View Full Version : possible new pup *huge grin*

08-21-2003, 09:25 AM
going to have to make this quick, but i was having coffee with a friend of my mum and i the other night and her mother stupidly said ;) our border collie is due to have pups in 5 weeks (pure bred farm working BC's) my mum mum started to smile and say "oh rhi just what you want" :D then gloria (BC's owner) said i could have one if i liked :eek:

then mum said oh i suppose we could handle another one, i would be its official owner pay for spaying/training/vet bills/food etc , as it is with clover :)

but it is somthing i will have to think about seriously, as that would make 4 dogs in the household:eek: and one cat, plus i was going to get a rat but they are all sold :(

oh well any opinions are welcome :)

I Love Brian, Forever <3
08-21-2003, 09:51 AM
I have 4 dogs and I love it! I want 2 more, a great dane and an english bulldog. I say GO FOR IT!!!! :) :D

08-21-2003, 10:24 AM
YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!! I have always wanted a border collie!

I say go for it to!:D :D :D :D :D

08-21-2003, 10:47 AM
:D i am going to go and meet the pregnant bitch in a couple of weeks and see how she is getting on, and see about her temprement (i have been told she is an EXCELLENT worker will hold a stray sheep in the one spot/for hours until somone tells her what to do with it:D)

but it is a big possibility at the moment

and stupidly i have already started thinking of names :o

Toby's Mommy
08-21-2003, 02:00 PM
Go for it!!!:D :D

08-21-2003, 02:15 PM
Your soo lucky~!! How many weeks left till the female welps??

I say go for it~!! Good luck~!;) :D

08-21-2003, 06:31 PM
If the mother is an excellent worker, than the Border Collie you get needs a job. It's that way with most all BCs. Take up Agility, Fkyball, Tracking, Herding..something or your Border Collie will be frustrated and become what people call 'bad'.

Other than that, good luck! :)

08-22-2003, 08:14 AM
If the mother is an excellent worker, than the Border Collie you get needs a job. It's that way with most all BCs. Take up Agility, Fkyball, Tracking, Herding..something or your Border Collie will be frustrated and become what people call 'bad'.

yeah we are heavily involved in Flyball (im more obsessed than clover my rotti X is about flyball), obedience, agility, and i am going to do herding with the dog :D

Your soo lucky~!! How many weeks left till the female welps??
about 5 Weeks :D i cannot wait

english bulldogs are beautiful :)

08-23-2003, 01:43 AM
That's so cool! I definately think you should take a puppy... as long as youre ready for the havok (and happiness) your new Border Collie will cause in your household. It is great that you're active in flyball :my bcs new favorite thing: and agility and herding. And it's also great that the puppies are coming from working parents. BC's from herding stock are the best! What names are ya thinking of? Boy or girl?

08-23-2003, 01:51 AM
Ohhh you lucky bum! I've been wanting a bcpup for ages!

08-23-2003, 02:48 AM
well what are you going to get a male or female??? I would love to see pics of your current 3 dogs :). I dont think I have seen them :o.

08-23-2003, 03:36 AM
im think i will go with a female :) as they should be alot more laid back *maybe* and , even though just before my mum said if we got a male she wanted to call him ELVIS lol

tikeyas mom i will post pics of the 3 mutts for you :D

08-23-2003, 03:56 AM
here are the 3 mutts :D
penny the jack russell X

clover the rottweiler X red heeler (aussie cattle dog)

this is theodore the chihuahua