View Full Version : Never again--Bonding attempt One

Aspen and Misty
08-19-2003, 01:18 PM
O man, it went more horrbile then you could ever imagine! Ughh! Ok well they have been seeing each other all night long (8 at night till 7 in the morning) for about 8 night now. So I thought, Ok time to attempt to bond them. Well, I put them in the puppy pen and was trying to pet them both when they began sniffing each other (I was pratically leaning over them chanting KISS KISS but ready to grab if nessacery) when all of the sudden Julian grabs Tyah by the face right under her eye, Tyah is screaming and julian is attacking her. I grabbed Julian as fast as I could and I was so frantic I ran him into the house put him in his cage ran back outside and grabed Tyah and looked her over really good. She seems ok. The only thing is the bite is right by her eye and she seems to be in some pain because she is tilting her head to the side with the side of the bite facing the floor. She also keeps her one eye closed, but I looked at it and it seems ok. Her eye is watering and her face is really swollen. My dad is comeing home and is going to look at it and see what he thinks.

I feel like such a horrble Mom :( ::sigh::

Well, thats Bonding attempt One.

:( Ash :(

Aspen and Misty
08-19-2003, 01:43 PM
She has a vet apointment in a half hour. Her eye is really swollen and is watering. She also has a bite right under her eye, I mean right under it!

Ash :(

08-19-2003, 02:28 PM
I'm sorry to hear things went badly. I hope that Tyah's eye gets better soon and that her and J can get along.

08-19-2003, 02:35 PM
I hope julian and tyah will see past their differences and get along, has julian been a lone rabbit all his life?? Do you think he might not want another rabbit(male or female) invading his territory?? Good luck. :)

Aspen and Misty
08-19-2003, 02:44 PM
Tikeya's MOm- I don't know. he has been a lone bunny since about 8 to 10 weeks of Age and he is now 10 months old, so he's only been a lone bunny for about ........ 8 months.

Uabassoon- Thanx.

Well, Tyah is bald on her face now. you can see where J got ahold of her, it's ugly :( My poor baby girl! She is on antibiotics and she needs a warm compress once a day.


Aspen and Misty
08-19-2003, 03:13 PM
Here is a picture of my baby girls face :( :( I feel so guilty


my poor baby :(


08-19-2003, 03:54 PM
Oh, I hope that Tyah and J will learn to get along.:( I am so sorry to here about Tyah. We know you are a good mommy Ash, Good Luck with the bunbuns.

08-19-2003, 06:18 PM
Awww! Ash, I`m so sorry! I hope Tyah will get better soon and recover well! It`s not your fault! You thought they`d get together well but sometimes it just doesn`t work out, anybody could`ve done that. It`s not your fault!!

Aspen and Misty
08-19-2003, 10:21 PM
Every time I look at her I brake into tears. I'm such an awful mom! How could I let this happen!!! :(

Tonight was the first night of giveing her medicine. It took me about a half hour. I crushed up her pills and added water and gave them to her through a seringe. And then I aplied warm water to her face and then added a special medicated soap. I then waited 5 or so mins and then rinsed the soap off. I again aplied warm water to her wounds and then aplied neosporin. She didn't mind any of it but the watered down medicine and I honestly think she enjoyed the warm wash cloth. She is such a angel. I was sitting there (crying) and she just kept hitting me with her head, so I finally began stroaking her back and talking to her. She then layed down and shut her eyes.


08-19-2003, 10:50 PM
I have an idea that may work. They both have cages right?
Well how about switching them in the cages, J goes into T & T into J cages. It'll force J to get use to T's smell, maybe even keep them in their cages longer & have the cages side by side during the day too.
The way I got my rat to like mice was that I rubbed the mouse all over my hands & held my rat (Mick could never bite me he was too loving) then I ran around outside so I could sweet alot & I took the mouse & rubbed the mouse all over my arms to get my smell ALL over the mouse.
I then introduced my rat to the mouse & Mike went in for the attack but he couldn't bite the mouse, it smelled just like me, so he started to lick the mouse & babied the mouse for the rest of the mouse life.

Its worth a try.

I just thought of this, what if u put J in her cage right in the middle of the room & let T run free? J could't bite T through the cage but would be able to see & smell T.

Aspen and Misty
08-19-2003, 11:01 PM
Good ideas.

Problems though- Tyah is in a cat carrier that just fits Julian so he would be cramped in there. The Tyah roaming thing- Tyah stands on the bars of J's cage and J can fit his nose out of the bars of his cage so he would be able to bite Tyah if she came close enough.

I have started keeping them in there cage longer. Letting them out at 2 and letting them play till 4. Putting them both back in the cages and then getting them again out at 9 and allowing them to play till 11. All other times they are in there cages which are side by side. Now today Tyah was out alot because I wanted to keep a close eye on her.

Thank you so much for the ideas. And, I told my dad about the switcing cages idea and he said we can buy Chicken wire for J's cage so that Tyah can't get out and we can switch them.

Thank you again.


08-19-2003, 11:13 PM
No problem.

another idea :)

Put the chikenwire around J's cage so T can't get to close, & have the wire tall enough that T can't jump onto J's cage. & with that set up u can even put T into J's cage & let J run around free :)

08-20-2003, 09:50 AM
or try to (if u have a cage for both) put both by eachother. that way they get used to eachother, but can't get to eachother (to hurt eachother) :)

08-20-2003, 11:32 AM
Get better soon, Tyah!!

Aspen and Misty
08-20-2003, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by cocker_luva
or try to (if u have a cage for both) put both by eachother. that way they get used to eachother, but can't get to eachother (to hurt eachother) :)

I've been doing that for 8 days. :)

Thanx for the good whishes ChloeLove


08-20-2003, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
Every time I look at her I brake into tears. I'm such an awful mom! How could I let this happen!!! :(

OMG!! shut up!!!! (:D) It`s not your fault!! Please quit blaming yourself. It happens! I`m sure she`ll be fine!

BTW: Go to www.cavycages.com It`s a great site and thelmer has one of those cages and she loves it!

08-20-2003, 06:22 PM
Oh Ash! You know you're not a horrible Mom! Now stop that!!

BTW, I'm deeply in love with Tyah! :D I've never really been a bunny person. :o

I'm sure she'll be fine in a couple of days. It sounds like Jess has given you some great advice. Just give it lots of time. Animals are like people, some adjust quickly to change and then some are like Chester and don't. :rolleyes:

Aspen and Misty
08-20-2003, 09:19 PM
Rottieluver- Tyah has a cage, a large dog crate big enough to fit a golden. It's just at the moment she can slip through the bars. As soon as I make her all nice and fat she will be bale ot go in there with no probblem, thank you though.

Mickie- Thanks, I still feel awful though :( Not that Tyah cares cause she is getting TONS of attention. When ever my friends come over they spend like 20 mins in there babieng her, there like o poor baby did you get a boo boo :rolleyes:

I did alot of research on bonding before gettting Tyah and I am useing those tips that I got along with the ones that was suggested here. Thank you so much everyone!
