View Full Version : I tortured myself....

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-22-2003, 05:36 PM
today at lunch. I had to go to Petco to get some Tubby food. Usually I totally avoid the rescue area, but today I meandered on over. What a mistake! There were a total of 4 all black kitties there! There were actually 10 I think, but out of that there were 4 blackies. :( Two of them were 5 month old kittens, and one of them was just goofy! He was attacking everything he could right down to the crack between the litter box and the floor! He was jumping all over the place and even pounced on the other one once, with a little butt wiggle first. I just love the little butt wiggle. :D They were sooooo adorable! Another black one, Chet, had a carpet condom for a bed, and he was sleeping in it. He peeked an eye open when I walked up, but his note said he was afraid of being in a cage - poor kitty. His note said he was about 4 years old. And the last black one, Monte. He was about 1 1/2 years old. And my first instinct was that he might have some Aby in him. He was long and lean and his head was shaped like an Aby head. His note said he was very active (Aby trait) and while I was looking in, he kept stretching up to the top part of his cage, like he wanted to be "up" someplace. He was really a beautiful, regal looking cat when he just sat.

Meg and Madison were in a cage together. They were over 1 year old and were Samantha look alikes, except with gray spots instead of black. Gray moo cow kitties. :D All their note said was they were very lovable and sweet. They were both sleeping.

Mona (?) was in her bed when I first walked up, but she got up for me, did a big stretch, then kept pawing at the cage like she wanted me to pick her up. :( She was a Logan look-alike. Kinda like a tabby tuxie. She was beautiful and it said she was 1 year old.

Then there was Cirrus. Yes, Cirrus! I couldn't believe there was another cat with that name!!! He was an "adult" orangie tuxie. It said he was very playful, and I could see it because when I first walked up his bed was in the back of the cage, and by the time I left it was in the front because he was batting it around. Yes, batting the bed around! Goofy kitty!

And the other two, I'm sorry to say, I don't remember their names. I tried so hard to remember because I thought that's the least I could do for them, and I forgot. :( I guess they didn't make much of an impression because they were both sleeping, but I do remember that their notes said "Go slow!" on them, so they must have been scared. One was another tabby tuxie and the other was a total tabby. I felt so bad for these two. :(

I would have taken them all in a heart beat, but I had to walk out with none. :( I did notice also, though, that the adoption fee was $100.00! :eek: I thought that was kinda high, but I thought they probably did it to discourage "low life" types that are looking for a disposable pet. However, this $100.00 included neutering and all shots and a $30.00 gift card from Petco, which I thought was a great idea because a new kitty owner is going to need that for necessities.

Anyway, I thought I'd let you know how I tortured myself during lunch today. I just had a thought though. I wonder if they would be open to me stopping in 2 or 3 times a week to play with the kitties during my lunch hour? Just to give them some human contact to keep them socialized and all. Hmmmm....have to think about that one......:)

08-22-2003, 05:54 PM
Oh I so know how you feel. I torture myself quite often at our SuperPetz store. They have a rescue called Animal Works inside - that is where I adopted both Jazz and Scout. I go in every couple of weeks to drop off newspapers for them and I end up staying an hour to play with the kitties. There is a little male kitten about 5-6 months old there that I have wanted since the first of June. Actually I was going to get him but ended up with Scout instead since he's been so sickly. His name is Angus and when I finally convinced my husband to go see him back in June I found out he had a URI. I went into the back to visit him and all the hair had fallen off his ears. I told them he had ringworm and the vet confirmed it the next day. Anyway, over two months later and he still has ringworm. He keeps getting re-infected from other kittens. I'm heartsick over him and wished more than anything that my husband would agree to one more so I could bring him home and get him healthy. He's white with gray spots and the cutest pink nose. He looks like he could be a large boy, if all this illness doesn't stunt his growth.

I go visit him every couple of weeks and leave almost in tears. Especially when I see the dozens of cats in the back room because there aren't enough display cages out front. If I had more time I would volunteer to play with the cats regularly but since I take care of my elderly parents my time is too limited. I just torture myself every couple of weeks instead.

Why do we keep torturing ourselves??

08-22-2003, 06:58 PM
My name is Jennifer and I am a cat-aholic. Our stores only have the rescues on a saturday for a short time, so I don't have the opportunity to go see them whenever I shop. SOOOOOOO I must admit to sitting at the computer looking at all the local rescue groups and their adoptables on petfinder.com. WHY???? because I am hopelessly addicted!

08-22-2003, 08:15 PM
Don't feel alone in this, Jen.... I do the same thing!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

08-22-2003, 08:30 PM
Oh yes, Petfinders is another method of torture for me. I even look in areas I have family members living in hopes I might some day convince them to adopt some adorable animal. I look at it and my county animal shelter's website almost every day. I'm addicted.

I just wished I could do something. I'm still hoping for that large house out in the country some day. Room for more...

08-23-2003, 12:42 AM
Around here they also have pet adoptions on the weekends at local pet stores like Petco and Petsmart. I usually try not to go to the store at that time because I don't want to be tempted. I know that 4 is definitely my limit and Storm and Cirrus also still have some issues to work out between them. Debbie, I can't believe there was another cat named Cirrus. :) I really thought that it was a very unique name. I guess not.
I also sometimes like to look at the different cat adoption websites. It makes me sad to see so many little kitty faces that need good homes. :( I also wish that I could do something that would make a difference.

08-23-2003, 07:33 AM
No wonder you were drawn over to the rescue area, places like that are magnets to us catlovers. :) They all sound like cuties and I bet you had a hard time leaving again. ;)

It sounds like a good way they handle it and I think I know where you'll be at your lunch hour in the near future. :D Enjoy it!

08-23-2003, 12:30 PM
I try to visit the kitties at our local ASPCA every few weeks to play with them. I know I just CANNOT bring home another baby (I've got 3 - my Bo came from the ASPCA) but I'm still drawn to them. I rejoice when a familiar face is missing (adopted) and my heart breaks when I see the same precious faces time and time again, waiting for someone to love them and take them home. I stopped by several days ago and was thrilled that a tuxedo boy with the loudest meow and the pinkest mouth I'd ever seen was finally gone after months - adopted into a new, loving home. He was really tugging at my heartstrings. It's so hard to walk away...