View Full Version : You guys gotta read this!

06-22-2001, 01:45 PM
Go to http://www.shoalhaven.net.au/~fmcleod/hawkleigh.html

Then click on "not forgotten" and click on "Sammie's story". Tell me if you all cried. I did.

06-22-2001, 01:50 PM
He looks exactly like Rocky. Just when I think things are getting better and I'm getting over him I see another picture that looks just like him. That is such a sad story, but I still think mine is sadder! Don't we all!

06-23-2001, 01:08 PM
Im typing through tears right now, how in the world could ayone do such a thing ??? What a monster. And there is nothing they could do to make him pay for what he has done, we have that same law here, but when the peoples dog next door comes over chasing our ducks I would never think of shooting it, I go out and lead it back home only to find him in my yard an hour later and out I go and take him home again.

I just got this letter in the mail this morning and was asked to post it to spred the word about abuse and to be careful who you trust with your animals.

"A dispute between a man and his girlfriend led to the dragging death of the girlfriend's dog Wednesday night, according to the Saltville Police Department.
Criminal charges were pending Thursday while the dead animal, a Boxer or Boxer mix, underwent an autopsy in Wytheville. Those assisting with the case included Smyth County’s animal control officers and the commonwealth’s attorney office.

"It’s just unbelievable," Saltville Police Chief Steve Surber said.

Under questioning by police, Charles K. Ratcliff, 28, of Saltville, admitted to taking the dog, tying the dog to the bumper of his truck and dragging the animal at slow speed for 4,752 feet, or 0.9 mile, according to the report filed with Surber.

Ratcliff then allegedly loaded the dog, still alive at the time, into the back of the truck. He drove to a place to throw the animal over an embankment and buried it with tires and an old chair. The dog died by the time police recovered the animal, police said.

"We have a signed statement from him admitting that he did it," Surber said.

Ratcliff lived with his girlfriend, Karen L. Johnson, at 518 Nickels St. in Saltville. They had "some kind of disagreement" on Wednesday. Later that day, at 4 p.m., Johnson reported her dog as missing and said Ratcliff might be to blame, Surber said.

Police caught up with Ratcliff at 6:30 p.m. when he was stopped for allegedly speeding on West Main Street.

The 28-year-old Saltville man later admitted to police he had just returned to town from disposing of the dog. Ratcliff had visited a local car wash to clean up his truck. He said he had taken the dog to Cedar Branch Road, outside of town, and dragged the animal with a steel cable tied around the animal’s neck, Surber said.

Police recovered the dog with the steel cable still tied around its neck. They delivered the body to Smyth County animal control officers at about 1 a.m. Thursday. William Turman arranged to have the body transported to Wytheville for the autopsy, according to Surber.

Later on Thursday morning, Saltville police drove to Cedar Branch Road and made a videotape of a blood trail that went for 4,752 feet. Police also continued to investigate the case by interviewing other witnesses, Surber said.

The nature of the criminal charges to be made depends on the results of the autopsy and the advice of the Smyth County Commonwealth Attorney’s office, Surber said.

The Smyth County Humane Society also offered its assistance, Surber said. "

ANIMAL ABUSE-The ultimate act of cowardice and mental derangement!!
~Their CareTakers~

Whay are there people in the world like this ?? Why can't everyone love animals the way we here at pet talk do ??

~~ My House Is Not A Home Without A Hound ~~

06-23-2001, 01:40 PM
For crying out loud! What is wrong with these people? No sense of decency, conscience, morals, just empty, heartless shells of human beings. It's shameful. What goes around, comes around.

06-26-2001, 02:25 PM
Both stories are very sad.
Angie, that guy that drug that dog needs the same thing done to him!!!