View Full Version : The cat next door.......feel sorry for him.

08-20-2003, 09:14 PM
My neighbour's have been living next door for 1yr now, and I only got to meet her yesterday, as she had her car stolen, which brought me to ask her about her big black long-haired cat.

I found out his name is SPARTACUS, and he was her friend's who left it with her to mind , until she came back for him, and she never has, she told me he is not allowed inside as her flatmates don't like cat's, so poor Spartacus live's outdoors permanently, sure there is some shelter around here and at the property, a shed and garage, and there is our caravan and under our house, but still I feel sad for his life, I wish he could have as good a life as my two do.

Now you all know my cats are indoor/outdoor, and unfortunatley spartacus does cause problems with my cat's, I have caught him indoor's at my home in summer eating the cat food and having Lexie bailed up in the corner.

However the girl said oh he roams alot and goe's away for day's, this is true, because recently i have not seen him for over a week, until yesterday, i saw him running by.

She told me she and her partner are leaving in 2mths time to get a place of their own, I can only hope she take's him with her, and makes him her real pet, and letting him indoors.

He does have a flea collar , but I wonder how often he get's groomed? And he is long-haired.

He doe's not appear to respond to his name, and he is scared of most people, however I don't want to encourage him on my property for fear of the cats getting hurt.

But he seems a lone soul, without a real loving home, I guess he is not entirely alone, and does get fed, but still not a real good life.

I think she would be better to give him up to the CAT'S LEAGUE, and hope they find him a good home.

08-20-2003, 10:29 PM
I agree with you, he deserves a good indoors loving home. He seems like a very sweet cat if you could get him use to people and other cats such as your own. We had one wild cat that attacted our kittens and my self and all of our other cats. But even that cat I tried to tame down and cuddle with him and he let me a few times, (of course after he took a chunk of my skin out.) But I refused to let that get in my way. But after he attacted my mom and made her get stitches there was nothing else we could do but call animal control on him, which made me feel really bad but it made me feel worse that he had to bite my mom to the point where he wouldn't let go and she had to have stictches and stay on antibiotics for a week or 2.


08-21-2003, 12:19 AM
This is such a sad story. :( Since he doesn't get much attention or is even groomed by anyone, he's probably turning into a feral or semi-feral cat. He may not be able to live entirely indoors either. I sure hope that your neighbors will take him with them when they move. If not then you'll need to help him find a new home. I bet he isn't neutered either and this is the reason why he roams around a lot and isn't seen for weeks at a time. :( What a sad lonely life for a cat to lead. Please keep us updated.

08-21-2003, 12:36 AM
Has he ever seen a vet? It sounds to me like your neighbour next door is nice enough for you to go over again and ask what her plans are when she moves. If she tells you she can't take the cat, then tell her about the CAT'S LEAGUE and ask her to take him there. He needs a chance at a better life. Thats just sad that he has to live like that.

Do you belive that if she did take the cat with her, would she give him the care he needs? I just think that if she not caring for him now she wont later. He needs a better home it sounds like to me.

08-21-2003, 08:45 PM
Suprisingly he is neutered, and there is some degree of care for him, just not what I consider that a pet should have.

I am a little reluctant to go over there, as I had the neighbours from hell last year, and they are really good that way, I don't want to be considered an interfering busy body, but I will keep an eye on Spartacus.

I sure hope she does not just up and leave him, I guess she did not really want a cat, and was doing a favour for a so called friend, but if I get a chance to talk again, I will ask her intentions, and suggest the Cats league to her if she does not want to take him with her, I don't think she would dump him, but you never really know.

I am not certain if he is groomed, she did mention she takes him to the vet because he gets in cat fights, etc, but it is hard to tell, he looks ok from a distance, and I have never seen him up close.

08-22-2003, 01:10 AM
I'm gald to hear he has been neutered and does go to the vet, I guess that something. Like you said though, it not the care a pet should have.

I still feel next time you see her just nicely ask her "Hey what are your plans for the cat after you move?" I understand about having neighbours from hell, I had a few in my time, but if you know she moving wait till it get closer to her moving date then talk to her. This way if she is one of those kind of neighbours, you wont have to deal with it long.

I'm sure you'll worry about the poor thing if you don't know what happens to him. Right?

Hope it all work out for him.

08-22-2003, 09:20 AM
there are sadly a lot of people that want the joy of a Cat , but not the responsibility! That is not a life for a cat , being outdoors all the time!Hopefully you can take him in and socialize him and make him a proper pet!

08-22-2003, 08:52 PM
I have taken your advice fox-gal, even though I am a very shy person, and its hard for me to approach people, I will do my best to find out if he is indeed going with her, as I do care what happens to him.

I will not beable to take him in myself, but if she is looking for a home for him, I will mention the cats league for sure.

I promise to do what I can .

08-22-2003, 11:45 PM
I'm so gald your going to try to help. I know it will work out fine and you will feel better knowing you tried. :)

LOL Just tell her you know this bossy woman that has pushed you into finding out what going to happen to that wonderful cat. :D :D

08-23-2003, 12:23 AM
I might get my cat-loving girlfriend Jane to come along with me for support, she is the bossiest lady I know, she won't be shy in asking or saying anything.

Spartacus seems to have gone walkabouts again, I saw him two day's ago but not again since. Will keep you posted