View Full Version : I'm Going To Die! Heat Stroke!

Desert Arabian
08-20-2003, 04:45 PM
It is 102 degrees F outside right now! The humidity is 59% and the dew point is 75 degrees F. You step outside and you feel as if your lungs are shriveling up. You take one step and you are drenched it sweat.

It has never been above 90F this whole summer, and all of a sudden it is 102F. This is pretty rare in Wisconsin. Plus we are under and Ozone day, tornado watch, severe thunderstorm watch, and heat advisory.


Desert Arabian
08-20-2003, 04:48 PM
There is not a thing in sight. Our backyard is teaming with birds, squirrels, bees, and chipmunks...there is NOTHING to be seen. I haven't seen a single person outside either.

08-20-2003, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
It is 102 degrees F outside right now! The humidity is 59% and the dew point is 75 degrees F. You step outside and you feel as if your lungs are shriveling up. You take one step and you are drenched it sweat.

It has never been above 90F this whole summer, and all of a sudden it is 102F. This is pretty rare in Wisconsin. Plus we are under and Ozone day, tornado watch, severe thunderstorm watch, and heat advisory.


Hey, when did you move to Texas?!?!? :eek: LOL It's like that for about 3 months every year, every single day, except the storms never materialize so we never get a cool down or any rain. :eek:

08-20-2003, 06:15 PM
That's pretty unusual for Wisconsin! But the humidity is low. That's a good thing!!! It is probably close to 100% here and it is 84 degrees outside!!! :eek:

08-20-2003, 07:37 PM
All I know is hot weather. First I lived in South Texas by the coast. Everyone would put on their heavy jackets during the two days of winter when it got down to 60 degrees :) . And now I'm in Arizona (even hotter). I wonder what would happen to me if I ever went to someplace where the average temp wasn't 100 degrees.

08-20-2003, 08:57 PM

here its about 30-40C everyday (thats with humidex)
but tomorrow its gonna be 32F before humidex!!! thats insane, I live in the great white north & its hot enough to fry an egg on a car.


08-20-2003, 09:21 PM
Boy, can I relate to this topic!:eek: I have just about died the past week with temps in the high 90's and the humidity running about 99%. Its hard to breath outside. I keep the dogs in most of the time. Very rare for ND too!
We just had a much need shower - but not enough.

08-20-2003, 09:22 PM
Here(in Texas) It`s gotten up to about 110. It was sooo hot!! Uggghhh....I wanna go somewhere cold....really cold!

08-20-2003, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Hey, when did you move to Texas?!?!? :eek: LOL It's like that for about 3 months every year, every single day, except the storms never materialize so we never get a cool down or any rain. :eek:

I was thinking the same thing except I'd say its like that here in Texas a lot more than 3 months, hehee.

Some people are spoiled!

08-20-2003, 11:49 PM
I see all us Texans are on the same wavelength, because
my first thought was "hummmm 102 doesn't sound
that bad". I'm usually out mowing the grass in hotter
temps than that.:)


08-20-2003, 11:57 PM
I hate the hot weather. Here, the usual has been 40 degrees celcius (what's that in faranheit again?) but lately because of the fires, the smoke has been blocking out the sun (THANK GOD!!!) and so today it was only 30. Sooo refreshing. :D

08-21-2003, 12:30 AM
It's been in the 90's-100's quite a bit here lately.....I've actually been forced to use the AC in my car....I rarely use it because I'm cheap. ;)

I could never stand year-round heat....bleh.......I like the cool fall, and snow in the winter.......though we haven't had much snow for a long time.......stupid drought.