View Full Version : cats and appliances

08-22-2003, 05:28 PM
are your cats afraid of appliances?

Edward used to be afraid of the vacumn cleaner...not so much anymore, but, I have noticed that he will not walk in front of a fan-the table kind that moves back and forth-he'll move as far away as he can and scootch down when he feel the breeze.......

But, he WILL lay in front of it when he gets warm...:confused:

Prairie Purrs
08-22-2003, 05:57 PM
I just got one of those fancy grind-and-brew coffeemakers (gift from my mother--I can't afford such things ;) ). It's got a timer, so I can put in the coffee beans and water the night before and wake up to coffee in the morning.

Well, I discovered that there's no sleeping late when that timer's set! When the grinder kicks in, all 42 (OK, maybe five or six) cats on the bed go flying for cover. I pretty much get trampled in the stampede. :eek:

08-22-2003, 05:58 PM
Ripley is afraid of almost everything that makes noise. All he has to do is hear me open the closet door where the vacuum is and he just about breaks his neck trying to hide. He also hates when I use the blender, food disposal, get ice from the freezer and when I unload the dishwasher.

Jazz has learned the vacuum cleaner fear from Ripley but not as severely.

Scout doesn't seem fazed by anything. I just vacuumed around her today and she just watched with sleepy eyes.

08-22-2003, 06:06 PM
Kelcee has your basic vacuum fear too. She is REALLY scared of plastic sacks.

All though Nina is not a cat, today she was really scared to go in the bedroom. She stayed in the hall and barked for several minutes. It was the blinds, they were 1/2 way up so a breeze could come in. She hated it. I had to lower them to get her to walk in the room!!
Silly Kids.:p

08-22-2003, 06:14 PM
Mitzi is afraid of the vacuum monster -- she will hide for HOURS every time I vacuum anywhere in the apartment. Mishi just looks on like a big goon, staying just out of reach of the vacuum. However they're both getting used to the coffee grinder. Probably because I usually feed them first and then proceed to make my coffee. Mitzi is learning that the coffee grinder won't suck her up, so she just keeps eating whilst I grind my beans. Mishi looks on at Mitzi eating with his usual goony face. :rolleyes:

My RB Goldie used to LOVE it when I used my blow drier -- In fact she would ALWAYS come running when she knew I was about to start drying my hair so she could get her fur "dried" too. She would always flop at my feet and insist that I "dry" her fluffy tummy -- I miss her "helping" me dry my hair. Now that I look back on it, it was probably because she wasn't feeling well and the heat on her belly probably felt good where the tumor was growing -- my poor little fur baby. :(

08-22-2003, 09:43 PM
My RB Sooti was petrified of the vacuum cleaner and lawn mower, but Ash does not worry, I can even vacuum him, and Lexie is just curious about every applicance and looks at it with interest, and investigates.

08-23-2003, 01:19 AM
Mine also hate the vacuum cleaner. I put them back in my room while I vacuum the other rooms but sometimes Cirrus won't cooperate. He's still scared but tries to hide from it and if I get too close to him he'll run. :) I don't drink coffee so there's no grinding noise here but I do use the toaster. Sunny likes to watch it but still will sometimes jump when the toast pops up. :) They also jump when my kitchen clock timer goes off. They hate the BZZZZZZZZZ noise it makes. :) They also jump if I use the garbage disposal. I guess I have some scaredy cats. :)

08-23-2003, 10:24 AM
LOL -- that reminds me -- Mishi is scared of the toaster. When the toast pops out HE pops up too -- it's too funny! :D

08-23-2003, 02:01 PM
Tigris is afraid of
the evil vacuum moster
the blender
a pot hitting another by chance
the radio if it is too loud
the dishwasher

What else? Ok everything that makes a loud and sudden noise.

Filou is afraid of nothing -he's simply too curious.

There is a nice story: one time when our neighbors went away Siegmar wanted to hear a piece of music real loud. It was by an icelandic composer and meant a volcan to break out. Filou came in -all shaking- and stepped onto Siegmar telling him : there must be an earthquake soon and although I'm scared like hell I come to save you
:eek: :) :eek: :)

So we know now that we have to listen to music at cat level;)

08-24-2003, 10:06 AM
They hate the vacuum cleaner! But they have learned to love the George Foreman Grill as they know that delicious things come from it! Especially Bacon!!! BACON!!!!!

08-28-2003, 02:24 PM
i forgot to mention that i could not figure out how the CD player was turned on during the day, until.................


08-28-2003, 03:00 PM
My cell phone rang with a wrong number yesterday and all 4 that were eating in the kitchen jumped about 3 feet in the air and went running in every direction.

All of mine except Tucker HATE the vacuum cleaner, all they have to see is the cover coming off of it and they are running for cover.

08-28-2003, 04:03 PM
Pookie bear hates the Vaccuum Cleaner too. She runs and hides under the end table in the living room (I have a box *hiding* there that she loves to lay on). Last night I also discovered that when I shred papers with the shredder...her back goes up. It was actually pretty funny to watch, as she wasn't even *close* to it!

08-28-2003, 05:45 PM
Max, my little wimpy boy, if afraid of EVERYTHING!!! The fan on the floor, the ceiling fan, the vacuum, the broom, and even a gust of wind from the balcony sends him scooting under the bed.

But yet, he stalks Speckles like a hunter!! Silly kitty.

08-28-2003, 06:23 PM
Ritzy hides from thunder
has called a truce with the evil Hoover (watches from the next room to make sure it doesn't eat meowmie, and occasionally walks up and gives a brave "swat" to show it who is really boss)
Thinks the standard kitchen broom is a big straw toy
Talks to the coffee grinder
Goes and stands ON the phone when it rings...(we're thinking a little vibration goes on and gives a feline foot massage)
Not particularly fond of the hairdryer, but
sits in front of the portable heater fan in the bathroom (which sounds just like the hairdryer)
Scared to death of the garage door opener

Depends on the noise--who knows what goes on inside that furry little tuxedo face?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-28-2003, 08:26 PM
I just noticed tonight that Peanut jumps everytime the toaster pops up. :rolleyes: :D

08-29-2003, 03:04 AM
Bassett is TERRIFIED of plastic bags. None of them really like the vacuum but I wouldn't say they are scared of it. They don't like the coffee grinder, either. The toaster doesn't bother them at all.. but mine doesn't make a lot of noise when it pops up.

Today, though, my washing machine got off balance and was making all kinds of racket, and they all were very curious about what that noise was! :)

Prairie Purrs
08-31-2003, 01:33 PM
I'm happy to report that the cats seem to have adjusted to the grind-'n-brew coffeemaker, so I no longer have to worry about ducking and covering to avoid flying claws when the grinder starts up in the morning.

Someone, however, must have decided that I get up too late in the morning, because he or she managed to reset the clock next to my bed two hours ahead. :eek: The reset buttons are on the top of the clock, so I'm sure a couple of well-placed paws did the trick. Imagine my surprise when the alarm went off at 7 a.m., but all the other clocks in the house said it was 5!

08-31-2003, 01:39 PM
Guess my kitties' fears are pretty average:

Lawn mower
Oh, and the WASHING MACHINE!!!!!!! :eek:

08-31-2003, 01:51 PM
Nellie doesn't like the vacuum cleaner so much...but what she really hates is the fireworks at New Year's Eve (I know it's not an appliance!)...

She freaks out at the slightest noise outside on this special day, so we always end up cowering under the bed with her...no parties, no fireworks for the last seven years...sigh...

Felicia's Mom
08-31-2003, 09:10 PM
Felicia and Beau don't like the vaccuum cleaner. They don't even like the carpet sweeper, and that does not make much noise.

I have a fan that moves back and forth, and Felicia is not afraid if that. She even lays with her head on the base, with the fan just above her ear.