View Full Version : My daughter's birthday today......

08-20-2003, 08:42 PM
Yes my baby turned 11 today, I love celebrating birthday's and doing special stuff for my children to make their day fun, but I realise with some sadness my little girl is growing up and will soon no longer be a child as such.

I wonder how many other mum's or mom's feel this way when their youngest is growing up so fast before your eyes's.

Still I am thankful, that on her list of pressie's she would like was BRATZ DOLLS, yep she still like's to play with her dollies. PHEW sigh of relief.

We have a day on saturday planned, with ten pin bowling, megazone, going to the movies, swimming and hydrosliding and Mcdonalds for dinner, so she is looking forward to doing that and having her friend join her and stay for the weekend, tonight she has two friends coming over for afternoon tea and play.

In the weekend hubby has bought home a big screen from work, like being at the movies almost, especially in our small lounge, so we will have free videos from big bro, so all in all an exciting weekend ahead for my now 11 yr old..

08-20-2003, 08:47 PM
Happy Birthday to your daughter!:) Sounds like a fun weekend planned.

08-20-2003, 09:13 PM
Happy B-day to your daughter. I know what you mean...although my son is only gonna be 2 in about 2 weeks!! I keep telling him to stop growing now, b/c mommy wants him as her little boy forever!! Yikes...i cant imagine how i will be when he is 11 years old!!! :)


08-20-2003, 09:24 PM
I am sure you will feel the same way as I do HAPPY with a tinge of sadness, and gosh where do the year's go? She is my baby, so cutting those apron strings are gonna be hard !!!

08-20-2003, 10:59 PM
Oh, Carole, I know exactly how you feel! My "baby", my one and only, Helen, will be 13 in January! I was just talking with Sandra (Tatsxxx11) on the phone today and I told her that it is hard for me to believe that I will have a teenager soon! But you know what? Every year is precious. I enjoyed her as an infant, a toddler, a preschool girl, in elementary school and now as a middle school student who is growing too fast!! I know you enjoy your daughter the same way!!! Gotta love those girls!!!! :D :D

Hope your daughter has a very happy birthday!!!


Miss Meow
08-20-2003, 11:02 PM
Happy birthday to your daughter!!! What a huge day - you will need a big long sleep after all those activities :)

08-21-2003, 07:16 AM
Even being a mom to a furkid, the years go by so fast:(

But it sounds like you have a wonderful time planned! I hope everyone has a blast!!!

08-21-2003, 09:13 AM
Happy Birthday to your daughter! I hope she had a wonderful day. :)

08-21-2003, 08:52 PM
THANKS everyone, she had a great day, and now its the weekend just beginning here, so she is real excited about that, yep I feel tired just thinking about miss meow.

Yes logan, the time just flies doesn't it? she is my youngest, only daughter I waited ten years for , so she is very precious.
I love my son just as much, but its nice having a lil girl to share girlies things with?:)