View Full Version : omg fire is reaching so many ppl 30,000 evacuated.

08-22-2003, 11:06 PM
I am so worried about Jordan(wolfsoul) There is a HUGE forest fire headed her way, I hope her and her family and pets get out safley :(:(

There is now two fires in bc, where me and jordan live. one on my side of the lake and one on her side of the lake, I am so scared, sooo many ppl are being forced to leave, I might have to leave. :(:(:eek:

I am crying right now, I am soooooo scared, I dont know what to think or do.. My dads friend is being evacuated right now out of his farm, him along with his 30 or so Chickens, they hopfully will make it out ok :(:(. If they do His daughter, him, and all 30 chickens are coming to my house.

All the phone lines are out.. please send prayers. :(:( PLEASE BC needs it..

08-22-2003, 11:16 PM
How scary! :eek: Sending prayers headed your way that you, Jordan, and everyone else in danger stays safe.

08-22-2003, 11:19 PM
OMG, I am so sorry Jynelle. That sounds really scary. My prayers are with you, Jordan, and all of BC.

08-22-2003, 11:22 PM
I can see the fire from my front yard. :eek: :( So not cool. The roads near mine are evacuated. This is the biggest forest fire in the History of British Columbia.

Alot of my friends are also evacuated, and some are losing their homes as we speak. The news is on 24/7 so I'm being updated all the time.

I didn't think it was possible. I didn't think it would get this far into the city.

My mom's boyfriend was evactuated, and his home will most likely be burned down. He'll be living with us for now, so that means an extra doggy.

I'm so freaked out that our house will be burned down. :(

08-22-2003, 11:23 PM
omg I just herd that ppl with farms are forced to let their livestoke loose to fend for them selves :eek: *sob* :(:(:(. I am so freaking out right now. I dont know what to do with my self.

08-22-2003, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
I can see the fire from my front yard. :eek: :( So not cool. The roads near mine are evacuated. This is the biggest forest fire in the History of British Columbia.

Alot of my friends are also evacuated, and some are losing their homes as we speak. The news is on 24/7 so I'm being updated all the time.

I didn't think it was possible. I didn't think it would get this far into the city.

My mom's boyfriend was evactuated, and his home will most likely be burned down. He'll be living with us for now, so that means an extra doggy.

I'm so freaked out that our house will be burned down. :(

OMG thank god you are ok jordan, If I were you I would pack bags and get your pets ready JUST in case they evacuate you to :(:( I am so scared for the spca right now, my mom is headed out that way to see if she can grab a few animals. :(:( :eek::eek:

08-22-2003, 11:28 PM
Yeah, I have a bag of nessecities but don't want to go overload until they give us notice. I don't want to scare myself.

I'm glad you're okay. It's so scary right now. Spot fires from embers have been starting everywhere. And miles away from the original fire too! Embers can fly so friggin' far! Ash is flying from the sky into our yard and on our house. Just waiting until one of those is an ember. :eek:

08-22-2003, 11:29 PM

08-22-2003, 11:34 PM
I know jordan embers can fly far, Ash has been falling in yards and on top of cars all day!!!!! I am so scared for ppl in Kelowna, please be safe jordan ok. and kiss your pets for me. I have gottin out my kenels and crap just in case. so I can shuv Fuzzy and the birds in there. :eek:

08-22-2003, 11:38 PM
You be safe too. :( I can see the fire from my house. *cries* It's heading our way. It's going down the mountain and it's going to end up in the field across from our road. Timber and I go there all the time. :( The fire is 2 minutes away!! My mom is getting stuff into the van now. :(

Whenever I read the word "ash" I keep thinking we are talking about Aspen and Misty LOL. "Ash has been flying in yards and on top of cars all day" lmao. :)

08-22-2003, 11:41 PM
AHH The news just said that it's a category six fire which is the worst!! It's the hardest to fight, and the most fast-moving! It could be here soon! :(

08-22-2003, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul

Whenever I read the word "ash" I keep thinking we are talking about Aspen and Misty LOL. "Ash has been flying in yards and on top of cars all day" lmao. :)
That's what I was thinking of to lmao.

I hope everything turns out ok. Good Luck Jordan. That it really scary. My whole heart is with you guys, I will be praying for BC tonight.

08-22-2003, 11:47 PM
Please stay safe you guys. I'm almost in tears..worrying.. I can't even imagine how its like...I'll be praying for you tonight. Good Luck.

08-22-2003, 11:50 PM
omg!!! Im fell terrible!!! You will get through this. Be safe you 2!!
and your pets! What is starting these fires?

08-22-2003, 11:51 PM

Jordan are you being evacuated!!!??? :confused::(

Please both of you be safe!!
Keep us updated ASAP!!

08-22-2003, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Amber
What is starting these fires?
I don't even know anymore. There have been so many fires that you can't really keep track of how they are started. I remember that one or two were from cigarettes, one was from kids (small one), a ton of them were from flying embers. And this is the driest BC has ever been. BC is usually very dry, but this year is the worst. Kelowna is supposed to be a tropical city, but people are starting to call it a desert. :(

08-22-2003, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Tweety_Pie

Jordan are you being evacuated!!!??? :confused::(

Not so far...I hope never. :( :( :( :(

08-23-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Amber
omg!!! Im fell terrible!!! You will get through this. Be safe you 2!!
and your pets! What is starting these fires?

lightening started the HUGE fire headed Jordans way :(:(. and they have proff, it was cought on tape. the one started on my side of the lake was started by a cigar, or somthing and it is headed my way :eek::eek:

08-23-2003, 12:11 AM
Omgosh I hope you guys keep safe. I'm a major panick freak, I'd have my bed packed already. Keep safe you two! I want frequent updates!

I know you two live a couple hours away...but if you need a place to stay, don't hesitate to ask.

08-23-2003, 12:12 AM

There is a storm right now :-(:-( lightening and thunder, this is the last thing we need because one strike of lightening could start another HUGE blistering fire, considering it is sooo dry right now it hasnt rained in such a long time :(:(.

08-23-2003, 12:20 AM
Hopefully the storm will bring lots of rain and no lightening.
Keeping our paws and claws crossed.

08-23-2003, 12:44 AM
Please stay safe u 2, & keep us updated as often as u can.

binka_nugget that is a sweet thing to offer, u 2 might want to consider it as an option.

Canada is no longer "the land of the great white", its now "the land of the great fire". :( :(

08-23-2003, 01:03 AM
We are all hoping for rain, but so far there is none just lightening and thunder :(:(

08-23-2003, 01:12 AM
here is a idea of the fire, this is the actual fire!



08-23-2003, 01:47 AM
Please try to stay safe and keep us updated if you can. Prayers and positive thoughts are on the way. Let there be a lot of rain to drown out this horrible fire. Please take care.

08-23-2003, 02:22 AM
OMG! That is SO scary. I'm so worried about my uncle now! He lives around Vancouver. The fire isn't there is it? :eek::(:eek: Oh my goodness. Please be safe, all of you. Jordan, be sure the ratties and pups have a safe carrier in case of evacuation. Jynelle, if the birds are outside, bring them in. The smoke can be horrible for their health. Also, be sure to have carriers ready for all of the animals. I know you have many, so it may take time to prepare. Are your parents home from camp? Stay safe you all, and keep us updated. I hope you'll never have to be evacuated and that the fires die down. :(:(

08-23-2003, 02:33 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
OMG! That is SO scary. I'm so worried about my uncle now! He lives around Vancouver. The fire isn't there is it? :eek::(:eek: Oh my goodness. Please be safe, all of you. Jordan, be sure the ratties and pups have a safe carrier in case of evacuation. Jynelle, if the birds are outside, bring them in. The smoke can be horrible for their health. Also, be sure to have carriers ready for all of the animals. I know you have many, so it may take time to prepare. Are your parents home from camp? Stay safe you all, and keep us updated. I hope you'll never have to be evacuated and that the fires die down. :(:(

I am moving the birds to a smaller cage tomorrow, they are inside right now. I have carriers for all my pets, dont worrie.. The fire is in Kelowna NOT VAncouver dont worrie, it isnt in your uncles direction. I think it is just going to stick around here :(:(.

my parents are home from camp now, they got home 4 days early THANK GOD!!!

08-23-2003, 02:59 AM
Oh I'm so worried about the two of you. It looked like it would rain today. Hopefully, it'll get a bit wetter very soon. Stay safe you two.

08-23-2003, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
I am moving the birds to a smaller cage tomorrow, they are inside right now. I have carriers for all my pets, dont worrie.. The fire is in Kelowna NOT VAncouver dont worrie, it isnt in your uncles direction. I think it is just going to stick around here :(:(.

Actually the fire is now in Naramatta, Peachland, Penticton, Kelowna, and some town I can't remember the name of.

We are fine. I didn't sleep very well which sucks because I had to get up early today. The fire has burned down so many more houses. I haven't looked outside to check if the fire is still there yet. I don't really want to know.

Thanks for offering your house Ashley!!! :D

08-23-2003, 09:36 AM
OMG I'm so scared about this thing. I'm sending prayers and postive thoughts BC's way. Stay safe all of you. :( :( :(

I wish we could send you guys some of our rain! :(

08-23-2003, 09:56 AM
Oh, how frightening for all of you. I pray that you, your families and all of your pets will be safe and the fires don't reach your homes.

08-23-2003, 11:58 AM
I saw it on the news - how scary!! :eek: I hope the fires won't reach your houses, but please be prepared for anything. Pack the important things and get the cages ready!

We'll keep our fingers crossed for you. Take care!

08-23-2003, 12:08 PM
Oh how scary.
Please stay safe Jordan and Jynelle!!
It sounds like you guys are ready for evacuation, if you have to--please stay safe.
You and the rest of the area will be in my prayers.

Please update when you can and let us know you are all ok.

08-23-2003, 12:32 PM
Oh gosh, you guys..that is so scary. Sending positive thoughts your way, and Darlin sends puppy hugs and wet slurpy kisses! :)
Please whatever you do, stay safe and protected.

08-23-2003, 01:50 PM
So scary. Sending prayers and positive thoughts that you all stay safe.

08-23-2003, 02:46 PM
Thank you for all your prayers. :)

203 homes have been burned down in Kelowna alone. I'm not sure how many have been lost in the other cities. :(

08-23-2003, 07:32 PM
There is a new fire right by my house, I am moving Cheeko and Spring into a smaller cage,I am also getting together things that have sentamental value :). I prey that the fire stays in control, because if it gets any worse tonight we are leaving, my mom is really perinoid right now. I will be at my aunts* she has the internet* and I will keep everything in updates.

I am donating several bird, and rodent cages to the local spca because they really need it.

I was driving down town and I saw a bunch of homing pigeons on the side of the road scavenging for food, many farmers were forced to let their bird(pigeons, chickens, turkeys, and ducks) free to fend for them selves :(:(

08-23-2003, 07:41 PM
OMG JYNELLE! THATS SO SCARY! Please be safe and give us another update ASAP!!!


08-23-2003, 07:56 PM
OMG! This is getting sooo scary! Please do your best to keep yourself, your family, and all the pets safe. :(

08-23-2003, 07:56 PM
Wow guys... be careful... Jynelle... Jordan... god I would be scared out of my mind! Keep your calm and be ready for anything.

*hugs to you guys and kisses to all the animals*

08-23-2003, 08:00 PM
Stupid kids and ppl are lighting fires on perpose.*I just herd it on the news* WE are going to my aunts, We are calling the spca asap and canceling our fosters :(:( we cant be fostering dogs while their is a fire so close and stupid ppl lighting them all over :(:(. :eek: !!!!!

08-23-2003, 08:03 PM
What I don't understand is how people can start fires "for fun" and think it's funny. That makes me SO unbelivable angry. Do they not know, that they are killing helpless animals because of fires THEY caused, which made people have to let them go? GOD someone shoot them.

08-23-2003, 08:07 PM
I just got word, that my grandma and grandpa have been told to pack up there stuff and get ready to evacuate:(

08-23-2003, 09:22 PM
Oh man, please be safe everyone! Please make sure everything you want (pictures, videotapes etc.) are packed up, and make sure ALL animals have emergency food and water in the car or what not, and are all ready to go on a moments notice.

I feel so bad for the animals having to fend for themselves. I wish I could go up there and rescue them. :( :( :(

08-23-2003, 09:25 PM
:( this is scary:(

Poor animals! Everyone be safe!

08-23-2003, 11:09 PM
Another fire has been started on the west side. They are calling it the Bear Creek Park fire. It isn't too close to you Jynnelle, but it could get there.

My grandpa is on evacuation alert, and he is out there fighting the fires. My grandma is also on alert, and she has no car, no transportation at all, she has atleast (literally) 100 cats, she has two dogs, tons of chickens and geese. I have no idea what she's going to do. She lives in Beaverdell, which is 3 hours away from Kelowna. It is already that far. My dad is on evacuation alert. My mom's boyfriend's house is gone. One of my best friend's house is gone. My other friend's house might be gone. So many people. :(

The first fire on the west side is contained but not controlled. The stupid fire has jumped all of the fire guards. On the map they showed on the news, we are right on the dotted line of being on evacuation alert. I'm scared. :(

I'll keep giving updates!

08-23-2003, 11:11 PM
best thing you can do is stay calm. Pack all your valuable items, and keep watching the news.

It must be so scary:(

08-23-2003, 11:13 PM
Omgosh... that's so scary... I would be in one HUGE world of panic if I were there. Do what Cass said... get everything that means a lot to you, pictures, videos, everything. And be sure to have lots of dog, cat, rat, bird, whatever kind of food you need for your pets. I'm praying for you guys, and be safe.

:( :( :( :(