View Full Version : As requested by wolfsoul...pictures!

08-18-2003, 01:47 PM
Ok, I won't do the whole gang at once or the board might crash!:eek:

This is Earle & Hoodoo's daddy, Muskwa. Muskwa is our alpha male--truly everything an alpha should be--gentle, firm, consistent. Nobody messes with Muskwa and should a newbie be silly enough to try, they are quickly put in their place.

And this is Hoodoo, practicing his "woe is me" look. He's a great dog. Hoodoo is our first rescue. We had to take him away from the people who had orginally adopted him. Too smart for his own good somedays. He doesn't really like to pull, but he comes along for the run. He just doesn't do any work!

08-18-2003, 02:17 PM
More pictures, more pictures, PLEASE! I love your gang! Such good looking doggies!

08-18-2003, 02:19 PM
Wow! You dogs are so beautiful! I want to see some more pictures soon :)

08-18-2003, 02:30 PM
Awww, they look gorgeous! :eek: More please? :D

08-18-2003, 02:30 PM
Yes! I love pics of your crew. :D

08-18-2003, 03:01 PM
all I can say is WOW:eek:

08-18-2003, 03:15 PM
I'm with everyone else-- I love "meeting" your wonderful doggies! :D :D These two are just magnificent! I know you don't want to risk crashing your computer --but please --- share some more pictures/intros when you get a chance!!! :)

08-18-2003, 04:00 PM
!!~Beautiful~!! Please Please share more~! W:eek:W they are soo handsome~!

Thanx for sharing n' can't wait to see more~!;) :D

08-18-2003, 05:07 PM
Only 2?! :eek: I was getting myself ready for a bunch of pics! Lol. More more more!

Gorgeous babies you got there! :D

08-18-2003, 08:33 PM
I agree! More pictures!!!

08-18-2003, 08:47 PM
What happy handsome doggers!! I echo everyone else, "MORE PLEASE!!" :D

08-19-2003, 12:40 AM
What wonderful photos of two very gorgeous dogs! I really loved the one of Hoodoo! It makes me want to draw it...would you mind if I used it for a drawing?

08-19-2003, 02:12 AM
WoW! They Are GORGEOUS! Such handsome guys! But, I agree with everyone else... WHERE IS THE REST OF THE TEAM???;)