View Full Version : Kitten found injured in street - can you help...

K & L
08-23-2003, 07:44 PM
Hello Everyone:

I'm received these e-mails from a lady who works for a vet we often use. Anyway this is a very touching and heartwarming story and thought maybe someone out there would want, or know of someone that would provide this kitten with a loving indoor only home. If so, please let me know or forward this note on...

Here's the first part of the story:

I was off work yesterday and on my way to an appointment. A little (maybe 6week old) kitten was in the turn lane on 51st ave S of Indian School. He was face down and looked dead but not completely squashed. It was after 9am and already hot. The traffic was horrendous. He certainly looked dead, but I could not force myself to continue. I pulled onto a side street and walked back down the road. To my horror I saw him lift his head and in excruciating effort drag both hind legs. He moved about an inch toward the northbound traffic, wheels missing him by inches. I reflexively stepped into the street, but then looked left to see a big green and white semi coming at me. I stepped back in time but had to wait. First reasonable chance I was in the street.

I got him. He is doing well and doesn't seem so far to have a broken back. Dr J has not done x rays yet. When he felt better he spit at me. (I think he was feral) but by the end of the day he was eating and drinking from a dish Dr. J held for him. He can't sit or stand yet. Not even sure he will make it.

Followup note:

Kitten has fx pelvis and broken femoral head and head injury (concussion). May not have to have sx or anything but cage rest. Dr. J was handfeeding him when I walked in. He looks great. Must have decided not to spit anymore. He needs a really special home! He needs to be strictly indoors though.

Most recent status (from K & L):

We stopped by the vet's office to see this poor kitten. He appears to be doing well. They are discouraging him from trying to walk for a few more days to allow the healing process to continue. Though recently awakened from a nap, he seemed pretty happy and comfortable. He started meowing at us soon after we held him. He's beautiful, with little tiger-stripes and orange and brown coloring. He's still very small - probably only about 6 weeks - maybe less. Please help us find a place for this little trooper to happily spend his remaining eight lives.

08-23-2003, 09:51 PM
Oh, the poor little dear! I am so glad that lady stopped. I hope he finds a special forever home. I had a cat who had a broken pelvis (I don't know what happened to him, it was when I lived in the country and my cats could go out if they wanted), and he healed up fairly fast, no lasting problems.

08-23-2003, 11:27 PM
I'm so glad that the lady stopped to help him and that his health is starting to improve. I also hope that he'll find the purrfect loving forever home. :) Please keep us updated.

08-23-2003, 11:42 PM
Oh the precious little darling..... how horrible for him to have laid there and suffered!!! Thank GOD this woman saved him in time! Please do keep us updated on his progress, and I sure hope and pray that he will find a special forever home!

K & L
08-24-2003, 07:58 AM
Isn't this an amazing story! My husband is going to go take his picture and I wil post it when he does. He is SO sweet and it was hard to not take him home. I'm hoping someone will give him the special home he so deserves. I've got all kinds of e-mails out to all the cat people I work with. Keep your fingers crossed.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-25-2003, 04:54 PM
Oh my! What a story! I would have totally lost it when the kitten was in the street and lifted it's head. :(

I am soooo glad your friend was there for this little kitten. And I can't believe all the other cars just kept going about their business with an inured kitten in the road. :mad:

This is one special kitty for having survived so much already and she certainly deserves a wonderful, wonderful furever home.

08-25-2003, 08:48 PM
That sweet little kitty. I hope he finds a furrever home. I'm sure once they post pictures (maybe even at the vet's office???) he'll surely find some kind soul.

We had the same thing happen at the shelter yesterday. One of the volunteers was driving in and saw a cat, maybe a year old or less, on the side of the road after being hit, trying to get up, but couldn't. She called Animal Control and they called the Vet Tech.

Unfortunately, the cat's injuries were too severe so she had to be euthanized. I stayed with her (ah, you KNOW me and how I feel about kitties dying alone) till she went to the RB.

Rest In Peace, Sweet Pea. Know that you were loved.

08-26-2003, 10:05 AM
We are praying at the lost Cats for tis poor Cat to recover and get a good home where he will be safe! How Horrible that he had to suffer! Prayers are on thier way!!!

08-26-2003, 10:07 AM
I missed the last paert! May Seepea Rest in Peace and have a good life at the Rainbow Bridge! Bless you for caring!!!