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08-18-2003, 01:25 PM
why do parents insist on penalizing kids by trying to be 'cute' when they name them at birth?

i just tried to track down a case in my computer
database and could not find it..

it's spelled JOHNATHAN, not JONATHAN.:confused:

i really do not care what phonetic, creative, cute
way you decide to spell or name your kid....

but be warned.....your child will be misplaced, hassled, made fun of and made to spell his/her name for the rest of their lives.

Please do not angrily call your school, doctor's office, department of motor vehicles, dentist, credit card company or any other business when the name your parents gave you (as cute as it was when you were a kid) cannot be found in our database.....

-michael, mychal, mychael, mychyl, michal, michyal- all sound the same to us.

It's up to you to get us the PROPER spelling in the first place-make sure that you spell it to
us when we take your info down for an appointment or reservation.

do not get upset at us when you call in for your child and you tell us your kid's (DAUGHTER'S) name is "MYCHAL SMITH"- i guarantee it that you will become indignant when we then ask you how old HE is..

and do not get ticked off when some one takes MYCHAL SMITH'S paper work and 'mispells' her name-
name of MICHAEL SMITH. i am sure your child will enjoy getting vaccinations they had the year before-all over again.

motto of the story?

be ready to spell you kid's name over and over and over again!

do not be quick to punish people trying to help you out because they cannot figure out how to spell YOUR kid's name.

sure, everyone will remember your kid because they have a 'unique' name....but be prepared for them to get lost in the shuffle of a computer database because we cannot be as 'creative' in spelling as your family was.

08-18-2003, 01:28 PM

What also pisses me off is that this trend of mangling traditional names is that people think they're so unique for it. As if calling on Geniphyr is going to sound any different from calling on Jennifer in the classroom. Grrrrrr....

08-18-2003, 01:59 PM
tsk tsk tsk Rychrrd.

The people doing this are what I like to call "the special people".

They're the ones who believe that just because the sign says "no cell phones" that it doesn't mean them.

That the express lane sign of "1-10 items" doesn't include them.

:D :p

08-18-2003, 02:08 PM
Can you imagine the fun I've had with my name - especially in England!!

08-18-2003, 02:42 PM
lol, Richard. That is my husband's opinon. Our son's name is Jaden. People often call and refer to him as her, or mispronounce his name. Jaden always has to say his name over and over again as the person goes "Jason?" "Jordan?" "huh?" Mike says the next kid has to have a normal name with a normal spelling. I disagree though! I love unique names with unique spellings. My name isn't very common where I live; especially the spelling. I have always had to spell my name out, but it's never bothered me. I enjoy having a different name.

08-18-2003, 02:44 PM
Jaden is a very popular name these days.

When everyone tries to be "different" the more they stay the same.:rolleyes:

08-18-2003, 02:53 PM
that's as bad as those "clever" first names that are puns or worse when added to the last name. I'm appalled that Mr & Mrs Case think it's amusing to name their kid Justin :rolleyes:

08-18-2003, 03:06 PM
spelings don't bug me too much, unless they're just silly. But, I think it's awful to give a child a name they can't grow up with. Kids are cute and it's funny if they have cutsypie names, but parents need to remember that someday that child will be an adult and may be a captain of industry or something. I try to imagine the name on the door of a CEO office. If it doesn't fit, then it's not a good idea.

08-18-2003, 03:10 PM
I made a post a while ago In general about how much I hate my name, Baylee

Jaden always has to say his name over and over again as the person goes "Jason?" "Jordan?" "huh?"
That happens to me all the time, they're like "Belly" "Beky" "Smelly" "Kailey" and if they do sound it out right they spell it wrong, Bailey, Baily, Baileigh, Baylei, Bayley? NO it's Baylee just how it sounds:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

08-18-2003, 03:12 PM
Don't be upset that they "mispell" your name as it was originally spelled Bailey. The onus is on YOU to correct them, not for them to somehow intuit how your parents chose to spell it.:rolleyes:

08-18-2003, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
that's as bad as those "clever" first names that are puns or worse when added to the last name. I'm appalled that Mr & Mrs Case think it's amusing to name their kid Justin :rolleyes:

Randi and Tonya,
try growing up as a "DICK"...;)

Jaden isn't off the beaten trail....

spellings :mad: that get people into trouble!


i have literally seen tens of thousands of names in my job....

we had a person named HARRY APPLE......his kids names??

Candy, the other was Redd or some such name like that..

there was a Rex Carr-a great race car driver's name!

and there was the famous, Ima Hogg!!


08-18-2003, 03:25 PM
and there was the famous, Ima Hogg!!

You can't forget her sister Youra Hogg!

08-18-2003, 04:16 PM
Ok, how about this? My first day at school and I have a girl named Elektra who goes by Jetta. Hmmm....

08-18-2003, 04:32 PM
Yes my uncle in scotland is called Dick, now unfortunately here in NZ it has another not so nice meaning, I mean who starts these ridiculous slang anyhow, in my day Dick was just a guy's name.

my daughter's third name is Tamsin, also can be spelt as Tamsyn,Tamzin, but not too hard to spell really is it?

My poor mother's name is THOMASINA no offence to any other THOMSINA'S on here, but it is not a name she particularly like's, I guess her mother did as that was her name.

I have never wanted to call my child after myself, even though I am happy with my name, I alway's wanted them to have their very own name, as they are an individual.

08-18-2003, 04:45 PM
I'm with Tonya, I love obscure spellings!

*David Bryan, the keyboarder of Bon Jovi, named his daughter Tygerlily. I LOVE the name. His son is Colton and Colton's middle name is Luna. (I think..) What's wrong with that? I love it!*

When I have kids, here's a few names I like.

~Cameron (boy or girl)
~Ashleigh, Ashlee, Ashlie, anything.

I admire people with names spelled differently. Especially Baylee. :)

08-18-2003, 04:50 PM
If people want to mispell names, that's fine, but they have to realise that for their entire life people are going to spell it the original way whether they like it or not.

If you choose to name your son Danyell don't get upset when everyone spells it Daniel. It's just common sense.

In about 10 years there is going to be a female population almost entirely named either:


Those have to be four of my least favorite names. The worst part is that everyone who uses those names thinks they are somehow original.:rolleyes:

08-18-2003, 05:21 PM
I love different spellings. It's unique. :)

08-18-2003, 05:22 PM
How is it unique when everyone is doing it??:rolleyes:

08-18-2003, 05:24 PM
I agree.

There are about a BILLION girls at my school named Brianna!
I've also seen a lot of girls named Mackenzie and Mikayla, not at my school, but a few grades below me. I know someone who had a daughter a few years ago and they named her Mikanna(sp?).

My name is pretty normal, Rachel, I like it, but for some reason, everyone wants to spell it Rachael or Racheal, I'm not sure where they put the a at the end, I never pay attention becuase that's not how it's spelled anyway;)

I think some names are ok to have weird spellings, if the name is weird enough already, but common names like Michael and Jennifer.......just let the name be!

08-18-2003, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Soledad

If you choose to name your son Danyell don't get upset when everyone spells it Daniel. It's just common sense.

In about 10 years there is going to be a female population almost entirely named either:


Those have to be four of my least favorite names. The worst part is that everyone who uses those names thinks they are somehow original.:rolleyes:

you mean..


my point is that until that person passes on to the netherworld they will always have problems with being identified correctly!

i used to think my name was unique until some former coworkers called me to wish me well on my
it wasn't me!!!! it was someone with the same name and approximately the same age!

the problem with mispelled names, in my job, is that they can get you killed.

suppose your daughter's name is JAYNE SMITH, Born on Jan 1st 1989 and she's allergic to penicillin.

she gets into an accident with no ID on her and is taken to an ER...

because she's in and out of conciousness and the only info they have is her mispelled name and a month and year of birth-1/89-she gets the JANE SMITH, born jan 15, 1989, NOT ALLERGIC TO PENICILLIN record...


08-18-2003, 05:44 PM
I have a very commonly spelled name, first and last. Even so, I always spell it for people when giving my name. My older siblings have UNcommon first names, and they spell it for people every time as well. It's just safer that way!

08-18-2003, 05:45 PM
My name is Kathrine. Not Katherine, for some reason (I swear they gave my mom to many drugs when she had me) missed an e on my birth certificate. I never know if I should sign things that have my name mis-spelled becuase it isn't really my name on the things I need to sign but I just sign it anyways with my normal spelling. But ever since I could remember I have been called Katie, Katers, Kat Rin, and many many more. It's amazing what parents can thing of to call thier children. My parents had a never ending list of names that went along with Katie or Kathrine it drove me crazy at times. :rolleyes:

08-18-2003, 06:10 PM

spelling your name, as a way to insure we know who you are, is important!

a few added vowels isn't as bad as the 'creative'
spellings. we know that there is a 'katherine, catherine, cathrine or kathrine' it's the
'kathyryne' faction that make it impossible for us to find you!

in the hospital there is a person who prepares a birth certificate. They fill out the form and a few days after the birth the parents are REQUIRED to sign it. Sometimes the mom will sign first and the dad has to come in later to finish the process.

I have seen people argue and almost come to blows over the name on that BC. It's funny and scary to think that two grownups cannot agree on a name!
sometimes a father will come down to sigh the BC and FLIP OUT because the name is spelled differently or changed, not our doing, but the mom's because she thinks she can slip one by the dad. we change it according to the father's wishes and sure enough we get a call back from the mom because the OFFICIAL COPY she ordered doesn't have her version of the kid's name on it!!!

08-18-2003, 06:15 PM
I used to teach a girl named Leeja. Hello. her parents combined HIS Lee and HER ja (from jane).
thats a tough one.
i dont remember her middle name, but it combined THEIR middle names.

08-18-2003, 06:30 PM
Know what you mean. My mother condemned me for life by spelling my name differently. I forever am telling people it's T-i-f-f-a-n-i-e not Tiffany. Finally got so tired of it that any paperwork I come across that spells it with a *y* I just ignore now.

08-18-2003, 07:10 PM
Yep. And while on this subject, isn't it common knowlegdge that a feminine version of a name usually ends in an i? My name is MICKI not MICKEY. Kinda like Terri and Terry, or Randi and Randy, Danni and Danny. If I'm right there in front of you, you can see that I'm female, do not spell my name Mickey.

BTW - I am not a mouse and I'm not that fine either, and that stuff stopped being funny about 30 years ago for me. :p

08-18-2003, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by micki76

BTW - I am not a mouse and I'm not that fine either, and that stuff stopped being funny about 30 years ago for me. :p

beep beep- awwww- beep beep

sorry i just couldn't help it......

what did you expect from a gal named Toni Basil???:eek:

08-18-2003, 08:21 PM
My daughter's name MELISSA is not uncommon to say the least, but she is the only Melissa in her whole school, and most of the girl's I meet named that are in their early twenties, perhaps it was not a very popular name at the time she was born, but who care's we like it and so doe's she!

As I was born very near Xmas everyone assumes I was named Carole because of that, not so, my mother liked it because of a person named carole anne kennedy, so I got the Carole Anne bit, and I am fairly happy with it.

08-18-2003, 08:27 PM
Onmy softball team there are 3 of us named Amy, all spelled different (Amy, Ami and Aimee). Since I'm the new one to the team, I guess I lucked out the other two were already nicknamed from their maiden names...so it's Amy, Frenchy and Greeno

08-18-2003, 08:56 PM
I had a boss named Rowdy once. I thought it was a nickname for the longest time, but nope, his parents actually named him that.

08-18-2003, 09:01 PM
Well, my name is Michelle - not hard!!!!

Not Michel, Michael or Michell.
My maiden name was Young ....... you have no idea how many times THAT got spelt wrong .......... especially living in a country that has Asian immigrants ..... :p Yung, Joung, Jan ..... :)

I have friends who have done the "unique" spelling of their childrens names .... just makes it hard for me when I include their childs' name on the Christmas card ...... Mykahlya, ...? Bailey ...?


My grandparents take the cake tho. Their surname is Aust ...... and the amount of companies that add ..... ralia to it is hysterical.

08-18-2003, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by Randi
Can you imagine the fun I've had with my name - especially in England!!

:D :D :D I know it isn't nice to fill up the page with these smilies, but this one made me laugh out loud!

08-18-2003, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by Soledad

In about 10 years there is going to be a female population almost entirely named either:


Just today I talked to who I thought was "Brianna" on the phone - but I was soon corrected as I needed to write her name down. She spells it "BREANNA". I will be doing business with her so I had better remember this:confused:

08-19-2003, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by Soledad
How is it unique when everyone is doing it??:rolleyes:

Not EVERYONE is doing it. People come up with their own spellings. It is unique.

08-19-2003, 01:17 AM
I like my name, Catherine Elaine. About the only question I ever have to answer is if my name's spelled with a C or a K, and I don't mind that.

08-19-2003, 07:01 AM
Well, it certainly seems like it's a big trend, which in my eyes, makes it far from unique. Give it about ten years, Kfamr, and you'll see it's not so unusual or amusing.

08-19-2003, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by micki76
Yep. And while on this subject, isn't it common knowlegdge that a feminine version of a name usually ends in an i? My name is MICKI not MICKEY. Kinda like Terri and Terry, or Randi and Randy, Danni and Danny. If I'm right there in front of you, you can see that I'm female, do not spell my name Mickey.

BTW - I am not a mouse and I'm not that fine either, and that stuff stopped being funny about 30 years ago for me. :p

LOL... That is one of my favorite 80s songs. Of course, she is referring to a guy in the song and yep, it's spelled traditionally, Mickey with a y for a male not with an i like for a female. Now I have that song stuck in my head.

08-19-2003, 10:10 AM
In my language you pronounce as you write and you write as you pronounce. So, when I say my name is Viorica, noone can understand it wrong, except for the foreigners, then I say it's Vio.
Actually, we have a dictionary with names and you cannot write it differently in the documents than in the dictionary.

I dated ONCE (only) a Romanian guy whose name was Floricel (they don't have the same rules as Moldova re names) - kind of diminutive from Florin, but actually it means something like Itty Bitty Flower (no offence, Itty Bitty Kitty :) ) . Actually, I thought his name was Florin, then I saw his driving licence. BUT, Floricel sounds SOOOOOOOOOO silly that I could not watch him, I was so embarassed for him!!! I think his mom, when she named him - a 2 days old boy, forgot that his "pee-nuts" will grow and he'll be a man one day.

I agree with Soledad - one day this will sound SOOOOOOO stupid and cheap!

08-19-2003, 11:21 AM
*L* Well what can I say. My name was Denise on my birth certificate. In 1976 as I was growing up in Encinitas California I decided I had to be different and I changed the spelling of my name to as you see it now. It does make buying those pre printed mugs and keychains a tad difficult but I still have always liked the spelling better.

I went my whole adult life up to the age of 39 with my name spelled with way. I never had it done by the courts. I never had a problem..all my paychecks, tax records etc were all spelled Denyce. Even my BS degree from Penn State is spelled this way. So imagine my consternation when I go to Social Security to change my last name from my maiden name to my new married name. They told me I had to go to court to change the spelling of my first name. That I was going to be in BIG trouble if I didn't do this. The IRS is going to catch up with me:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: . Like what were they going to do. I had been paying taxes with my SS number and using this spelling for all these years. But I go to court...go through the silly little hoops they make you go through only to have the Judge tell me that he doesnt' understand why I am there...I can spell my name any way I want too!!!:eek: :mad: :rolleyes: :confused: But he signed the paperwork anyway and SS was finally as happy as they could be:D

And my cats name is Brianna. I like good Irish names. :D :cool:

08-19-2003, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Vio&Juni
I agree with Soledad - one day this will sound SOOOOOOO stupid and cheap!

Speaking of stupid and cheap, it seems as if whenever a character on TV or in the movies is named Tiffany, they're either the bimbo, hooker, homewrecker, or snob. *sigh* I just love my name. lol

08-19-2003, 12:42 PM
I'm very particular on people spelling my name correctly. My name is spelled "R O B I N" - yes, I know that's the male spelling. But I didn't name me and spell it that way - my mother did - blame her. I've finally grown to like my name, but it took forever to get there. My sisters are named very normal names, Barbara, Judith & Debra.

I've also spent most of life spelling my name the right way for people. And my last names "maiden & married" are both so different, they are not worth going into.

One good thing since it is the male spelling, when someone calls for "Mr. Robin ____" we know they are strangers and can get rid of them.

Oh and the "Robin Hood", "Batman & Robin" and "Robin Red Breast" jokes got old a long time ago too. :rolleyes:

08-19-2003, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
Well, it certainly seems like it's a big trend, which in my eyes, makes it far from unique. Give it about ten years, Kfamr, and you'll see it's not so unusual or amusing.

Lmao.. Whatever you say. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

08-19-2003, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Vio&Juni

I think his mom, when she named him - a 2 days old boy, forgot that his "pee-nuts" will grow and he'll be a man one day.


now THAT's a creative way to spell!!
the desire to be different makes everyone the same!

i was pulling off the freeway when a Ford F-150 truck came up behind me. the truck had "different"
accessories on the front. i dropped off my nephew at his job and went to get on the freeway again.

when I looked in the mirror I saw another F-150
pick up with EXACTLY the same changes made to the front.....i checked the car again, to make sure that it wasn't the same one I had seen a few minutes earlier...NO, just two different owners with the same ideas on how to make their trucks unique...


people cannot discern that sometimes being 'different' makes them just the same as all the other folks that look for the same thing.

can you say, automaton?

PJ's Mom
08-19-2003, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by captain
Well, my name is Michelle - not hard!!!!

Not hard unless you spell it with one "l" like mine...Michele. Throws people every time. :D

I named all my kids very common names with very common spellings:


Nobody has trouble with those names. :D

08-19-2003, 02:23 PM
I've always liked my name - Laurie, but it makes me crazy(er) when people spell it Lori or pronounce it Lorry, like a British bus or something. It's Laurie... pronounced like Laura with an ie on the end. Why is that so difficult :confused:

08-19-2003, 02:47 PM
Tampa in shock over millionaire's 30-year double life

While their wives drove Rolls-Royces and moved among Tampa's elite, Douglas Cone and Donald Carlson always seemed tied up with business.

Mr Cone, the 74-year-old millionaire owner of a Tampa highway construction company, was gone most weekdays.

Mr Carlson was also frequently away from home - an absence his family attributed to a sensitive government job that involved a lot of travel.

But Douglas Cone was also Donald Carlson.

Mr Cone lived a secret double life for nearly 30 years, raising two families in lavish homes 30 kilometres apart - one with his wife of 52 years and the other with a former employee.

Smart man, he kept the "D,C" in his names so he wouldn't have to change his monogram.:rolleyes:

08-19-2003, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Tampa in shock over millionaire's 30-year double life

While their wives drove Rolls-Royces and moved among Tampa's elite, Douglas Cone and Donald Carlson always seemed tied up with business.

Mr Cone, the 74-year-old millionaire owner of a Tampa highway construction company, was gone most weekdays.

Mr Carlson was also frequently away from home - an absence his family attributed to a sensitive government job that involved a lot of travel.

But Douglas Cone was also Donald Carlson.

Mr Cone lived a secret double life for nearly 30 years, raising two families in lavish homes 30 kilometres apart - one with his wife of 52 years and the other with a former employee.

Smart man, he kept the "D,C" in his names so he wouldn't have to change his monogram.:rolleyes:

WHY?? I can barely stand having one husband! :eek: :p Why in the world would anyone add another spouse?!?!?!?! I've never understood this. And married or not, 30 years makes a spouse!

08-19-2003, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by micki76
WHY?? I can barely stand having one husband! :eek: :p Why in the world would anyone add another spouse?!?!?!?! I've never understood this. And married or not, 30 years makes a spouse!

love means never having to hear, "i have a headache"??????:eek:

08-19-2003, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by micki76
WHY?? I can barely stand having one husband! :eek: :p Why in the world would anyone add another spouse?!?!?!?! I've never understood this. And married or not, 30 years makes a spouse!

A lot of people in other parts of the world have more than one wife. I'll never understand why anyone would want to deal with such a headache. I really don't like it, but oh well. :rolleyes:

08-19-2003, 05:54 PM
I am with Megan..... Tygerlily is a rockin name....( we'll have some sort of cool name when David adopts us). Oh yeah, and i love when people spell John, Jon. Very cool.

08-19-2003, 05:55 PM
ooops sorry...wrong thread

08-19-2003, 06:00 PM
Yeah I agree with Megan...... tygerlily is a rocken name. (We'll have some sort of cool name too, when david adopts us) Oh yeah, you mentioned before how Johnathon should not be Jonathon.... but I think Jon is an awesome way of spelling it. But spelling Katie, Kaidie is somewhat annoying.

08-19-2003, 06:01 PM
I am obviously doing something wrong. p.s sorry bout your husband and sorry i keep screwin this up

08-19-2003, 06:50 PM
I am mixed...I like the thought of not having your child be one of 4 Sara's in there class, but I also think some people go overboard with the spellings!

As for people passing names on...
John Adam Smith I, John Adam Smith II, etc......

My birth name is Angela, My grandmother's name is also Angela, but we have different middle names, we also happen to (at one point) live next door to eachother. So.... we would ALWAYS get each other's mail, get eachothers phone calls.... and we went to the same drug store to get our perscriptions. Well...when ever I would go there I would make SUPER sure I gave the people my address and my middle int to make sure I wasn't getting pills under my grandmothers name. Do you belive they once gave me my birthcontrol pills under her name!!! Why would a 80 year old woman need birthcontrol pills!!!!:D
As funny as that was, one day it could have caused a problem.
I think passing names on is a wonderful thing, but people need to pay closer attention!

08-19-2003, 07:16 PM
Of course film stars get away with calling their children horrendous names, one that I feel sorry for is Bob Geldofs girls, Peaches, and Fifi Trixiebelle, I always think of a poodle for that one. Poor Kids IMO.

08-19-2003, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by pitc9
Do you belive they once gave me my birthcontrol pills under her name!!! Why would a 80 year old woman need birthcontrol pills!!!!:D
As funny as that was, one day it could have caused a problem.

i think you underestimate our senior citizens!!!;)

Stupid story alert..

a friend of mine's daughter was getting married...
So, I diligently got a card and sent it to Monique and Artie........

Artie isn't Artie.......His nickname is 'RD' as in "the third" (III)....to this day i still don't know his 'real' name!!!

what about Moon Unit and Dweezil???:confused:

08-19-2003, 07:36 PM
.... and Talulla Belle (which I can't even spell!!!) one of Demi and Bruces girls

(Poet and didn't even know it ............. :D )

08-20-2003, 03:47 AM
I don't know that I care so much about unique spellings, but I do like unique names. When I was in grade 12 I went to a new school and there was one girl there named Naomi, but up until then I had been the only one in both my elementary schools and my high school. I liked being the only one with my name :)

My friend Melissa, however, was ALWAYS known as Melissa W because there was always at LEAST 2 in each class. I think that would drive me nuts :)

08-20-2003, 09:42 AM
I guess what I find so amusing/annoying is that people think that by spelling a name differently they are somehow unique. The spelling of your name doesn't make you unique, who you are as a person does.

It's just like in high school when one kid wants to be different so he pierces his nipples and wears all black. That doesn't make you unique. Your thoughts and your actions make you different. Any idiot can put a pair of black vinyl pants on. Just like any ole person can decide that they want to spell Melissa M-a-y-l-i-s-a.

To me it seems like picking the wrong battle. Be unique in a way that actually counts.:rolleyes:

Sara luvs her Tinky
08-20-2003, 10:07 AM
I don't guess I really have an opinion no how parents should spell their childrens names... but I do have a story...

My name is spelled Sara.... with no H... and my first grade teacher would ALWAYS put a big red H on all my papers... and tell me to spell my name right.. even called my mom in for conferences to tell her my name was spelled wrong.. CRAZY LADY!!

ANYWAY... my middle name is Dunelle... and if anyone has ever seen my middle name it becomes an instant joke.. I assume it is very uncommon because I have never heard it before... my supervisor always hands me my check on payday... and says here Dunelle............... my mom said her and my dad got the name of some credits of an elvis movie....

BLAH ... BLAH... BLAH... ;)

08-20-2003, 12:11 PM
My name is Amanda and I hate it! I have a billion other Amandas at my school. Amanda wasn't very popular in 1890 when I was born, so my mom decided to name me a name that wasn't so popular yet was known. LOOKS LIKE EVERY OTHER MOTHER THOUGHT THAT!! :eek: :rolleyes: Now if someone says my name, I turn around, and they're not even talking to me. And sometimes in stores or restaurants or whatever, someone will wave and say, "Hi, Amanda!!" And, of course, to be polite, I'll say hi back, even if it's a complete stranger, and of course, They're not talking to me! Talk about embarassing! And that look they give...:o

I mean, I'm not saying I wish my parents gave me a name that was like totally out there like Moonunit (if you go to babynames.com and do a search for that name, it's there :eek:) But a name that wasn't SO common that there's eighty of them at school.

Oh! By the way, there is this girl at the high school I'm going to next year who is 15 or 16, and she named her daughter Vychtorieyeh :eek: Why not Victoria?!? No. Vychtorieyeh. :rolleyes:

08-20-2003, 12:12 PM
Er...that's supposed to be 1990, not 1890. :o :o

08-20-2003, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by ChloeLove
Er...that's supposed to be 1990, not 1890. :o :o

Gosh, and we were just going to give you the honor of being our OLDEST member of Pet Talk. Darn!:D :D

08-20-2003, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by ChloeLove
Oh! By the way, there is this girl at the high school I'm going to next year who is 15 or 16, and she named her daughter Vychtorieyeh :eek: Why not Victoria?!? No. Vychtorieyeh. :rolleyes:

That's what happens when children have children- the baby is the one who suffers- with having a less than ideal start to life as well as a dumb name.:rolleyes:

Edwina's Secretary
08-20-2003, 01:29 PM
I was the only "Sara" in my class in school, the only "Sara" in my dorm in college. Now they are everywhere!

I help people remember how to spell my name (no "h") by saying that in my case, Sara is a four letter word....:D :rolleyes: :D

Heather Wallace
08-21-2003, 06:16 AM
Originally posted by Randi
Can you imagine the fun I've had with my name - especially in England!!


08-21-2003, 07:49 AM
I like my name...Gwen (Gwendolyn). I was the only Gwen in school, I'm the only Gwen in my church, I'm the only Gwen at my job. Although I get a lot of people calling me Glen.

My middle name is very unique...Lerah (my username). It was my Mom's grandmother's name. It's pronounced like the currency Lyra. No one ever knows how to pronouce it correctly...I had to tell the person annoucing our names at graduation how to pronouce it about 10 times.

I won't even get started on my maiden name or my married name...people always pronounce them wrong.

08-21-2003, 11:26 AM
I think it was one of John Steinback's wives, whose name was Gwendolyn.

08-21-2003, 08:16 PM
I have always liked the name Gwendolyn! :)

Steffi N
08-21-2003, 08:52 PM
When I was born, my mother decided I looked like a Stephanie. Although it is now a popular name, it is still very rare that I will meet a Stephanie my own age. I didn't like the name at all growing up, but I do now.
I did a search and there is a college student in Wisconsin walking around with MY name. :D

08-22-2003, 09:59 PM
My mom's name is Stephanie.:D
My mom named me after my great grandmother, and I haven't met any Emma's, except for her. I like my name, and not too many people have it.

08-23-2003, 11:08 PM
LOL at the "special people" reference ... I SO agree. They think they are "special" because their name is something bizarre. Ummm, no.

I was looking at my son's school picture from last year a few days ago, and remarking about how appalling the names were. Here are the kid's names: Shelbie, Nikkie, Aislen, Brittnee, Cherish, Daniel, Preston, Stevan, Casey, Jesseca, Dylan, David, Corry. So out of thirteen kids, only five have names that are actually properly spelled names: Daniel, Preston, Casey, Dylan (my son!), and David. All the rest of either words that aren't really names at all (Aislen, Cherish) or slaughtered spellings ( Shelbie, Nikkie, Brittnee, Stevan, Jesseca and Corry.) I especially feel sorry for Stevan and Corry - boys seems less amused than girls by that nonsense. And Jesseca ... if she doesn't change the spelling when when she gets older, she will have to spell her name for EVERYone, EVERYwhere. Not cute.

The whole cutesy name thing loses appeal shortly after high school graduation. I feel sorry for people saddled with their parent's lack of vision for a lifetime.

08-24-2003, 12:37 AM
My mom was a hippy and had to ask the Dr. how to spell my name and he didn't know so they just made it up! Jeanine. It's a weird name and people call me Jeannie or Jeanne and they can never spell it.

Usually I don't even bother saying it, I just spell it. :)

08-24-2003, 12:39 AM

For the life of me, I will never understand the allure of misspelling children's names.

Instead of creating a "unique" spelling, why not find a name that is unique without being humiliating?

08-24-2003, 12:55 AM
But who's to say that this name has to be this way and that name has to be spelled that way?

It's a name. Not a correct English/Whatever language word.

08-24-2003, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by Soledad

Instead of creating a "unique" spelling, why not find a name that is unique without being humiliating?


Even though I will always be childfree, I would rather name a daughter Seriah (Which I think is a very pretty, unique name with a *fairly* straightforward spelling) Than Vychtoriyeh. *chuckles*

08-24-2003, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
But who's to say that this name has to be this way and that name has to be spelled that way?

It's a name. Not a correct English/Whatever language word.

Obviously there is no law against it and no main authority to say it can't be done. But there is also nothing stopping me from saying it's completely freaking ridiculous and mangling the English language. Nor does it stop the majority of people from realising just how dumb it is to complicate someone's life in this way for such frivolous reasons and supposed "uniqueness."

Though it's hard for me to see how a trend can be unique.:rolleyes:

08-26-2003, 05:41 PM
now for a little twist on the thread....

Thanks for putting a hyphen in your name....

you came in as 'suzy smith' to see us once and because you can't take 5 minutes to call us when you hypenate your name we CANNOT find you in our database because you are now 'suzy smith-jones'.

and after you get married, please pull out all , identification -credit cards, insurance cards etc.
and let us know your name has changed...

we did not get the invitation and do not know what your new name is - don't call us under the assumption that we know WHO you are- obviously we did before you got married....now we aren't so sure.....

lol, one reason i've heard for hypenating a name is to 'keep in touch with your family name...'

trust me, the only people that care are the people sending you junk mail, voter pamphlets and the
telemarketer who wants to sell you health club memberships.....

08-26-2003, 06:19 PM

But the icing on the cake is when their new name is ....

Shelby-Jade Hobson-Jones .............:D YUP?

08-26-2003, 06:20 PM
Dear Lord!!

I didn't change my name after I married. I figure you either do or you don't, but the hyphen thing just seems like such an ordeal.:rolleyes:

08-26-2003, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by captain

But the icing on the cake is when their new name is ....

Shelby-Jade Hobson-Jones .............:D YUP?

and she'll call saying, "This is Shelby Jones, can you pull up my account????"

"Ma'am, I don't see your account in our database, can i have an account number????"

" I don't have my card with me.....i called last week and was able to get some info......"

She doesn't remember that she was Shelby H-O-B-S-O-N-HYPHEN-J-O-N-E-S when she called last week....


08-26-2003, 11:14 PM
My married surname is the same as a girl's first name, so you can imagine I always get called that instead of carole, even my doctor who had known me for ten yrs called me by my surname, and yes it bothers me, but I am getting used to it, maybe I should have hung on to my good old scottish maiden name.:)

08-27-2003, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by Twisterdog

The whole cutesy name thing loses appeal shortly after high school graduation. I feel sorry for people saddled with their parent's lack of vision for a lifetime.

SO true......My Mother had the bright idea of giving me the name of Liberty. Try living with that name.:rolleyes: Plus she had to add 2 middle names to it...to keep the family happy. I'm sure it was cute as a child.....but not as an adult.

It's been shorten sense College to Libby....don't ask me how they got Libby from Liberty.....but i'm keeping it. It's better then some of the nick-names I use to be called.

08-27-2003, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal
SO true......My Mother had the bright idea of giving me the name of Liberty.

don't feel bad- i was watching the news one day and a witness to a crime is being interviewed...

i started to laugh when i saw her name flash on the screen.....

AQUANETTE.....you mean like the HAIR SPRAY???

you COULD fudge a little and tell people that-"due to the patriotic fever that has taken over the country I have changed my name to help the cause.."


08-27-2003, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

lol, one reason i've heard for hypenating a name is to 'keep in touch with your family name...'

My grandmother was writing a check to me after I got married as a wedding present and asked me what my full name was. When I told her that my name was Gwendolyn Lerah "Married Name" she got very upset that I didn't keep my Maiden name as my middle name or hypenate it. She said, and I quote, "It's like you are abandoning your family!" :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

08-27-2003, 12:25 PM
yeah Fox-Gal, tell people your name used to be "Frenchie" :p

08-27-2003, 06:51 PM
I just found this thread, so I would like to go back to the first names thing.

We have two daughters: Mary Selena and Ruth Beatrice. Mary goes by Lena. It usually is not a problem except for the first few days of school when she has to train all the teachers, and at the doctor/dentist/pharmacy. Its up to me (and her) to remember which name is on her chart and offer all possibilities.

Ruth goes by RuBea (she does not capitalize the "b", but I do) which is pronounced like "Ruby". (Bea is a common nickname for Beatrice and actually was used by her great-grandmother for whom she was named). She also has to train teachers every year and finds it a little more tiresome. I can see her going back to Ruth as she gets older which would be fine with me. Ruth as a name was a bit much for an infant, but I think quite appropriate for a grown woman.

I have a little trouble with fancy name spellings - its just too cutesy, but I also have to be very careful what I say as I've done much the same thing.

08-27-2003, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

you COULD fudge a little and tell people that-"due to the patriotic fever that has taken over the country I have changed my name to help the cause.."


LOL yeah thats what I'll do. :D ;) It will bring me back to those days when people use to sing "give my Liberty or give me death" behind my back......:rolleyes: Yep I want to go through that again. ;) :p

Years ago I worked for the health dept. of N.Y.C. (very short time) and there was this woman, spoke very little english, so when I asked her the child's name, she looked around and gave me the name off one of our posters of sexually transmitted disease. :eek: It went in the book as that, her child was now a sexually transmitted disease.

08-28-2003, 11:00 AM
omg my name is a perfect example of this, everyone I know with my name spells it a different way. their is no true way to spell my name ;).

08-28-2003, 12:04 PM
I think unique spellings are neat -- Or moreso, unique names. But it's hard when you can never remember how to spell it.

I for one, wish my dad would have named me Jordyn. More feminine, and easy to remember. But nope. I got stuck with Jordan. Either way, people still spell my name Jordin, Jordon, Jorden, and so on. :rolleyes:

08-28-2003, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal

Years ago I worked for the health dept. of N.Y.C. (very short time) and there was this woman, spoke very little english, so when I asked her the child's name, she looked around and gave me the name off one of our posters of sexually transmitted disease. :eek: It went in the book as that, her child was now a sexually transmitted disease.

lol, what about NOSMO KING????

the woman who was having/just had a baby.....she named the child from the sign on the wall...


08-28-2003, 01:36 PM
Okay, I just found out that a woman here at work is naming her child (girl) Kye Tazanna . :eek: :eek: I just told her that it was a very interesting name :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

08-28-2003, 07:43 PM
Yessss .......... don't you love that word ..."interesting"

Says nothing, but says so much too ............ :D

08-29-2003, 04:27 PM

get this....



08-29-2003, 05:25 PM
lol, what about NOSMO KING????

the woman who was having/just had a baby.....she named the child from the sign on the wall...


If you've ever read Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers Soul there is a story about a dog named Nosmo King.

08-29-2003, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

get this....



"Lucy, you got some splaining to do!!!!"

08-29-2003, 06:13 PM
No, that would be...


08-29-2003, 06:18 PM
I'm glad that my parents gave me a farily easy name to spell, they gave both me and my sister names that could be pronounced in both English and Spanish because we grew up on a border town and they thought it would be easier on us if people would be able to easily pronounce and spell our names. Which is nice for me seeing as how I have a strange last name, no one can ever pronounce it and I'm always having to spell it.

08-29-2003, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
No, that would be...


another 'unique' spelling!!!


08-29-2003, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
No, that would be...


God, what was I thinking........ (as I slap my forehead for the umpth time)

thanks for setting me on the straight and narrow

BTW I called up a vendor to get some help with something and when I asked the person's name she said

"Brandee with two e's" I immediately started to smile and thought of the typical stereo-type blonde. I know, I know, I shouldn't have but her voice matched the name. What could I do??

08-31-2003, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by slick
"Brandee with two e's" I immediately started to smile and thought of the typical stereo-type blonde. I know, I know, I shouldn't have but her voice matched the name. What could I do??

Yes, WHAT could you do ................. ???? :D :D

09-01-2003, 12:02 PM
Though it's hard for me to see how a trend can be unique.

I've always thought the exact same thing! Someone thinks they are "unique" and "rebellious" and "different" because they are a biker or a goth or whatever the trend of the moment is. However, they have to look and act and talk just like all the other bikers or goths or whatever .... kind of amusing in a sad sort of way.

I went to college with a lady who named her twin girl Tequila and Shequila. Seriously. :rolleyes:

09-01-2003, 12:09 PM
Yes, Twisterdog!! That's exactly what I thought, especially when I was in highschool. It never made sense to me that people who were Goths would complain about Jocks. They're just two sides of the same coin.

My solution was to reject any label or box, and to befriend people based on them as individuals and not if they were "cool" "goth" "skaters" or "punks". It's all the same to me.

Like I said before, any idiot can pop in a Marilyn Manson CD into their stereo or put on a pair of vinyl pants. It's your thoughts and actions that make you truly "different" and "unique."

09-01-2003, 12:24 PM
You people. :rolleyes:

09-02-2003, 01:57 PM
just checked the new list of Survivor contestants......

the first name i come across.....


09-02-2003, 02:03 PM
How about that newborn in Baghdad last week named something like Ali Baba Rum Raisen George Bush Ahmed or something similiar. The parents wanted to "honor" the prez :rolleyes:

09-02-2003, 06:30 PM
how's about

"justyn dilan"

"um, there seems to be a problem.....the 'computer' has mispelled your name, Justin...."

"No, it's spelled J-U-S-T-Y-N D-Y-L-I-N"

Ah, no, that's NOT the way we have it spelled here...."


09-02-2003, 10:47 PM
"justyn dilan"


My friend's sister named her son Austyn. Not Austin, which would have been bad enough ... but Austyn.

On a slightly different note, I groom a dog named Shy Ann. Not Cheyenne, but Shy Ann. *gag* BTW, anyone who would name their dog or - perish the thought - their child Cheyenne has so obviously never been there! :p

09-06-2003, 01:18 PM
I'm more worried about people spelling my last name right. Why is Mooring so hard? It's not Waring or Moore (they just miss the whole -ing :rolleyes: ) They other night I was out with my grandma and they called a Bonnie Boring to the phone. (grandma answered the phone anyways) I went through a phase where I said my last name was Moo - ring they still screwed it up so now I just spell it.

But I've decided to carry on my friends and family's annoying naming trends with my future (way in the future) children:

Dixie Shae (I love this name! I just thought of the most country girl's name and took the n out of Dustin's middle name)

Kasie Lynn (My best friend of 15 yrs. Kasey (girl) )

Jasmin Rose (MY best friend since high school (took me 3 years to learn not to put an e at the end)

Rayven Ann (don't ask long story)

Louie Thomas (Do you know how long it took me to learn it wasn't Louis)

P.S. If you must address me by my full first name it's Ann-dree-a, not Andre - a