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06-24-2001, 01:31 AM
I am going to be watching a Dachshund named Tiffany. I don't know much about this breed. The owner of her, Mike, wants me to train her. I have never trained a dog and don't know how to go about it. What do I do. Mike wants me to teach her to sit, stay, lie down, come, heel and for her to Learn her name. Should I give her a treat everytime she does it right or should I give her verble praise? O and a nother thing she is only 7 months old is she still to young to learn? She doesn't know anything about siting or staying or anything! Please help me!!!!!!!

Nikki and Buddy

The Egyptians thought cats were Queens, cats will never let us forget it

[This message has been edited by Buddy2101 (edited June 24, 2001).]

06-24-2001, 04:34 AM
of course a puppy can learn that young. their training is to begin the moment you bring them home. treats, verbal praise, and physical praise all work for when they do something right. as for watching his dog, he wants you to train it in what amout of time?! this isn't going to happen in a night or even a week.

well, i'll let the pros handle the details. if you want ooodles more information as an suppliment of whatever messages you receive here. Dog Bytes is a wonderful fourm to go check out. just in case you are looking for bookloads of information. you'll get that between these two sites. (oh, i almost forgot... www.delphi.com/dogbytes/start/ (http://www.delphi.com/dogbytes/start/) ) both of these sites are top notch for information.

06-24-2001, 07:33 AM
I think if you praise with treats it works the best.. find something the dog REAlly likes and cut it or break it into small peices and allways make sure you have some on hand. A great way to teach sit is gently push down on the behind and pull up a little but on the head. Lay , push down on the behind and pull the legs gently down saying lay at the same time. Heel was a great trick for Simba he loved learning it.. What i did was id take him for a walk and throug the walk id stop and say heel... he caught on to this one in a couple of days.Stay, with some dogs you will need 2 people to teach stay. One with the dog on a leash... and another walking in or you could do it alone have the dog on a leash telling him to stay and then throw a favorite toy or his or a ball and saying stay.. reward each time the dog does something right... slowely work into verble and physical praise. You should always teach your dog sit first because sit somes into most treats.. like in heel you could teach it to sit everytime you say heel. To learn come simply have one person hold the dog on one side of the room you go to the other with a snack or something she really likes and then say come here and pat your legs or rub the florrr area near you if the dog ocmes to you praise it. All of this is not going to pop into the dogs head in a short time... And try to only work on each trick about 10 to 15 minutes a day becayse the dog quickly get bored and will not want to do tricks.. try to make it fun for the dog. And for her learning her name just say it to her. He should actually teach his own dog because i see that Simba listens to me the best and i was the one that taught him lal of his tricks. So it would be better for him to teach her. I could sit Simba in the middle of the room (we have done this befor) i gave all of my family dog snacks and i sat farthest away wit nothing. WE all started calling Simba. and Simba looked at me like Mom, What do i do? then i said Simba come. He came walking right over towards me. of cours then i gave him a verble and physical praise.

I hope Tiffany is a good girl and you have an easy time teaching her like i had teaching Simba. I wish i lived closer because i find it fun training a dog!
I basicly got all of my knowledge in training from watching hours of Good Dog U. on Animal Planet! (We used to say that DUke on there was Simba's dad.)
Good Luck!

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[This message has been edited by *SimButtTwo4U* (edited June 24, 2001).]

06-24-2001, 08:00 AM
Another good, simple dog training page is:

06-24-2001, 08:54 AM
I think that praise is good enough. I don't think you need to give him a treat every single time he does something right. Just verble praise is good enough.

You might want to tell the guy that you've never trained a dog before. Just to let him no, that you're probably no pro. You can use whatever method you want.

I don't want to argue with anybody, but I use the "Koehler Method Of Dog Training." Alot of people think that that method is "abusive" but if you get trained under a certifed instructor, you won't believe the trainig. I personally like the Koehler method. I don't want to argue with anybody so if you want to learn about the Koehler method, just privatley e-mail me.

Whatever method works! Tell us how it goes!

Becky Weise & Iris - the German Shepherd

06-24-2001, 10:45 AM
It really depends on the dog what kind of praise works best. There are some dogs who will only want to work for food. Then there are others like Reece who prefer a pet over a treat any day. Or others like Piper who are very toy motivated and will do anything for a squeaky toy. Get to know Tiffany and find out which she prefers.

There are 3 different basic methods in which we train dogs at the humane society: Shaping, Luring, and Catching in the Act. Luring is the easiest way. I'll try to explain as much as I can but its a lot easier to just demonstrate. To teach sit with luring, all you do is get your treat and hold it a little above the dog's nose. Then move your hand forward and up some. The dog should naturally sit with you doing this. If he does, praise praise praise. Do not add the vocal command yet because the dog is still learning. When you get to the point where you can hold your hand in front of you, palm up, raise it up a few inches as a signal, and the dog sits, then you are ready to add the vocal command. We never teach by shoving the dog in the position because a lot of times this teaches them that being touched is sort of a bad thing. Especially since they are shelter dogs, they are already a little squeamish. To teach the down we simply hold the treat in front of the nose and guide it to the floor. You can do this from the sit or stand position. We generally do it from a stand unless a certain dog won't do it like that. Remember "Nose to the toes". Don't worry if the dog doesn't know to lay down right away. Put the treat on the floor with your hand over it. The dog may sniff and try to get it but most likely will lay down in a minute. As soon as they do, praise and give treasts! I know some tricks for teaching stubborn dogs down but I think they are too complicated to type out.

Catching in the act is something that we don't use often but works. We once had this malamute who would not go into a down for anything in the world. So all we did, was took her into a visitation room several times a day and ignore her. The second she'd lay down, she'd get a ton of treats, petting and verbal praise. She started to learn maybe laying down isn't such a bad thing afterall.

Shaping is also used for the more stubborn dogs. When you try to lure them but they just won't go all the way, we start praising for the little steps in between. If we are teaching a down and they start to go down a little, they get praise. Each time they get closer to a down, more praise. Eventually they will be in a down and then they get a whole handful of little treats.

Just think of a dog as someone from a foreign country. They have no idea what sit means so you need to show them instead of constantly repeating the command in thier face. Be sure not to add the vocal command until they know the signal or they will become somewhat immune to the vocal and just ignore you. When you do give the vocal, only say it once and then wait for the dog to do it. Don't repeat it 10 times or you will have a dog that is not going to sit every time you say sit. Patience is the key. Good luck with Tiffany!!!

06-24-2001, 11:21 AM
Go to the American Dog Trainers Network at:

Come smile with me at:

06-24-2001, 03:25 PM
Thanx everybody! Mike, the owner of Tiffany knows that I have never traind a dog but teddy which was my dog. Tiffany loves attention so I think that I might try attention first. If she doesn't do it with attention then I will use treats! Thanx so much for the addvice!

06-24-2001, 06:32 PM
For starters, don't give her a treat every time she does something right. She'll get fat, and the best way to reward a dog when he/she does something right, is to give it praise, and love. So, just give her a nice pat on the head, and that way, she won't get fat! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif But, I don't know a whole lot about Doxies!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

06-24-2001, 10:13 PM
I know a little about doxies, and I will second the "using treats only as a last resort" for motivation - there's nothing sadder than a dachshund so overweight her tummy almost drags the ground - they don't have the leeway to gain a few pounds here and there like a bigger dog does!

Daisy's Mom
06-24-2001, 10:37 PM
I don't know about doxies but I do have a Basset Hound, and you have to be careful when you hand out treats to a low dog like Bassets and Doxies. A big belly rub and lots of happy-voiced praise will suffice http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Good luck with Tiffany! How long are you going to be watching her for? I know you'll have a lot of fun with a puppy!

06-24-2001, 11:14 PM
I am goign to be watching her till Augest! We started to train today. It was amazing. I todl her to sit showed her once she stayed for a few seconds I praised her and she ran away! But thats not the amazing part! Later on I was givign my dog which is a sheltie some treats. I told him to sit and next thing I knew I have two doggies sitting there I think she did what Teddy did! i don't kwno but it was awesome I think Teddy is goign to be her new teacher he shows her and she usually does it. I think she thiks she is a shelteie eather that or, like evry other animal in this house, she thinks teddy is her mommie!

It was great! Thanx for the tips I still need help with everything else though! Please keep posting I need all the abdvice I can get!

06-24-2001, 11:48 PM
Looks like you got a smart dog on your hands http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Good luck!

06-26-2001, 11:21 AM
Hey guys this is Tiffy,

Of course I am smart aren't all dogs? Thh two leger who respons to Nikki is going to be helping me to learn what Mike wants me to, I heard you guys helped her out alot! Thanx, I kinda know what they mean by sit she still has to show me. I just don't get it how come I have to sit everytime they says sit I have to sit but when I say sit do they sit? No. But we will be havign some more stuff with the food today is that called training? She said no more food cause I iwll get fat! Did you guys tell her that? I like to tourter the cats its fun to see things bigge then me run really really fats. there is one cat named Mokey who chases me! She is one scary lookin thing well I ma goign to go beg the two leger for some meat she is eating!

See ya and thanx again Tiffany.

I'm not bad I swear I am a angel http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/rolleyes.gif sure Tiffany

06-26-2001, 11:34 PM
Hey we did some more training today. She is pretty good at siting now. I am so proud Mike came over today to see hww we were doing and she sat on the comand I think it was jut cause Mike was in the room. But o well she is doin good. I only practice with her abotu 15 mins a day and Miek does it every 3 days so she still understands that Miek is the boss not me.

Nikki and Buddy

The Egyptians thought cats were Queens, cats will never let us forget it!
Dogs have masters, Ctas have staff!

06-27-2001, 01:56 AM
that's great that her training is comming along!!!

and i love the saying!!!!

*scritchy scritchies to Tiffany*

06-27-2001, 11:52 AM
Tiffy says thankyou for the scrahes. The traing is going along so good she is gettign better. Miek worked with her last night so I am hoping she will be alot bette to dya. But hey theses things do nto happin over night. Tiffy says hi to all the puppy out there!

Nikki and Buddy

The Egyptians thought cats were Queens, cats will never let us forget it!
Dogs have masters, Cats have staff!

06-27-2001, 12:23 PM
Never mind my last post, I have a dog book I can copy from!!: The international name of dachshund, meaning badger dog, reflects these breeds' original purpose. For the last100 years they have been bred as "earth dogs", the standard size being willing and able to follow badgers and foxes underground, with the minature version doing the same with rabbits. Show-standard dogs have deep chests and short legs, while workind dogs have less robust chests and longer legs. In Germany, where these resilient dogs are still worked, they are categorized by chest circumference. The Kaninchenteckel (Rabbit-Hunting Dachshund) has a maximum 12 in (30 cm) chest measurement, the zwergteckel (Miniature) measures from 12-14 in (31-35 cm). All Dachshunds are of hound origin, but because of their utilitarian role as Germany's most efective earth dogs, these breeds are aptly classified with the other earth dogs-the terrier group. Today, most Dachshunds are kept as household companions, and they are perhaps the most recognizable of all breeds.
Country of Origin: Germany
Date of Origin: 1900's
First use: Badger Flushing
Use Today: Companoin
Life Expectancy: 14-17 years
Other Names: Zwergteckel, (Miniature), Normalschlag (Standard)
Weight Range: Miniature: 9-10 lbs (4-5 kg) Standard: 15-25 lbs. (6.5-11.5 kg)
Height Range: Miniature and Standard: 5-10 inches, (13-25 cm).
The Dachshund is suitable for urban living, unsuitable for outdoor living, NOT EASY TO OBEDIENCE TRAIN, does not get along with other dogs, does not need a lot or daily exercise, and is a good watchdog.

***Sadie May and LabLover*** *Labs Rule*


06-28-2001, 10:46 PM
Training tiffany is a breeze she knows how to sit and she kinda knows how to stay. Her love for plezing me is so strong that I thnk this trainging will be easy! I have to get up early tomrrow so she can come over so I had better get to bed! Have a nice day or night! :)

06-28-2002, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by *LabLoverKEB*
[B]Country of Origin: Germany
Date of Origin: 1900's
First use: Badger Flushing
Use Today: Companoin
Life Expectancy: 14-17 years
Other Names: Zwergteckel, (Miniature), Normalschlag (Standard)
Weight Range: Miniature: 9-10 lbs (4-5 kg) Standard: 15-25 lbs. (6.5-11.5 kg)
Height Range: Miniature and Standard: 5-10 inches, (13-25 cm).
The Dachshund is suitable for urban living, unsuitable for outdoor living, NOT EASY TO OBEDIENCE TRAIN, does not get along with other dogs, does not need a lot or daily exercise, and is a good watchdog.

Will they get along with another Dachshund?

06-28-2002, 03:50 PM
Dashhound dog, this post is a year old to the day...... I don't think she's watching the dog anymore. ;) :)

I guess the next question is, How did the training go? :D

06-28-2002, 11:44 PM
lol the date messed me up...heh I saw the 28th

06-29-2002, 12:24 AM
Well geez you guys made me gfo to alot of trouble just to post back. Hee hee. I had to get on to this screen name and then I forgot my password so I had to have it sent to me and woops, I'm not complaing ;) . Well any way the training went very well. I think. I kinda forget and try not to think about Tiffy cause everytime I do, I cry. I miss her alot. She was my pride and Joy and I love her till this day. I don't know if Mike has Tiffy but if he does I'm sure she isn't trained because he would never spend money on her :rolleyes: . But I was able to teach her sit, lie down, and stay.

07-02-2002, 06:11 PM
You could also try this website.
Hope this helps!!!:D