessecities. YOU should have had the needles to give her the shot. YOU are the one who should be breeding responsibly if you choose to breed. Don't rely on others who won't always be around.

08-24-2003, 04:04 PM
Evrything you guys have said aint going to change anything! For the last time it is not a puppy mill! How would you know!? A puppy mill is a place were someone has like millions of dogs! I only have 9! Oh and I changed usernames because I wanted to! I have nothing more to say about breeding! Now thats enough!!!!:mad:

08-24-2003, 04:08 PM
Actually a puppy mill isn't always a place where there are millions of dogs, a puppy mill can also be a backyard breeder which to me you are moving closer and closer to, at least in my opinion you are.

If you didn't want us to comment on this you shouldn't have posted about it, if you didn't want us to continue to post on this you shouldn't have replyed. This is a message board where freedom of speech is allowed on most subjects. If you post about it we can all reply and give our opinions, and if you dont like that well just don't read it or just don't reply it's that simple.

08-24-2003, 04:13 PM
Wait ... what? Breeders don't stop when there are problems? They continue to breed and breed the dog that has problems because they won't give up?

I just find that hard to grasp.

I think you're a young person and you might not know any better because this is how you've grown up. I hope you will take the time to read the information provided carefully. No one is saying this stuff to be mean. We are saying it out of genuine care and concern for your dog. We love animals and we all want what is best for the health and well-being of each and every animal in this world :)

I work and volunteer with several different shelters and rescue groups. I have to see so many little innocent animals who are homeless on a daily basis. It really weighs heavy on my soul. Images of sweet faces at the kill shelter haunt my every waking moment. That is why it upsets me when I see people bringing so many more animals into the world. The people that have been taking Criket's puppies could have gone to the kill shelter and saved a life.

I know that we do need some breeders to keep the breeds going. But I think a breeder should not be breeding for a business. I think it should be solely for betterment and love of the breed. I think you should stop and think about what you are doing. Breeding a dog two times a year for her whole life is pretty serious stuff. I think the slight complication she had this last time was a sign that it is time for her to be fixed. She will be so much better off. Do you guys know the medical background of both her parents and their parents? What about the male dog you're breeding her to? Do you know his medical history also?

I have two Poodles and I love the breed also. I would love for my little Reece guy to have puppies and have a bunch of Reece Juniors running around. But I have to let my heart listen to my head. My head tells me that would be very irresponsible of me when there are so many dying animals in shelters across the country. Then my heart tells me the same thing when I go to the shelters and see their poor faces.

All of my animals are spayed and neutered and I wouldn't have it any other way.

08-24-2003, 04:14 PM
*Sighs*...well, can't say we didn't try....I hope the best for Cricket, and the numerous amount of puppies you bring into the world, end up in good homes...

08-24-2003, 04:15 PM
Say what ever you want to say it steel wont change anything!

08-24-2003, 04:22 PM
Do you even care about the health of Cricket? It really sounds like you don't....:( We're trying to give you advice, and it seems to go through one ear and out the other.

08-24-2003, 04:33 PM
UM? You are 14 and breeding??

I am 14 and in 8th grade. (From her website)
I HIGHLY doubt you even know what you are doing....much less "perfecting," the breed.

08-24-2003, 05:28 PM
Yeah it is time....Just think MILLIONS of dogs and puppys are put to sleep because people are always breeding their dog. And you know what? your sounding like a backyard breeder you just keep breeding and breeding and you dont even care if she is having problems with litters!! It's time to get her spayed.

08-24-2003, 05:36 PM
I don't want to be rude but I completely agree with everyone else that has replied to this thread. You say you love Cricket and yada-yada-yada, but I have a hard time believing that you actually believe it is okay to breed her as much as you have. You say that the problems she had for this litter weren't any major, but that was just THIS time. Think about it. Next time it could be much more serious. Think DEATH. Anything can go wrong during a delivery and it is not up to you to decide that Cricket still wants to have puppies. It wears a dog out, just think about having to carry around puppies for your entire life (which it sounds like she has had to do :(). I feel sorry for poor Cricket and I really hope you get some sense knocked into you soon.

({Praying for Cricket and for some sanity to return to her owners})

08-24-2003, 06:40 PM
Look you all are being mean. You just belive what you'v read! Have you really seen it with you own eyes?! Or do you just belive what peole say? We have been doing this for a wile and we have gone through trials but that is a comitmit breeders make! We would never breed just for fun! If a one of our dogs does have a serious problem yes we will spay or nurter and retire it. If you dont know what your talking about I sugjust you dont say anything! We know what we are doing!

08-24-2003, 06:47 PM
Well, I may be just one person, but I definatly know what I'm talking about. :rolleyes: Otherwise I'd keep my mouth shut.

08-24-2003, 06:50 PM
If you dont know what your talking about I sugjust you dont say anything! We know what we are doing!

Yeah, but alot of us do know what we are talking about. I feel so bad for poor Cricket, you should really spay her. It's the best thing for the dog. It kind of sounds like you don't really care about Cricket's health and happiness. It doesn't matter if you want to keep breeding her, she needs to be spayed and stop having puppies. The puppies will most likely grow up and have medical problems, and so will Cricket. You are only 14, I think that is a little too young to be making "adult decions". I know I am repeating what has already been said, but I don't care. You need to hear this whether you like it or not. We aren't trying to be rude, we are just trying to educate you for Criket (and the other dog's) sake.

Aspen and Misty
08-24-2003, 06:54 PM
Makes me glad I rescue my Nova girl.

:mad: I agree with what everyone else is saying you certainly do not sound like a Quility breeder, more like a back yard breeder to me, and those are JUST as bad as puppy mills. Your poor female dog, she must be so tierd of having puppies by now. O and don't tell me she likes having puppies did you ever ask HER not you HER. No I didn't think so cause you can't talk ot dogs. How do you know she likes being bred and giving birth to puppies??? You don't so please if you love your dogs, get her spayed!

Ash :mad:

08-24-2003, 07:00 PM
How do you think all your dogs got here?! If poeple spayed their dogs some of your fav. dogs might not even be here! Her prob wasnt even that big! Why are you all making such a big deal about this! Yes we do care for are dogs and WE know whats best for them! If we didnt care they would probley be dead!

08-24-2003, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by apcrs5122
It kind of sounds like you don't really care about Cricket's health and happiness. It doesn't matter if you want to keep breeding her, she needs to be spayed and stop having puppies. The puppies will most likely grow up and have medical problems, and so will Cricket.

That's what I believe too. Having pups at such a young age and so many times can cause behavioural problems. No reputable breeder would ever think of breeding a dog in their first heat cycle. They are still practically puppies. They need time for their bones to develop properly. It can be so harmful to their birth canal if it isn't grown and fused properly.

I think that this site (http://www.k9web.com/dog-faqs/breeding.html) can tell you alot about breeding. For instance, it tells you this, which is a better more detailed version of what we've already been telling you:

deally, a bitch should only be bred every other year and she should not be bred much before two years of age. The season closest to the second birthday is a good one to start with; certainly no earlier than this. In some breeds, you may need to wait one more season before beginning. By this time, she is better prepared mentally for having puppies than she would have been with her first few seasons. Her physical growth is complete and pregnancy at this point won't endanger her health, provided that she is healthy to begin with.
In breeds with Hip Dysplasia, many people wait until after two years of age so that the parents can be certified; however if you have sent in xrays to OFA for preliminary evaluation and they came back as fine, many breeders consider it safe enough to then breed on the season closest to the second year, which can wind up being before the bitch is actually old enough to be certified. (And when the bitch is old enough, she is, of course, duly certified.) But the preliminary xrays must be examined by OFA, not by a local veterinarian. There are many dysplastic dogs out there that had vets look at their xrays and pronounce them "wonderful."

It's important, however, to keep the frequency of breeding low. Even at maximum, you want to allow at least one unbred season between breedings. This allows your bitch to rest and regain her strength. A bitch that whelps too often will produce weaker puppies more likely to die, and the repeated pregnancies are pretty rough on her, too.

For dogs, they should definitely have all their certifications necessary. For many breeds this means that they should be over two years old. Since a dog can be bred at any time, unlike bitches, waiting for two years is not a problem, whereas a bitch often has a season just before two years of age and then has to wait until 2.5 or three which sometimes presents problems in trying to time her litters. But this does not apply to a stud dog, so he should definitely have all of his checks and certifications before being bred. Frequency is not generally a problem although some dogs have problems with sperm production if they breed once a day for several days. They need top-quality feeding and care if they are going to be bred often.

08-24-2003, 07:05 PM
I couldn't see his picture! :(
I'd really like to see your little poodle boy. ^_^
But yes, you do know what's best for your dog. You DO know how to handle it, and it's your decision. Don't let anybody else get you down, okay? :)

08-24-2003, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by SlaveTo9Dogs
How do you think all your dogs got here?! If poeple spayed their dogs some of your fav. dogs might not even be here!
This really made me fume! YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW DUKE GOT HERE? He and 4 other dogs were dumped on a road in the middle of nowhere.(He was 4 months old) Luckilly, a kind lady took them all in and found homes for them. "People" like you make people like me(dog rescue) sick.

08-24-2003, 07:24 PM
You want to know how my dog got here??? He came from a RESPONSIBLE breeder. He cares for every dog as if it was his own child. He even has a custom made heated house which would even be suitable for humans. He doesn't breed at every heat. His dogs don't live their life pregnant. His dogs get the loving and care each of them deserve.

And in reply to your comment about not seeing something happen..blahblahblah. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

08-24-2003, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Crikit

Oh and just in case you're wondering in my books at least breeding a dog every single time that in comes in to heat "just because the dog likes having puppies around" is pretty much the same thing as a puppy mill, not only that I but I feel that it's unethical.

I agree,

think about it this way.... It isnt healthy for a dog to have pups every time she is in heat, it is really bad for their health, Most GOOD breeders dont even attempt to breed their dogs untill, taking the dog to the vet, learning about risks, asking them selves why they want to take thoughs risks, discussing it with family and friends and ppl how know and care(like pt), thinking and learning about both dogs temprements, taking into considerationg how old the dog is, and what both dogs parents were like and if they were healthy.

these are only few of many things you or your family should think about..

did you know now that you have let your dog be unspayed during 1 or more heats, she is 70% more likely to get cancer in her uterus...

"Why breed when so many are homless in shelters all over the world?"

08-24-2003, 07:31 PM
I have nothing against GOOD breeders. A good breeder who actually does care about their dogs would NOT breed their dog twice in one year. That has to be the most insane thing I've ever heard. How can you care about your dog if you are breeding her that often! That's not safe for your dog at all, you obviously don't care about her if you are overbreeding her. I've read this entire thread and I don't think that you've answered yet if you take your dog to the vet? Good breeders take their dogs to the vet for prenatal care just like a human would if she were pregnant.

08-24-2003, 07:36 PM
How do you think all your dogs got here?! If poeple spayed their dogs some of your fav. dogs might not even be here! Her prob wasnt even that big! Why are you all making such a big deal about this! Yes we do care for are dogs and WE know whats best for them! If we didnt care they would probley be dead!

Ooooooh now I'm mad!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Ya really wanna know how my dogs got here? I RESCUED THEM!! Wanna know why there are dogs that need to be rescued? Because of IRRESPONSIBLE and IGNORANT backyard breeders like YOU who simply breed for "business" and the "money" and not the love of dogs or the breed you continue to reproduce and "improve" (as you stated in an earlier reply but I find so hard to believe). Don't deny it because you said it yourself:

Well we bred for business.

And as a side note: If you can't even spell the word DECISIONS, you really shouldn't be making any.

Will make the disitions.

Normally I wouldn't be this rude, but you are just so naive about this whole thing. Again, I offer my prayers to poor Cricket and your sanity.

08-24-2003, 07:39 PM
I would also like to add where I got MY dogs from...

I got Tikeya from a breeder just out side of my town, all her siberian huskies wew akc registered and had a full blood line of great working breeds, she only owned 4 dogs, Tikeyas mother, Father, Aunt, and a Uncle. The Sunt and Uncle were spayed and neutered and Tikeyas mother was going to be spayed after she was born, This breeder was very responsible, she only bred Tikeyas mom to Tikeyas dad, and no other dogs. She only had 2 litters every 4 years.

Oscar we got from a Shih tzu lhasa apso breeder in our area, his parents are AKC registered and He was offered to come with papers, but we chose not to take them. Both of Oscars parents are SHOW dogs.

I dont think you understand what kind of pain and suffering you are putting crikit through :(:( :mad:

08-24-2003, 07:42 PM
I dont think you understand what kind of pain and suffering you are putting crikit through

I couldn't agree with you more Tikeyas Mom. Oh, and "Slaveto9Dogs" your user name makes me laugh because it sounds to me like your 9 dogs are slaves to you. You may want to think that one over. :mad: :rolleyes: :mad:

08-24-2003, 07:43 PM
okay listen... YES it is your decision! look none of us are *trying* to be rude, but theres just no choice **cough cough** :rolleyes: to me yes it does sound like a puppy mill.. only because cricket is breeding non stop.. *or so it seems* I just feel REALLY REALLY bad for your dog.. This isnt whats best.. All of us are concerened about the dogs that dont get homes, or when you do give a dog to someone else how do you know they wont like the way it looks when it frows up or if it's to aggressive or if they dont want a Puppy now..

You cant just expect them all to go to good homes even though you may think they are.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ughhh... Do what you want.. im sorry if your dog suddenly goes into heat and then you discover some health problems with your dog.. Lets just say we told you so..

Pet overpopulation is a serious problem in the US...unfortunately there are over 4 million more dogs in the US than there are homes available. You've already helped by adopting a dog of your own, but you can also help to solve the overpopulation problem even more by having your dog spayed.

Female dogs are prone to breast cancer later in life. Spaying your dog before her first heat will reduce the risk to less than 5%. After the first heat the risk is approximately 28%, increasing with each heat

Think of it this way, Each day 10,000 humans are born in the U.S. - and each day 70,000 puppies and kittens are born. As long as these birth rates exist, there will never be enough homes for all the animals. As a result, every year 4 to 6 million animals are euthanized because there are no homes for them

We are giving you something to THINK about.. Dont take it as personal as you are.. gosh! :rolleyes: Im sorry but i get annoyed easily talking about why to spay .. :rolleyes:

08-24-2003, 07:46 PM
and dumb-founded. Is Cricket a pet or a puppy mill? You love your dog. What does that mean to you?
Do you know how many greyhound owners say they love their dogs but when they don't run fast enough, they have no problem putting them down.
Sorry, but 6 litters for what I consider to be a very young dog is unbelievably cruel.
Please stop this madness. Do you sell the puppies? Do you have them Vet checked etc. You took her to a friend's house but did you take her to a Vet? Does the Vet think it is okay for her to have so many litters.
I don't want to hurt your feelings but if she is a pet, you shouldn't want to endanger her life like this and if she isn't a pet, then you really are running a puppy mill and there is no point in trying to make you listen.

08-24-2003, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by SlaveTo9Dogs
How do you think all your dogs got here?! If poeple spayed their dogs some of your fav. dogs might not even be here! Her prob wasnt even that big! Why are you all making such a big deal about this! Yes we do care for are dogs and WE know whats best for them! If we didnt care they would probley be dead!

*Sigh*, Molly came from a Backyard Breeder. I guess you could say I RESCUED her. That was almost 3 years ago. I didn't know about "them" then. If I could go back in time, would I have gotten her? Of course I still would. If anyone saw the horrible condition she was in, you wouldn't leave her there either. I love her to death.

Daisy came from a responsible breeder. He had many years of experience with the golden retriever breed and excellent lineage. His dogs fit the breed standard, and had the parents vet checked before breeding. He also had a "health guarentee" for the puppies.

We're making a big deal about it, because we care about animals. You say her problem welping the litter wasn't that big and you will still continue to breed her, that right there makes me sick. Don't you know that "little problem" could grow into a BIG problem and result in death? Your 14 years old, and your breeding, im the same age as you and I have enough common sence to know to spay or neuter your dog. I only hope you learn something from this.

08-24-2003, 10:27 PM
Everyone brings up great points. The main thing is, if you keep this up, Cricket is more prone to death than life. Considering she is more vulnerable to behavioural problems from being overbred and bred too young, bone problems because she was bred before her bones fully developed (which means arthritis, etc.), obesity because she is now used to feeding for herself and the pups, cancer because she was never spayed, as well as probably dozens more things. A resposible person would listen to our cautions and say, "Hey, well if there is such a risk, and if my dog will be unhealthy and/or die, that I'm going to do whatever it takes to help keep her alive and well." It seems to me that by the way you bash everyone's comments (everyone who is VERY concered about the welfare of your poor dog who's owner is neglagent enough to let her bring puppy after puppy into this world, causing her emotional and physical harm), that you don't really care if your dog lives or dies. :mad:

I'll tell you where my dogs came from.

Timber came from a very irresponsable breeder like yourself. She was an "accident" and nobody wanted her because she was the poor little mutt pup in the petshop (who's breeders actually stuck in that hell hole). The little malteses and shi tzus from puppy mills went like crazy but the poor little Timber from the backyard breeder was stuck in her pen with her litter. She was the first to go, a gift from my aunt. All of the other pups stayed for months, the prices went down and down. Now if it was my choice to get a pup and I saw her there as a puppy, I wouldn't take a second look because I would know where she came from. A backyard breeder.

Leather came from great lines. Her father was a conformation champion, a gorgeous healthy certified and registered german shepherd named Thor. Her mother was a gorgeous white German shepherd, named Ice, who was registered and certified. The litter was a fluke, an accident, but luckily the owners were responsible enough that the breeding dogs had the essentails.

I'm already talking to the reputable breeder I'm buying my catahoula from when I am older. She gave me the emails of many breeders that are closer to my area, but I turned them all down because they either had only one breeding pair, bred their dogs too much, or didn't seem "serious" about breeding. It seemed like some only wanted to make a living. I am very happy that I chose such a good breeder that they have alot of dogs who have working lines, the dogs are certified, some are show dogs, they are pedigreed and come from wonderful breeders, they don't inbreed, they do it only for the love of the breed and don't put much consideration into the look of the dog, only working ability and so on and so forth.

08-24-2003, 10:34 PM
I'm already talking to the reputable breeder I'm buying my catahoula from when I am older. She gave me the emails of many breeders that are closer to my area, but I turned them all down because they either had only one breeding pair, bred their dogs too much, or didn't seem "serious" about breeding. It seemed like some only wanted to make a living. I am very happy that I chose such a good breeder that they have alot of dogs who have working lines, the dogs are certified, some are show dogs, they are pedigreed and come from wonderful breeders, they don't inbreed, they do it only for the love of the breed and don't put much consideration into the look of the dog, only working ability and so on and so forth.

Oh wow that's great wolfsoul!! :) :) :) I love Catahoulas and thank you for presenting a great example (I just wish a certain someone would take the hint *cough cough*:rolleyes: )! ;) :) :D

08-24-2003, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by KZSlave
Oh wow that's great wolfsoul!! :) :) :) I love Catahoulas and thank you for presenting a great example (I just wish a certain someone would take the hint *cough cough*:rolleyes: )! ;) :) :D

I know, I'm very excited! :) It won't be for a few years, but I want to know my breeder before I decide to buy from her. Her dogs are lovely and very well taken care of. Catahoulas are gorgeous, aren't they?!?! :D :p

This (http://www.bconnex.net/~langevin/) is the breeder's site. :)

08-24-2003, 10:50 PM
wanna know where my dogs came from?? happy came from a reputable breeder, they do all health tests, they start training as early as 3 weeks old, they start teaching the pups all the basics, they are evaluated and set to apropriot homes and they keep in tough with the buyers and keep tabs of there pups throughout there lives, I know happys breeders very well, and see them every week at least :)

misty came from a farm, she is a working border collie, she came from working parents, the pups had a pen outdoors and on warmer days they stayed outside most of the day, so the pups would be accustomed to it since most of the pups were going to working homes which means outdoor dogs, they were well socalized, and the parents were friendy and outgoing, they were also champion stock dogs, and showed an awsome bond to there owners.

perky came from the shelter for 2 years she was in homes for short times then kicked out onto the streets, she would be adopted and less then a week later end up back in the streets, then we found her, brought her home and how anyone could kick her out I dont know but she would never leave the yard even, she is now an awsome freestyle dog

Ripley is also from the shelter he was abused and unwanted he ended up in the shelter he is now a champion flyball dog, and very loving and loyal

shadow was rescued from the streets by our naighbor when she was a pup, they had 8 larg dogs already so they could not keep her, she is a small dog and all theres were large. she was taken away from her mom too early, I assume she is from a BYB she now lives the life of a queen.

but not ALL dogs are going to end up in a good home.

08-24-2003, 10:56 PM
This is the breeder's site.

Wow! Their dogs are gorgeous and they really seem to have a good breeding program. I would have no problem looking into getting a puppy from them, no problem at all. :) :D :)

08-24-2003, 11:50 PM
You accuse us of being rude, so guess what I AM gonna be rude.
YOU NEED TO RUN NOT walk to your vet and GET THAT DOG SPAYED. You are doing one of the most dispicable things in the world. Trying to make a living off of a poor dogs health, reproductive system etc. YES you are a puppy mill.
Cricket will be much happier and healthier if she is spayed. She is already at an alarming risk for breast, cervical and uterine cancer. Congratulate your family for me. B/c I am sure when she gets that she will be PTS
I know people who don't claim to care about their animals HALF as much as you do and their dogs are spayed and neutered.
It is just common sense.
You come here brag about your dog having trouble giving birth, brag about her only being 3 1/2 and having 6 litters, and EXPECT us to welcome you with open arms? Have you not understood that is is a PET LOVING site?
I hope the rest of your dogs are fixed. If I knew where you lived I would turn your family into the ASPCA faster than your head would spin.

08-24-2003, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
You accuse us of being rude, so guess what I AM gonna be rude.
YOU NEED TO RUN NOT walk to your vet and GET THAT DOG SPAYED. You are doing one of the most dispicable things in the world. Trying to make a living off of a poor dogs health, reproductive system etc. YES you are a puppy mill.
Cricket will be much happier and healthier if she is spayed. She is already at an alarming risk for breast, cervical and uterine cancer. Congratulate your family for me. B/c I am sure when she gets that she will be PTS
I know people who don't claim to care about their animals HALF as much as you do and their dogs are spayed and neutered.
It is just common sense.
You come here brag about your dog having trouble giving birth, brag about her only being 3 1/2 and having 6 litters, and EXPECT us to welcome you with open arms? Have you not understood that is is a PET LOVING site?
I hope the rest of your dogs are fixed. If I knew where you lived I would turn your family into the ASPCA faster than your head would spin.


On a side note having the same nickname as the dog in question is really starting to hurt my brain. :D

08-25-2003, 12:00 AM
I am so sorry to hear that sweet Cricket had
problems but very glad that mom and pup are
doing well.

It's sad, but recently one of the top AKita breeders,
(after rushing to the vet) recently lost one of her top CH. female's from complications. Only one of her pups survived, and was cared for by a surrogate bitch.
It does happen, even with the most experience breeders.

I am sorry to say, but your family are back-yard breeders.
I do not know any reputable breeders that breed
back to back. (I guess you can look at it this way,
how would you like to be pregnant every 6 months?)

I hope that Cricket and her pup continue to do well,
and maybe you can talk your parents in letting
Cricket spend the rest of her life as a loving pet
instead of a breeding machine.

08-25-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Crikit
On a side note having the same nickname as the dog in question is really starting to hurt my brain. :D

Me too. I keep thinking that were are talking about you. I'm so dumb lol. [what?! She had a puppy?! :p ]

I agree shais_mom. :)

08-25-2003, 12:24 AM
Okay... since we're sharing where we got our dogs from...
I got my dog from a shelter because other dog owners don't get their dogs spayed or neutered which inevitably causes thousands of homeless dogs to be euthenized!! :mad:

Please, open your mind a little and *LISTEN* to what people have to say. If you care about your dogs as much as you claim to then stop being so naive. :rolleyes:

08-25-2003, 06:31 AM
Ricky and Lucy Tu came from a breeder by my daugher as a gift to me. This breeder has you come to her home, see her bitch and their home. She only lets her bitch breed three times total and she does not breed them until they are 3 years old. She only sells the pups to people who come with references and she insists that any pup not wanted for any reason be sold back to her. Once her bitches have bred for the last time, she spays them and they stay in her home or go to the home of someone she knows who wants an older dog. She will not sell to anyone who is going to breed, show or do anything she thinks is less than a pet situation. Not to say that showing is bad, she used to show and she thinks it takes a lot out of the pet.
Desi Lu was bought by our daughter again but from a different breeder. Never again. This one did not seem to be as concerned about the puppies from what my daughter said and I have told our daughter not to recommend her to anyone.
There are good breeders but these are breeders who love the breed and are not thinking about getting rich. Ricky & Lucy Tu's breeder only has one or two litters a year and some years, none. She will not breed any female that is too small because she does not want to endanger her. That's one of the differences from a responsible breeder and one that is not.

08-25-2003, 07:06 AM
I don't know, she was dumped on the side of the road to fend for herself for almost a week:(
Angus, he too came from a backyard breeder like you 12 years ago. And Roxey, she came from a petstore that buys from puppymills. I wish I would have known then what I do now. At least I've learned from my mistakes...I wish you and your family would too.
Did you even read what wolfsoul posted?

ideally, a bitch should only be bred every other year and she should not be bred much before two years of age.
That means that your dog should have only had one litter so far in it's life! Please do your dog a favor & get her spayed.

08-25-2003, 07:16 AM
you want to know where our dogs came from , irresponsible people like you *nods*

clovers mum was a pure bred rottweiler only 19 months old *poor baby* and to her "owners" horror gave birth to 12 x breed puppies, the red heeler from the farm up the road got to the rotti bitch and the result were 12 lil babieswho should never have been born, in the last 4 1/2 years i have seen quite a few of clovers siblings get dumped at the animal shelter and none of then have left the place alive:(

as for miss penny, her mum (a jack russell terrier) was given away her new owners were told that she was spayed not true after being with her new family for a couple of months she gave birth to 4 pups,penny was given to us, and the two other pups stayed with the family and were spayed and neutered (both had to be rehomed due to agresion problems) and the other pup im the litter ended up dying at 6 weeks old:( so thats where penny came from.

as for Theodore he was from irresponsible people who sold him to a pet shop (i am sooooo ashamed that we bought him)

08-25-2003, 09:59 AM
(Geeze!!!...see what I miss after not being on for a few days!)

Wow...I don't know what to say, how can you not know that your a backyard breeder, OMG I feel so bad for your little baby, and by baby, I mean the poor dog you've turned into a nostop breeding machine! Are you going to make her keep having babies until she dies...but then again....maybe by

Where did I got my dogs from:
Sierra was 5 months old and was picked up as stray, dumped my someone who didn't want her anymore.
Buddy...my Buddy Boy was left to die alone in an abandoned barn in the middle of no where!! He was so tramatized that after 7 months, he's still afraid of my husband!!

How often do you talk to the people you've already sold puppies to? How often do you check up on them at there homes?

(I really don't think she'll be back here to read our replies, well...maybe once she changes her name again!;) )

08-25-2003, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by SlaveTo9Dogs
Look you all are being mean. You just belive what you'v read! Have you really seen it with you own eyes?! Or do you just belive what peole say? We have been doing this for a wile and we have gone through trials but that is a comitmit breeders make! We would never breed just for fun! If a one of our dogs does have a serious problem yes we will spay or nurter and retire it. If you dont know what your talking about I sugjust you dont say anything! We know what we are doing!

I was not going to get in the middle of this, although I agree 100 per cent with everybody who said that "backyard breeder" is the only possible name for these people who have put a 3 1/2 poor dog through 6 pregnancies. However, the above quote: "you just believe what you've read" and "You don't know what you're talking about," made my hair stand on end.
We, who had dogs for much longer than this girl has been alive, who do volunteer work for rescue organizations and see the horrors of overbreeding, "don't know what we are talking about?:mad: :mad: :mad:
Only time can make you grow up, in the meantime, It might do you an awful lot of good to do more reading yourself, that's how people have become educated in all subjects since the invention of the printing press.

08-25-2003, 01:03 PM
Wow do I feel sorry for you're dogs! I wish I could fly down to Arizona and save that poor mistreated pooch! I cannot believe you can do such a terrible thing then hold you're head high and say you aren't doing anything wrong!
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

08-25-2003, 02:00 PM
Ok, this is serious!:mad: I can't believe you! This is horrible for Crikit's heath! I feel so bad for all of your dogs! Your fourteen and breeding?!? I don't think so! This is so sad.:( You are just as bad as a puppy mill! Don't act like you know what you are talking about, because it sure doesn't sound like you do! If you really love Crikit, get her spayed!!!!!!
Poor pups.:(


08-25-2003, 02:49 PM
Poor Cricket:( :(

I wonder how many of her pups will end up in shelters???

Where did my dogs come from??
Yes, they did come from their mommies, like all pups do, but how did they come to me???

Kito--he was bred to be a show dog, by very responsible breeders, and sold to a woman in New York. Unfortunately, she got cancer and was very sick and could no longer take care of he and his sister. A loving couple who shows Shibas took them in, and we met them at a dog show.

Abbey--we got her at a rescue where she ended up after being transported from a shelter in Ohio--someone didn't want her

Riley--I took him from a woman's arms in the parking lot of the spca on day, as she was on her way in to surrender him

08-25-2003, 03:18 PM
I know that you're saying that if there weren't irresponisble breeders, some of our dogs wouldn't be here today. I wouldn't trade Timber for the world. BUT if not having her meant that there wouldn't be any BYBs or puppy mills or poor doggies in shelters, than it would be worth it. The millions of dogs that die each year in shelters and puppy mills are millions of lives, and are more important to stop than my ownership and friendship to Timber. That's how I look at it.

08-25-2003, 03:45 PM
Where did Binx come from?

Why, from a BYB, of course. Is he 'pure bred'? Absolutely. AKC registered? Nope, won't give the club that turns their back on the pups the money necessary to register him.

Binx has health problems, major ones. Why? His line isn't pure. Why? Cause the people that bred him were prolly 'in it for the business' (which should immediately send a signal to the world that this is BYB at its finest). At a minimum, Binx's people were ignorant and irresponsible. Like you. Not stupid, but, ignorant. At 14, you don't know anything that isn't crammed down your throat by your parents. That is scary. I feel for both your puppy AND you. That you can stand by and justify your position does not bode well for your future.

Want to make money? Go cut some grass. Babysit, clean house. Do that which puts you and your energies on the line. Leave your poor puppy out of it.

Prayers to your household of pets. They need it. You and your family? You guys need a good AK!!!!!

08-25-2003, 05:37 PM
Now you've really got me goin':mad:
You wanna know where Alex came from??? Well, I don't exactly know the whole thing, but here's what I do know.

I have volunteered at the local shelter for almost 4 years now. On Saturdays, PetCo and the shelter have a thing called 'Adopt a Pet'. My mom and I go out there alot, and 3 weeks in a row we took out Alex. On the 4th time, we took him back, put him in his run, turned around to go clean up, and turned back around and got out Alex and went to the front and said "We're taking him home." We asked about his story and this is what we got told:

Alex came in as a stray with his collar and all of his tags. The workers called the owners and the owners said they just didn't want him back. A throw away:( He was almost 10 years old, and they'd had him since he was a puppy. So he was old, humongus, and very long-haired. He only weighed 86lbs when we took him, and now he weighs 115lbs. He was way under weight. We think he was cornered and beaten. He was teased with food. Made to sit back and watch the other dog eat until there was only 1/2 cup left for him, and they wouldn't give him any more:mad: He was kept outside all the time, and they said he was a 'fence jumper'. Yeah, well, he was jumping a 4ft fence (hey, he's like what, almost 3ft tall anyway) and using a sand box to go over. So obviously they weren't trying to keep him in very well now were they?

This isn't quite as detailed as it could be, but my post is long enough.

I'll still pray for Cricket.

08-25-2003, 06:59 PM
You know everyone? Look my dogs are my life! I love them to death! We are responsible breeders. We make shure that our puppys go to hames that will love and care for them! Look I wrote that first messeg to tell you all good news. Not to tell me how to raise my dogs!:( Sorry I even put it there. You know I read all of them and out of all you 1 just 1 person said somthing nice. If you want to says somthing please keep it to your self.:(

08-25-2003, 07:06 PM
Do you see any of us saying Raise your dog like this.. Because this is right.. Maybe you should change this... no... We are suggesting what you can do for your dogs health... And please dont say we are being rude because we are looking out for your dogs.. And we arent feeling sorry for your sad faces.. i stand by what i said.. Who else does??

08-25-2003, 07:10 PM
We here care about animals. In my opinion, I think what your doing to Cricket is uncalled for. She doesn't NEED to have puppies. There are too many dogs in the world, and your adding to the population. If you really cared for and loved your dogs, you would get them fixed.

08-25-2003, 07:11 PM
I'm sticking with what I said/am saying. Really, we are just trying to get what's best for the dog. YOU NEED TO GET HER SPAYED That's the main thing here. 3 1/2 is WAY too young to already have had 6 litters.

I'm not even going to start again because I'll just said what's already been said. I sick with my opionion.

08-25-2003, 07:11 PM
I dont think you understand S;aveto9dogs, Crickit, she is in her teend, she should have only JUST had her first litter if you were responsible breeder, you would know.

I dont think you and your family shoule breed dogs because you arnt doing itfor the right reasons, and you dont seem to understand that WE as dog lovers, care about the well being of every dog here.

08-25-2003, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
I know that you're saying that if there weren't irresponisble breeders, some of our dogs wouldn't be here today. I wouldn't trade Timber for the world. BUT if not having her meant that there wouldn't be any BYBs or puppy mills or poor doggies in shelters, than it would be worth it. The millions of dogs that die each year in shelters and puppy mills are millions of lives, and are more important to stop than my ownership and friendship to Timber. That's how I look at it.

Well said, Jordan. I would give up all 3 of my sweet babies, if it would mean that there would be no more mistreated, unloved, dumped, beaten or ignored dogs in the world.

Chester came from someone just like you. A BYB. Chester has numerous health problems. Allergies, pancreatitis, various other illnesses, though he extremely smart. Badly bred, but a one in a million friend to me.

Millie we adopted from the Animal Rescue Klub, who I now volunteer for. I help SAVE dogs, I don't breed them. Millie had at least 3 other homes that we know of, maybe more. Someone bred or let a litter happen by accident, and the results of that are my little unwanted angel. I wonder if her siblings found good homes? I'm sure her mothers owners thought they all found good homes, but Millie didn't until us. She's only 4 yrs old.

Aneko was found living in a cage at the vets office. She's very old and I know nothing about her. I hope she was a very loved member of a family once, as she is now.

Please just stop. I would hate to be constantly pregnant. Yeah, she's happy that way. Sure. Keep kidding yourself.

08-25-2003, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Its great that the pup is okay. Now, its time to get Cricket spayed!


08-25-2003, 07:37 PM
Ok, I just want to say that I'm glad that the puppy and Cricket are ok, but you really need to stop breeding her and get her spayed. It's best for her.

08-25-2003, 07:44 PM
NO responsible breeder would ever breed their dogs every heat cycle, since their first heat cycle. And no breeder breeds for money, if you were responsibly breeding there is no way you could make money. You are just contributing to the millions of animals abadoned each day.

Both of my dogs are the result of people like you.

We got Pepper through Doberman rescue, his owners could no longer handle him. He had been to 2 previous homes, being returned each time. Since his breeder obviosly did not take the dog back, odds are he was from a byb. And he has the albine/white gene(he came with papers and you can tell if they have the white gene b/c they will have a "Z' in their registraion number) no responsible breeder would breed a dog with the white gene(one of his parents also had the white gene) as they can have a multitude of health problems

Honey came from a Pet shop. (When we got her i didn't know about puppy mills, bybs etc:o) She probably came from a puppy mill where her parents are probably still there, being bred over and over until they die:mad: :( :mad:

08-25-2003, 08:55 PM
I dont think you understand S;aveto9dogs, Crickit, she is in her teend, she should have only JUST had her first litter if you were responsible breeder, you would know.

Well said Tikeyas Mom. :) Imagine yourself being pregnant from the time you were a baby until now. Having trouble? Sure, humans are lucky they can decide for themselves! Your poor dog can't. Unfortunately, she has absolute idiots making the decision for her. Imagine yourself having a kid when you, yourself, were still a child! Not a pretty picture. Get the point?!

Normally I wouldn't be this rude about the whole thing, but even after hearing it from everyone else and reading all the GREAT information that everyone took the time to find and supply for you (for the well-being of Cricket and dogs all over the world) you still don't get what is so wrong with what you and your family are doing! That is no business. That's littering, and it's littering at its worst.

({My thoughts and prayers will remain with Cricket})

08-25-2003, 09:07 PM
Ok, at first you said you weren't a breeder, and now you say you are a "responsible" breeder.. so what are you? We probably all know that you love your dog to death, but show her that you do, by getting her spayed. I am happy that your puppy is healthy, but if you want crikit to stay healthy, you should really get her spayed. I want to see some pics, but I am still mad because of your actions. 6 litters for a 3 1/2 year old dog is too much. That's all I'm saying for now.

08-25-2003, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by SlaveTo9Dogs
We are responsible breeders.
I haven't heard one resposible thing yet! :( You say that we are wrong, that we don't know what we are talking about. If the majority of us is telling you that what is happening is wrong, than chances are, it is. One person against everybody isn't good chances. I'm sorry that you have to hear such harsh words, but they are words of truth.

You say resposible. I hear: Breeding in the first heat cycle, usually about 6 months. That's a puppy. 6 months in human years is 10 and a half years old! Would you let your 10.5 year old child have children, because she "likes babies?" Now a good breeder would wait until 2 years, which in human years is 24. [Contrary to popular belief, a dog's year is not 7 times a human year. It is only an average that gets closer to 7 as the dog gets older].
Then, letting the dog have puppies twice a year. How would you like to have a baby every time you get a chance? (Which, when you have no choice, like a dog, would be alot).
Not taking the dog to the vet when complications arised. Maybe they didn't seem severe, but it could have gotten that way. Instead you take them to a friend's who "knows everything about breeding." If they know everything, and you don't, why are you the breeder and not them?
Not caring if your dog gets diseases from so many pups. Just like humans, there are illnesses that come from giving birth. In Cricket's case, it's much much worse considering her lack of rest (should be atleast a year of rest), her lack of being able to get fit and healthy and recover from the terrible pain of having puppies and laying around all day caring for them, her improper bone development from having pups too young, and so on and so on etc. I'm sure that if I looked it up, I could find hundreds of complications that Cricket can now suffer from.
That one hits me hardest is that you just don't care. You may love your dog, but you obviously have no concern for her health if this is what she has to go through constantly. You may love her, but if you love her than you should atleast respect her. Hell, if I had to give birth to so many babies I wouldn't just be respected for my tolerance, I'd be feared because I'd be one p*ssed off and sad person. If you look at all of the teens nowadays that get pregnant, you will find they have many behavioural problems before and even sometimes after giving birth. With young dogs, it's the same, only they get problems after the pups come. It's just so terrible that your parents have brought you up to believe that constantly letting a dog breed is okay. It's even more sad that you are now old enough to know better and yet choose not to care.

08-25-2003, 09:22 PM
You sure know how to put it Jordan.;)

Now read that 10 times, and see if it sticks.:rolleyes:

08-25-2003, 09:47 PM
I have nothing new to add...everyone else has said what needs to be said and still you can not see that you are doing anything wrong, so why bother.

I will tell you where my dogs came from...

Sadie is a lab/dalmation cross. Her mom was a purebred dalmation who as not spayed, and then when, she got pregant by the same owner's lab, he was going to shot her, beucase he didn't like the way she was acting...maybe if he had fixed at least one of his dogs, she wouldn't have been acting that way!!! Thank doG his neighbor took patches in and found good homes for all 11 of her pups.

Cincy was the 2nd littler of a lab mix. She was a farm dog, that they never bothered to spay, and who was "knocked" up by whatever dog came 'round. When we got Cincy, she had been taken away from mom at 5 weeks, she was living in a chicken coup, had ticks in her ear, and a bloated belly and diharrea. We went to see her with the intent to leave her with mom til 8 weeks, but relaized she may not live that long if we did!

Spot came from a kill shletr in Southern Ohio. He was litterally on the table, ready to be euth. The girls at the shleter couldn't do it, and so they gave her ONE more day to find him a home. If another member of PT hadn't gone out her way to make a bunch of phone calls, he would have died....

08-25-2003, 09:51 PM
Say what you want to say it steel wont change anything. Ok get the pictue!!!:( Sorry;)

08-25-2003, 09:54 PM
P.S. I dont realy care ware all your dogs came from. Ok. Yeah yeah yeah I know iresponsible BREEDERS! Just like us. Yeah we byb, OK you happy now!? HaHaHaaaa

08-25-2003, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by SlaveTo9Dogs
Say what you want to say it steel wont change anything. Ok get the pictue!!!:( Sorry;)

If you don't like us here, don't like or agree with what we're saying, and think we're all mean and hateful and apparently "stupid", WHY DO YOU STILL COME HERE? :confused:

One final word: spellchecker!

08-25-2003, 09:56 PM
Ok, we tried our hardest to change your mind for one reason. THE HEALTH OF YOUR DOG! We are not being rude or mean in any kind of way. If you don't change your mind, your dog could die.:( Do you actually care about her? Show her you care.:(

08-25-2003, 09:56 PM
Ugh....isn't any of this sinking in?! You obviously don't care what your doing to Cricket, its just to make a quick buck. I hate it when people use animals for there own well being. If you got the picture, you would listen to us, and GET CRICKET SPAYED!! :(

08-25-2003, 10:10 PM
:rolleyes: :( :rolleyes: :(

Okay. I guess this will never get through a thick head like that. TAKE YOUR DOG to the VET and get her SPAYED! and for Heaven's sake, STOP BREEDING!!

Godspeed Cricket. Too bad you will live an unhappy life and most likely die prematurely. I for one would rather be dead than give birth twice a year. I hope that someone reports your abuse and finds you a loving home that will spay you and take real care of you and actually love you, not just your ability to have puppies and give bittersweetness to the world.

08-25-2003, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by SlaveTo9Dogs
P.S. I dont realy care ware all your dogs came from. Ok. Yeah yeah yeah I know iresponsible BREEDERS! Just like us. Yeah we byb, OK you happy now!? HaHaHaaaa

So you don't care about our dogs or where they come from. You felt the need to tell us that why? Oh yes I know just to prove that you really are what all of us are saying that you are. An immature person who is making decisions that they shouldn't be making.

We're all telling you were we got our dogs from to make you see and understand what people like you put dogs through, what dogs from puppy mills and backyard breeders and just plain irresponsible people have to deal with. But obviously our time and efforts to educate you are falling on deaf ears. That's your problem then, just don't come whinning to us when something happens to Cricket and you no longer have her. Sorry if that sounded a tad to harsh but I've had a really crappy day and seeing that just put me over the edge.

08-25-2003, 10:27 PM
I also agree. This is abuse!:mad:

You say resposible. I hear: Breeding in the first heat cycle, usually about 6 months. That's a puppy. 6 months in human years is 10 and a half years old!
That is just wrong!:mad: :mad: :mad: LOOK AT IT THAT WAY!!!!!!!! 6 MONTHS?!? And you call yourself responsible?!? You are what? 14? YOU ARE NOT OLD ENOUGH TO BREED A DOG, AND AS YOU SAY BE RESPOSIBLE LET ALONE, KNOW ANYTHING ABOUE BREEDING! You should really do what is RIGHT for your dog. Poor crikit.

08-25-2003, 10:28 PM
Now, I got that out of my system. **breathe** This is making me mad.

08-25-2003, 10:29 PM

LET THE DOG BE DOG, not a freakin puppy popper for your enjoyment and money!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

08-25-2003, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Crikit

We're all telling you were we got our dogs from to make you see and understand what people like you put dogs through, what dogs from puppy mills and backyard breeders and just plain irresponsible people have to deal with. But obviously our time and efforts to educate you are falling on deaf ears. That's your problem then, just don't come whinning to us when something happens to Cricket and you no longer have her. Sorry if that sounded a tad to harsh but I've had a really crappy day and seeing that just put me over the edge.

Agreed. Don't come crying to us, when something happens to poor Cricket....gosh, people like you just disgust me. Ugh. :mad: You don't have the privelige to have animals, esspecially dogs! :mad: Cruel, Cruel, Cruel...:( I doubt you will come to your sences, but I can only hope....Maybe Cricket is better off not being here, with you! :mad: How would you like to get pregnant every 6 months? Ugh. Sick. Disgusting. :mad:

Please, show her you care and love her and get the poor thing fixed! :(:mad:

08-25-2003, 11:34 PM
I hope you get help and realize what you are doing is wrong, I will pray for you and your dog because you must have serious issues if you think that what you do is responsible. You do not deserve to own any animal if this is the way you treat them!! I WISH SOMEONE COULD KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO YOUR THICKER THAN CONCRETE SKULL!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: If only you could walk a day in Cricket's shoes I'm sure you would hate yourself! :mad: :mad: :mad:

08-25-2003, 11:38 PM
I just now read this thread. I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! This is insane! :eek::(:mad: 6 litters in 3 years? Wow! :eek: That's horrible. I'm speachless. :( 2 words....................POOR DOG! :(:( You're only 14? Kids your age don't even know much about breeding to start with. :rolleyes: Nope, but you're a *responsible* breeder. Suuuure. :rolleyes:

08-25-2003, 11:43 PM
I really don't have much to add as others have said it so well.......

6 litters in 3 1/2 years.......that is just so sad.......:(

I'd just like you to imagine being pregnant and giving birth for almost your entire life, and then say the dog "enjoys it."

08-25-2003, 11:45 PM
How in the world could the dog "enjoy it"?!?! She hasn't even been able to be a puppy! That's like taking a three year old child and making her pregnant for he whole life.

08-25-2003, 11:53 PM
She only "enjoys" it because she hasn't had the oppertunity to enjoy something else.

Oh yes, and your breeder friend doesn't sound very responsible by allowing an irresponsible breeder like yourself continue on.

08-25-2003, 11:55 PM
She "enjoys it" because she can make a quck buck. :(

08-26-2003, 12:06 AM
I think what bothers me now is that she is being so disrespectful. *sigh*

STEEL is what cars are made out of
STILL is the word you are trying to use

I am going to say something that is totally inappropiate, I apologize ahead of time.
Slaveof9dogs----> The only way you are going to understand this is if you get pregnant NOW, when you are 15 and when you are 16. With triplets each time. And what your family is doing, I daresay you deserve it. But the kids wouldn't.
Hey could you
make shure that our KIDS go to hames that will love and care for them!

Desert Arabian
08-26-2003, 02:08 AM
Originally posted by SlaveTo9Dogs
We are responsible breeders.

Well, since you are responsible breeders and claim to love your dogs and what to better the breed, would you mind posting your website? 99.9% of responsible breeders who actually love their dogs and actually want to help the breed out have websites with their kennel history, breeding information, adoption processes, prices, pictures of the breeding males and females, available puppies, and awards page. Some even have pictures of the kennel itself for possible customers to view. Wesbites like this one: Wildrose Kennels: English Labradors (http://www.uklabs.com/index2.html) and this one: Witamy Great Danes (http://www.geocities.com/witamygreatdanes/)

What's that, ya say you don't have a website for your breeding facility? DUH! I forgot backyard breeders don't have one. DARHEE, silly me! :rolleyes:

Also, I have to comment on this, it's hard for me not too...14 years old....with typing/writing like yours....my Mom would have me in school 12 months a year 7 days a week....talk about embarrassing! I mean everyone makes type-o's here and there, I do it all the time.

Poor pup, may she rest in Peace when her time comes....which will be soon. :( One thing’s for sure, you won't be joining Cricket when she dies.

08-26-2003, 07:03 AM
I think what all of us (including me) are forgetting is this is a 14 year old child and by the spelling etc. I am thinking maybe even younger. This is not just an irresponsible breeder but involves irresponsible parents.
Where are her parents and if they are raising her to believe that a dog is nothing more than a puppy mill, what kind of parents are they? Sad, very sad.
For a child, a dog should be a lesson in love and understanding that all God's creature should be respected and loved but these parents ...... well, there is no reason to say it, we all know what I am thinking.

08-26-2003, 07:13 AM
k so your just gonna sit and watch your dog die? oh how nice of you!! verrrryyyy responisble!! and i dont even belive u think you have the right to come on here and be satcastic about such a thing and then laugh.. Im gonna ask a question here.. how many of us really want this person on the board still? i dont.. how many people want this person to stay so when her dog is in bad shape we can say i told u so and feel bad for the dog? i do.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: immature little kids..:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

sorry if im spelling wrong i only have one hand cause cami is on the other one.. :D

08-26-2003, 07:54 AM
well said everyone,

this is a very sad situation:( and i have nothing more to add at this moment *sighs* so frustrating.

my prayers are with you little crikit and all the other animals/breeding machines in the household

08-26-2003, 08:15 AM
I have hesitated to comment on this thread but here goes. I guess how we care for our dogs shows how much we love them. I just don't understand how making your dog carry litter after litter is showing that you care for her. She has had no puppyhood herself but has been pumping out puppies since she was a puppy herself! Spaying her would be the most loving thing that you could do for her. Being pregnant is no day at the beach. Maybe when you are older you will understand. At least I hope the comments here will help you to re-think what your parents are doing.

08-26-2003, 08:37 AM
6 litters in 3 years!? :mad: What the hell is wrong with you?

Okay it's ovbious you won't change your mind. Your parents have 'this business' as responsible engraved in your mind. I only wish you could stop while your ahead. Poor Cicket, I'm sure she would love you JUST AS MUCH (so don't worry) AND EVEN MORE if you were to get her spayed. You don't like the facts, FINE. So do it for Cricket. Live and learn.

And did you *actually* think you could come here, to a dog messageboard, where puppymills, BYB and irresponsible owners are obviously looked down upon and post this news without expecting some sort of reaction from us?

Where did Mickey come from?

You want to know how my dog got here??? He came from a RESPONSIBLE breeder. He cares for every dog as if it was his own child. He even has a custom made heated house which would even be suitable for humans. He doesn't breed at every heat. His dogs don't live their life pregnant. His dogs get the loving and care each of them deserve.

It's a lot like this place. They have their own room, with heating, couches, everything. When the mother has puppies, she keeps them in a sectioned off area and the mother goes in when the pups are hungry or to spend time with eachother. She asked about where her pups go. She has asked us if we have a fenced in yard, if he would be alone most of the day ect. Mickey's mother is only breeding again next year (it would be 2 years) and after that will retire as she would be too old. That is a RESPONSIBLE breeder. You my friend, from what you have told us, are not.

08-26-2003, 09:12 AM
Whew!!!!! I just read this whole thing. I am appalled. I have three female dogs and every single one of them was spayed before they ever had their first heat!! Would I have loved to have puppies? You had better believe it!!!! Was I able to assume the responsibility? No way!!!!

I wish the best for Cricket. Bless her sweet heart, she needs a lot of prayer. :(


08-26-2003, 10:24 AM
From this young lady's (I use the term loosely) website.

"Hello, my name is Kristy or you can call me Kiki! I live in HOT Arizona! With my family: Dad and Mom of course, and 2 sisters and 1 little brother. I am 14 and in 8th grade. Pet: well we have 11 pets, belive it or not, 5 poodles, 2 yorkies, 1 cocker, 1 labmix, 1 bird and a frog! The frog is mine, his name is Hero! I love frogs they are just my fav. "

11 pets, is anyone else scared? 9 dogs, Lord help them all.

08-26-2003, 10:32 AM
And she breeds all nine of them?!

That's 3 breeds and a mutt, and you are breeding them all?! A responsible breeder never breeds that many different breeds. The most I've seen a responsible breeder specialize in is two breeds, and I think that even two is kind of pushing it. I'd rather have a breeder that focuses on one breed, and wants to better that one breed.


08-26-2003, 10:43 AM
I have one more comment and I'll never check this thread again; it's sickening to read this child's posts, both because of their content and her spelling
If they really have 9 dogs, are they all going through endless pregnancies, or only the poodle because the puppies can bring the most money? In any case, they are utterly irresponsible people who should be banned from having dogs forever.:mad:
Since we already read that nothing we say will change her mind, because she knows everything there is to know, I think it's time to close the subject instead of giving her another chance to make our blood boil. The only thing left to do is pray for those poor, abused dogs and hope that, somehow, they will be liberated from their abusers.

08-26-2003, 11:02 AM
I agree, Alicia.

In parting, if in doubt, please review this link:

Homeless (http://www.itsmeowornever.org/homeless.html)

08-26-2003, 11:08 AM
I am wondering what the hell is wrong with this person! Like CamCamPup33 said, do we really want this person on our board? This is so wrong, and I feel so bad for Crikit, not leaving out the other that she had bred! If she doesn't like what we are saying, why is she coming back?! She can stick up for herself all she wants, but we know that she is not even CLOSE to be a resposible breeder!!!!!!!!! I agree she is probably younger than 14, and even if she is 14, she obviously knows NOTHING about breeding. GOD THIS IS MAKING ME MAD!!!!!!! She's got me going now!:mad: I am really apalled by this... 6 litters for a 3 1/2 year old dog??? I call it abuse, and its not right! What do you guys think?

08-26-2003, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by CamCamPup33
Im gonna ask a question here.. how many of us really want this person on the board still? i dont.. how many people want this person to stay so when her dog is in bad shape we can say i told u so and feel bad for the dog? i do.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: immature little kids..:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Yeah, I agree with you Amber. I don’t want this person on our site causing all this turmoil by stating things that she knows will infuriate us. I fear that may be her whole objective, just to p*ss us off.

08-26-2003, 12:14 PM
[Godspeed Cricket. Too bad you will live an unhappy life and most likely die prematurely. I for one would rather be dead than give birth twice a year. I hope that someone reports your abuse and finds you a loving home that will spay you and take real care of you and actually love you, not just your ability to have puppies and give bittersweetness to the world. [/B][/QUOTE]

Ditto!!! Cricket, I will pray that your suffering will soon end.

08-26-2003, 03:18 PM
Well said everyone~!!!

From reading all this....I can tell she has some MAJOR problems. Makes you want to go n' save Criket right now....poor lil' baby..:(

As to where MY dogs came from....I went to RESONSIBLE breeders n' RESCUED!!! Unlike you......damn Puppy Mill IDIOT:mad: :mad:

My Peanuts
08-26-2003, 04:23 PM
I am new to this board, but I have been reading this post. I love my dogs and I treat them like family (and in some cases better than family) I am completely horrified at the treatment of Cricket. I just adopted a terrier mix from a shelter in my area, if slaveto9dogs walked into a shelter and saw all the little homeless faces maybe she would understand what everyone is trying to tell her. Her posting name should be Ihave9dogslaves!!!

08-26-2003, 07:15 PM
I hope you are all happy!:( For insulting me and even cussing at me! Look you all dont know how we live so I think you should all shut your mouths with the byb! If you havent seen it for your self i sugjust you not say we are byb! Ok, Look I may not be able to spell but who cares?! I just want all you to know that I love my dogs very much! Yes I am shure that if I saw all those homeless dogs it would change my mind. But you know what I havent, so I guess I really dont know. Ok:( :( :( You all really hurt my feeling and I am never posting here again!! I thought you all were nice AND could help me with dog probs, You guys showed me a realy nice welcome!, but I gues not.:rolleyes: Bye!;) Enjoy your dogs and good luck with them!:) ;)

08-26-2003, 07:22 PM
Oh your leaving? Did we scare you off? Poor poor you.. i mean because we are "hurting you right?" Oh... Its great to know that you can now relate to your dogs.. :mad: Oh well guess we arent the forum you thought us to be.. You know what its not hurting us that your not posting here again.. i want you gone.. Oh we do enjoy there dogs.. And our dogs enjoy us.. Can you say the same? :rolleyes: GOOD RIDDINS!!!! :rolleyes: poor dog.. and we arent happy yet.. We will be if cricket gets spayed...

08-26-2003, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by SlaveTo9Dogs
I hope you are all happy!:( For insulting me and even cussing at me! Look you all dont know how we live so I think you should all shut your mouths with the byb! If you havent seen it for your self i sugjust you not say we are byb! Ok, Look I may not be able to spell but who cares?! I just want all you to know that I love my dogs very much! Yes I am shure that if I saw all those homeless dogs it would change my mind. But you know what I havent, so I guess I really dont know. Ok:( :( :( You all really hurt my feeling and I am never posting here again!! I thought you all were nice AND could help me with dog probs, You guys showed me a realy nice welcome!, but I gues not.:rolleyes: Bye!;) Enjoy your dogs and good luck with them!:) ;)

No one cussed at you for one.

As for us calling you BYB - On the internet you are only as you show yourself to be. For what information you gave us we can only assume that yes, you are indeed a BYB and irresponsible. That is what you make yourself out to be.

You may not be able to spell, who cares? Hmm.. Lets see - The school system for one. It is very hard to read and comprehend what you are trying to tell us when you have many spelling errors.

You haven't seen homeless dogs? Where in the world have you been?!?!?!

I'm sorry that we've hurt your feelings, but maybe you will learn something from it. I'm sure you've hurt Cricket's feelings more than once. Being pregnant your whole life sure as hell can't feel good.

Honestly, i'm glad to see you go. One less moron on this board. Thank you, Good Bye.

08-26-2003, 07:30 PM
She said she was never going to post again. She already has. I think she's just a little kid with nothing better to do. Probably doesn't even have a dog that's had puppies.

08-26-2003, 07:39 PM
And she says how much this "hurts her" yet she's still viewing it. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

08-26-2003, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by SlaveTo9Dogs
I hope you are all happy!:( For insulting me and even cussing at me! Look you all dont know how we live so I think you should all shut your mouths with the byb! If you havent seen it for your self i sugjust you not say we are byb! Ok, Look I may not be able to spell but who cares?! I just want all you to know that I love my dogs very much! Yes I am shure that if I saw all those homeless dogs it would change my mind. But you know what I havent, so I guess I really dont know. Ok:( :( :( You all really hurt my feeling and I am never posting here again!! I thought you all were nice AND could help me with dog probs, You guys showed me a realy nice welcome!, but I gues not.:rolleyes: Bye!;) Enjoy your dogs and good luck with them!:) ;)

Ugh. *bangs head against wall* You didn't listen to one thing we said, did you? :( From your discription, you ARE a BYB or worse, a PUPPY MILL, so don't EVEN call yourself a"responsible breeder". :mad: Oh, we hurt your feelings? Grow up. And of course, get your dog spayed! So, you haven't seen homeless dogs?! Maybe you should check that link someone posted a few pages back. Good Luck Cricket, you'll be much happier at the RB, away from all this misery. The only one who suffers here is Cricket and the numerous amount o puppies you bring into the world. What goes around comes around...

Oh, yes. Good Ridence.

08-26-2003, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by SlaveTo9Dogs
I thought you all were nice AND could help me with dog probs, You guys showed me a realy nice welcome!, but I gues not.:rolleyes:

We WERE helping you with your dog problems. Atleast trying to, if you would listen to a darn word we would say. :rolleyes: I don't understand how one says they want us to help if they don't listen. Whether it be this topic, or probably other ones since we already know how uncooperative you are.

As for swearing, I saw one word that would probably qualify as a swear, but believe me anyone that expects their dog to carry litter after litter and still live a full life deserves more than a couple bad words. You deserved the welcome you got.

I think she's just a little kid with nothing better to do. Probably doesn't even have a dog that's had puppies.
This has crossed my mind as well. I also think that my first assumption of Cricket being six years old could be right, and because I saw that as bad, she might have thought that three was an okay age and just lied with that. Anything is now possible. Either way, we aren't dealing with Dr. Doolittle.

08-26-2003, 07:41 PM
is we not only have a dog and maybe 9 dogs not being treated well but we have a lonely 14 year old who is trying to fill a void with 9 dogs and a computer. I for one wish I could not only adopt Criket but this child as well.

All Creatures Great And Small
08-26-2003, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
She said she was never going to post again. She already has. I think she's just a little kid with nothing better to do. Probably doesn't even have a dog that's had puppies.


If you visit her goofy little webpage (titled "Wonderful ME!!", no less :rolleyes: ), it says her favorite activity is "online time", such as posting on message boards and creating (fake) webpages.
She probably thought it would be fun to pretend to have dogs that give birth to puppies, not realizing of course that this board is all about REALITY, not adolescent fantasy, and it would not be well received. How many times do we have to tell some of you kids? - BE REAL. BE WHO YOU REALLY ARE, DON'T POSE. If you don't have pets, don't make them up. There are too many intelligent people on this forum who will see right through you from your first post.

SlaveTo9Dogs, I don't know who you were the first time you signed up, but please, don't sign up again. And don't let the virtual doorknob hit ya where the good Lord split ya on your way out.

08-26-2003, 07:46 PM
a picture of the puppy from Criket so that part is true. Still very sad.

08-26-2003, 07:47 PM
I hope Karen gets her IP address and bans her from coming back here as it's getting old.

08-26-2003, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by MHMama
a picture of the puppy from Criket so that part is true. Still very sad.

Who says that's actually HER dog? The photo didn't come up for me anyways.

08-26-2003, 07:55 PM
here is the picture she put up.


I put it on my website so you could see it. I named it another puppy because I didn't want to mix it up with my pictures.

08-26-2003, 08:02 PM
I sure feel sorry for that sweet little baby dog. In my opinion, this is animal cruelty and I hope that they have to do jail time for this. People like this shouldn't be allowed to have animals, much less repopulate themselves!! :mad:

Desert Arabian
08-26-2003, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I sure feel sorry for that sweet little baby dog. In my opinion, this is animal cruelty and I hope that they have to do jail time for this. People like this shouldn't be allowed to have animals, much less repopulate themselves!! :mad:

And while they are there I hope they get some much needed mental help....

08-26-2003, 11:06 PM
I have to agree
"Don't let the door hit where the good Lord split ya!"