View Full Version : Yet another bad night

Dixie Belle
07-21-2001, 08:03 PM
My husband and I came home last night from his parents house. I went to the dog's yard to feed Mama and Belle. Mama ran out of the gate and up to our deck, which is something that she NEVER does!! I walked over to her, I was just going to pick her up and carry her back to their yard, when she yelped. I jumped back from her, afraid that I had hurt her. :( Then she turned and looked at me. There was blood running down her chin. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tougne, which was so sollowen, it looked blue. :eek: We tied her up to keep her from trying to run away, and stayed up with her most of the night. The bleeding stopped, and finally we were able to see the puncture wounds on her tounge. She is eating and drinking, but carefully. All we can figure is that she and Belle were playing and Mama bit her own tounge. :confused: That was scary!! We don't have a vet that is open all the time, we would have had to call and wake him up...which we were about to do when the bleeding stopped. I hope what I am writing is making sense, because I am half asleep after staying up most of last night. I'm just so glad that she is getting better.....

[ July 21, 2001: Message edited by: Dixie Belle ]

07-21-2001, 08:34 PM
I'm so sorry about Mama, I know how much you love her. When our little ones are hurt, I think it sometimes hurts us more. I'm so glad she's better. Now her "mama" needs some rest :)

Daisy's Mom
07-21-2001, 09:12 PM
Oh poor Mama! It's so scary when your pup gets hurt. In the fall, Daisy got a can stuck on her lower jaw and she was oozing blood. I was totally out of control and freaking out :) You sound like you kept your cool, nice job! :) Daisy is okay now, as I hope Mama is too!

07-21-2001, 09:53 PM
Cheryl I'm so sorry about Mama! I have never heard of anything like that. I hope she is feeling better... give her some ice cream...maybe that will help :) hee hee hee hee.

07-21-2001, 10:11 PM
I fully agree with the medicinal properties of ice cream. Well, ok... I know it works for broken hearts, but maybe not mouth injuries. ;) ;) ;)

Just keep believing in that amazing power of healing that happens in our pets little bodies. Its a miracle every day to me! Lots of healthy wishes for Mama!

07-22-2001, 07:05 AM
Poor Mama! How frightening that must have been for you :( I hope the bleeding is stopped now and she's feeling better. Perhaps a few ice cubes in her water will help ease the discomfort and any swelling. I've bitten my cheek and tongue before...ouch! Hugs to Mama. And some rest for you!

07-22-2001, 08:49 AM
Oh Cheryl, that was frightening! I hope Mama is better this morning. I guess if she's trying to eat and drink, that's good. I think the ice cubes are a good idea too. You don't want her to get dehydrated, so even if she just drinks and doesn't eat much, she'll still be ok.
Get well, Mama!! So your "mama" can get some rest!

Dixie Belle
07-22-2001, 11:38 AM
I finally got some sleep last night. Mama is doing good...she's just trying to stay out of the sun. We can tell that she is still hurting, but she isn't letting that stop her from getting her share of loving. I'm so glad...I'm just not ready to let my Mama Dog go yet....

07-22-2001, 02:37 PM
I'm so glad Mama is okay. :) My dogs bite their tongue all the time, but it's never been as bad as you described. :eek:

07-22-2001, 05:16 PM
Just wanted to wish Mama and good night and send her some love and hugs from Star and Cody. Sleep well, dear girl. Your mama loves you so!

07-22-2001, 08:03 PM
Oh how scary!!! I would have passed out right on the floor! Poor Mama!!!! I hope she's feeling better now. Get well quick!

Sue Killian and Shiloh