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View Full Version : Funny things your dogs do..

06-22-2001, 10:40 PM
I was siting here and thinking wow I wish everyone on here could see this they would get a kick out of this. The dog I am baby sitting (Tiffany) is caring aroud my dog Teddys pigs ear it is half the size of her I mean she is only a lil Dachshund. It was so cute.
So I was wondering if anyone else wanted to post some funny, cute or somthing strange your dog does! There can be pics no pics what ever Have fun with it! I can't wait to read them!

Nikki and Buddy

The Egyptians thought cats were Queens, cats will never let us forget it

[This message has been edited by Buddy2101 (edited June 22, 2001).]

Dixie Belle
06-23-2001, 11:39 AM
Keep in mind that Dixie Belle is a St.Bernard and Mama Dog is a little mutt. Belle is about 3 times the size of her. And what do they like to do? Wrestle! Mama will jump up on Belle until Belle finally bites hold of her collar. Then they will walk around for a while with Belle holding on to Mama. Then Belle lets go and lies down on her back. Mama then jumps on top of her like she is pinning Belle down. We are hoping to get it on videotape one day.

06-23-2001, 12:16 PM
if my dog gets loose in the yard, she starts up, and gets hyper, and starts racing around the yard like a RABBIT!! itsocute!! and she is agile, when she turns she makes this grunting noise like she's exerting herself which she is but its so hilarious! and she zips around the yard going in a zigzag and she looks just like a rabbit, and i would take a picture but it would be just a grey and white blur.