View Full Version : Long time no write!

01-04-2002, 07:13 AM
Hi everyone.

I just thought I would say hello you. I haven't written on here in a long time (or so it seems). I hope you all had a wonderful and merry Christmas and safe and fun New Year's. I was out of town from 12/24 until 1/2 so when I got home I had a few more Christmas cards waiting for me :D!

[B]Aly - [b] Your cards are so neat!! I love them. Thanks for the pics you included too :)

[b]To everyone I received a card from:[b] THANK YOU! I wish I could have gotten more cards out and I am so sorry for anyone I missed. Things were very busy for me before I left town. I really apologize.

As for me and the girls we are just fine. They stayed with my mom while I was gone. Mom said Lexi was good and Maddie wasn't. One of them barked constantly... and Houdini, ehem, I mean Maddie got out of the yard and ran away once too. She was picked up safely though after some neighbors called. Plus she chewed her muzzel up and somehow got her collar off and chewed that up. So, I had to buy new muzzels and a new collar. Since I can't just buy one dog something, the BOTH got new collars. They are patriotic pooches now... with their red, white and blue American flag collars. Looks good against their black fur!

I will try to get some pics and post them. It's really hard to do without having a computer to upload them too. But tomorrow I will be using my friends computer so you might have pics to see on Monday!

Anyway, sorry about the novel... I hope you are all well and enjoying the new year :D!

01-04-2002, 09:34 AM
Hi Angel, glad you and the girls are all settled and doing well. It's so nice to hear from you, hope you had a nice trip and a nice Holiday. Will be looking forward to seeing some pictures. Take care.

01-04-2002, 10:07 AM
Hi Angel! I have sure missed you! I am glad you had a nice holiday...despite the naughty dawg, Maddie :)

01-04-2002, 12:16 PM
Muwhahaha...Maddie is seeking revenge on her Mommy for being gone! lol

Glad you are back safely! Hope you had fun! ;)

01-04-2002, 12:36 PM
Your dang right there Tonya! That dog hated it while I was gone! My poor girls have been so stressed out between the move and my vacation! THEY need a vacation! ha ha ha ha.

You should have seen them when we got back home... they finally got to sleep inside the house and on their couches... Maddie headed for her spot under my bed and I didn't see her until morning and Lexi passed out on her spot on the couch... out cold... I swear I heard her say... "aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

01-04-2002, 01:12 PM
Angel!!! We have missed you! I'm soo glad you're back! ;) I hope you, and your family, had a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! :)

01-04-2002, 04:20 PM
Hi Ya Angel,
yes, you are right about the whole Christmas without snow, just ain't da same!!! We managed.
After we opened presents we went out on the golf course for a walk and Robbie really enjoyed up wheeling him around in his new Radio Flyer Red Wagon. It is very cool and easy to manuver.
Glad you are settling in OK. I had to make a trip out to Apache Junction and let me tell you.... you are out in the boondocks. There is "nada" out there. However I had 3 people pass me by on their horses which I always love to see. Back home at my parents we have the trail beds behind our house and horses and dirt bikes and 4 wheelers are always going by and we can see them through the trees and I always love to see horses go by. That was a nice treat. They were all dolled up in their boots and hats and wranglers. ha ha ha
We keep on saying that we will get together and now that I have a digital camera .... let's get going on that meeting. How about we meet sometime next week at the one over on McDonald and Hayden?? The one that's in Scottsdale? That one is nicely lit up!!
Let me know and ...girl, save up dem pennies and get yourself a computer. If you have any questions on that, give my husband a call and he will set it up for you when you get one, ok?
Later, Carla

01-05-2002, 12:46 AM
Angel, I miss you so much. When i finally recieved your Christmas card (i was really hopeing to get! as wlel as the others) but i go so excited when i saw it was from ANGEL! I cried as i opened and read it. I hope your doing GREAT and your girlies too, I love You so much, your a wonderful person... ok befor i become teary eyed... you truely kick @$$! :D

01-05-2002, 12:35 PM
Hey Angel. Glad ya liked my card :) I was happy at the way the dogs' picture turned out.

Ya know, I really wanna see those vacation photos.. ahem.. you know what I mean ;)

01-05-2002, 12:37 PM
ME TOO!!!! ;) :D

01-06-2002, 10:45 AM
Well everyone... I feel like crying meself! Kayann, you are so so sweet. I miss you so much sweetie. I'm glad you got my card. I just loved yours. I miss Sim Sim!!!! You can email me ya know! I know you are the IM queen but USE EMAIL FOR ONCE!!! Silly girl... just email me and I will always write back.. I check it all day long while I'm at work.

Carla, I will call you tomorrow from work. Meeting next week sounds fine. I am finally all moved out of my other house and the holidays are past so things should settle down a bit. Oh, I keep meaning to ask you, isn't that marketplace that you are at on Sundays off of Signal Butte and the 60? I saw it out there and thought about looking for you one day but I didn't have time. Anyway, I will call you tomorrow.

I did finally get access to a computer last night at my friends house and I uploaded and saved most of the "vacation pics" so you will get to see them soon. I got some great shots of the Chicago skyline and um, ahem, Hooch :D!

01-07-2002, 12:09 AM
Hi Angel,
Sounds great for next week. Glad to hear that you are settling in ok, and remember, if you need anything at all...just call!!
yes, the Mesa Marketplace is off of Signal Butte. It was very slow today but Saturday was jammed packed.
Give me a call, I can't wait for us to meet up again.