View Full Version : Is hamster food bad for Julian to eat?

Aspen and Misty
08-19-2003, 03:39 AM
:mad: :mad: I am sooo mad right now it's not even understandable. First of all. I come home and find that NONE of my animals have ANY water!!!! GRRR! And Julian has barly any food, same with the rats! :mad: My brother usally takes such good care of my animals but he sucked (pardon my french) this time. I told my dad no more, I'll never trust him again. Ok, so maybe if Tyah had no water that would be ok, 1. because she likes to tip her bowl over and watch all the water ozz on to the floor and 2. because it has been probly 3 to 4 hours since he last checked in on her, which is plenty of time for her to tip it over. but for J and the rats not to there is no excuss for that and expesially no excuss for J to have no pellets! I am very very diasapointed in him. Another weird thing that happened was when I picked up J he fliped out and began thrashing, now if you know J this is unuasual when his momma is picking him up and scratchign his head. ::sigh::

O anyway, Julian slipped under the bed because my bro forgot to push the bricks back after he got the rat food out ( :mad: ) so he ripped open a bag of hamster food. Is this bad for him? I'm afied he ate some.

Any help will be greatly apricated!


08-19-2003, 05:07 AM
hamster food is bad for rabbits, if aten as a main sorce of food, I dont think that Julian(sp?) ate alot of it everyday, did he? The thing is that hamster food is very fatty and has alot of small peices that arnt easiliy digested by rabbits or even chocked on by rabbits and guinea pigs. I really hope your rabbit will be ok, maybe do some search on google and see what you come up with :). I bet he will get used to haveing you around again, poo J he must have been really scared. :(:(. I would have to kick your brother if I saw him right now . :mad:

08-19-2003, 05:15 AM
If Julian just helped himself to a little hamster food snack he should be fine. Hamster food in a small amount shouldn't harm him.

Aspen and Misty
08-19-2003, 12:13 PM
Thanx everyone. I checked on him this morning and he seems ok. Which is wonderful!

Tikeya'smom- O he's gonna get more then a kick from me!!!
