View Full Version : What scares you?/Haunted House ideas

08-17-2003, 01:05 PM
I started a thread like this last year, and got some good ideas...since we have so many new members, I thought I 'd give it another shot.

Every year our dance studio, writes, builds and operates a haunted house to raise money for our trip to perform at Disney World. We have guides leading people through ten different rooms, in small groups. Each room has a short (about 1 1/2-2min)story generally, followed by a scare. We have done things like, a movie room, where a girl is watching a scary movies and the character from the movie comes at her/the group, a mad scientist, zombies, vampires, clowns, spiders, etc. This will be our 11th year and it is getting really hard to come up with new ideas so...

What scares you?

What are some of your favorite sscary movies?

What cool things have you seen in haunted houses?

Thanks for the help!

08-17-2003, 03:03 PM
I'm not much help, so will ask my niece and nephews for ideas...

Once was at a theater that was trying to convince us that treated lab rats had escaped into the audience. (Why? I don't remember.) They'd set up thin fibers (fiber optics? fishing line?) and blew compressed air at ankle heighth to have them hit our ankles as if they were rampaging rats. Not sure if this is practical or cost effective, though. (But tiny pairs of red lights zooming at ankles sends shivers up my spine...)

Letters from the govrnment, especially the IRS, freak me out. Clowns and porclein dolls... I imagine you've also done the sonic combination to frighten people just about annually.

I'll ponder and get back to you...

08-17-2003, 03:15 PM
I'm terrified of spiders. Also, knives. If you wanted to scare me, you could take a fake knife and lash it out right in front of me while I was walking. I'd probably faint. Lol.

I can't really think of any movies that scared me really. I hate that mask on that murderer dude off of Scream. But after every halloween since that movie has been out and people have been wearing the same costume, it might be a little corny lol. But seeing that and thinking it was just a costume hanging there and suddenly having it jump out would probably freak me out. :o

Oh, and evil looking clowns are scary. And dark rooms with toys, like porcelain dolls and jack in the boxes and little clowns and stuff, and then having creepy music box music in the background would send shivers down my spine. Or carnival music. Uggh. :o

08-17-2003, 03:32 PM
Also -- needles. I hate needles. :eek:

08-17-2003, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
I'm terrified of spiders. Also, knives. If you wanted to scare me, you could take a fake knife and lash it out right in front of me while I was walking. I'd probably faint. Lol.

I can't really think of any movies that scared me really. I hate that mask on that murderer dude off of Scream. But after every halloween since that movie has been out and people have been wearing the same costume, it might be a little corny lol. But seeing that and thinking it was just a costume hanging there and suddenly having it jump out would probably freak me out. :o

Oh, and evil looking clowns are scary. And dark rooms with toys, like porcelain dolls and jack in the boxes and little clowns and stuff, and then having creepy music box music in the background would send shivers down my spine. Or carnival music. Uggh. :o

Have you been through our haunted house?!? Great ideas...Unfortunately we have done those things :) We did a seance, where we had everyone gather around a table and place their fingers on it. The table top floated and then a knife dropped on it and then....

We also did a toy room ,where a clown came out of a jack-in-the-box. We played regular jack in the box music that slowed down and got creepy....

08-17-2003, 03:37 PM
Oooh that gave me shivers right there, just thinking about the creepy jack in the box music...Now it's stuck in my head lol.

Ring around the Rosey is like the scariest song ever. Lol. :eek:

08-17-2003, 05:55 PM
I was once in my church youth group's Haunted House. I was a "patient" in Dr. Doom's hospital of death. I lay there, all overed by a sheet, but on my stomach was a pie-plate of raw liver, raw sausage and some other stuff to look like "organs" and the sheet had a "tear" on it (and bloodstains) and Doctor Doom woul life the sheet and poke at my "guts" a bit, and I'd moan on cue. The most fun besides all the "eeeeeeeeeewy, groooooossssss" was twitching my foot if anyone touched it, or throwing an arm out if they got too close. There was another patient (Brittany) who was made up to look pretty dead, but would lurch to life suddenly, sit up, move around for a few seconds, then crash back onto the cot.

The most fun was when one girl, who had already been through three times (cheater! but it was her birthday present - that's what she wanted) said to the group of kids she was with (after my bit, and when they were over near Brittany) "Oh, don't worry, they're just dummies" so Brittany (who has cold hands usually) promptly reached from under the sheet and grabbed the girl's arm.

Screaaaaamssss abound!

Have you done the blind-folded guest feeling bowls of eyeballs (peeled grapes), etc.?

08-17-2003, 06:06 PM
One time on Halloween my friends and I went through a haunted house put on by a youth group. We were walking through the hallway, and then a floor board creaked and this vampire/skeleton/dead 'thing' swung out, and actually hit me in the face:rolleyes: :o That kind of freaked me out lol.

Spiders scare me, and knives (just like Jordan:p) and even though Scream is fake, I saw it when I was 6 (it was a gymnastics sleepover and my coach rented it:rolleyes: My mom was pretty mad, and my sister was pi$$ed because she wasn't allowed to see it and was older than me:p). I slept with a lamp on for 4 weeks:o I still get shivers when I see the masks:rolleyes:

I'll think some, and I'll let you know if I come up with anything:)

08-17-2003, 10:32 PM
My moms haunted hallway is very very poppular, the scouts & cubs go there every year & the nursing homes go there & people actually make dates to see it in private. & the biggest reason its sooo popular is because my mom made most of the monsters & she & her friends made a soundtrack.

Here is the link to one of my moms haunted hallways.

Not all of her stuff was out, she still had her 2 mummies & frankenstine in storage. But I wasn't staying long (school) so I took what was out.

But ppl LOVE the killer rats!!!

I came back later to help give out treats & scare the poo out of older kids, what I did was I stood in the porch in Robs real army clothing & I put Rattus my albino rat on my shoulder. When ever someone opened the door she would freeze just like me & kids would say, it that real, then rattus would twtch & some would scream & then I screamed & they didn't even know I was real. Must have been the hay I put in my sleves & neck coller, heheheh

Sor get ur pets involved, Max had a Devils costume that I made for him, it was awesome before another dog ate it.

08-17-2003, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by Karen
I was once in my church youth group's Haunted House. I was a "patient" in Dr. Doom's hospital of death. I lay there, all overed by a sheet, but on my stomach was a pie-plate of raw liver, raw sausage and some other stuff to look like "organs" and the sheet had a "tear" on it (and bloodstains) and Doctor Doom woul life the sheet and poke at my "guts" a bit, and I'd moan on cue. The most fun besides all the "eeeeeeeeeewy, groooooossssss" was twitching my foot if anyone touched it, or throwing an arm out if they got too close. There was another patient (Brittany) who was made up to look pretty dead, but would lurch to life suddenly, sit up, move around for a few seconds, then crash back onto the cot.

We did something similar a few year sago..we had a real head covered by a chicken wire body that the "doctor" cut open and pulled guts rom (chicken livers etc). The "patient" wakes up in the middle of the autopsy, relases what is happening to her, and screams. Just as the doctor is about it cut her head off, the room blacks out and the crowd feels the spray of blood...

08-18-2003, 03:59 AM
I wish I lived near you because your haunted houses sounds great! One of my favorite group of scary movies si the Phantasm series. Don't suppose you could get a flying silver orb, though :confused: Also, that preacher guy in the Poltergeist movies really creeped me out. You might use that character somehow.

08-18-2003, 09:16 AM
That sounds like a great idea:)

What scares me: ghosts, people with blood all over them, bugs, insects, but mostly ghosts:rolleyes: oh yeah, and clowns and dolls scare me too. Especially those dolls that look like they're just staring at you and don't smile.

My favorite scary movies: The Sixth Sense, The Exorcist, The Shining, IT, there's mosre, but I just can't remember.

Cool things I've seen in Haunted Houses: Hanging people, skeletons, hands that just grab you, scary sounds, spider webs, witches, dead people walking.

I wish you good luck with your haunted house:)

08-18-2003, 11:16 AM
a giant copy of the mortgage papers as you enter
the place?

08-18-2003, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom

What scares you?

What are some of your favorite sscary movies?

What cool things have you seen in haunted houses?

1. moving shadows (like they're there, then they're not!)
2. wrong turn, sleepy hollow, from hell, the ring, darkness falls
3. 'people' hanging from walls and ceilings. man (Jason) with chainsaw that 'keeps turning off'. :rolleyes:

08-18-2003, 01:47 PM
Knives, killer clowns, people that sneak up behind you and make creepy noises, dolls, when your in a dark room, and it sounds like you hear people coming towards you...,

Theres more...ill come back later. ;)

08-18-2003, 03:03 PM
The look and sound of the Ringwraiths from Lord of the Rings.

You can't exactly do this, but I was on a haunted hay ride last year and the scares were good, people and objects coming out of the cornfield.

But towards the end, we were trudging along when you could hear the unmistakeable sounds of hoofbeats.....

and you couldn't tell where they were coming from till you heard screaming coming from the back of the wagon and all heads turn to see a Ringwraith bearing down, full gallop, on the wagon. People were clammoring to get away... we didn't think he was going to stop.... but he did.... just shy... the horse rears up and the sound of that sword being pulled out of the scabbard.

This wee hobbit just about wet her pants. :eek: :eek: :o :D

Since you can't utilize the horse... get a Ringwraith. ;) :D

08-18-2003, 10:38 PM
sleepy hollow scared u??
Thats my altime fav movie, I watch it atleast once a month. I just love the story & the graphics. I laughed all through candy man or was it sand man, what ever the title was, I couldn't stop laughing, it was sooo silly, but my 2 friends were shaking in their skins, oh & pet cemitary 1 & 2 were a hoot too, oh oh oh & Cujo was a great story, that dog did a great acting job!!

But only 1 movie has upsetted/disturbed me a little bit "the ring" But I think being 2am might had helped in making the movie more scarry then it really was. Oh & the Cell was too sick & mind messing.

08-19-2003, 04:42 AM
Vampires: Los Muertos is a great scary movie. Vampires... very scary. And an added bonus Jon Bon Jovi stars in it!

08-19-2003, 07:03 AM
[QUOTE]But only 1 movie has upsetted/disturbed me a little bit "the ring" But I think being 2am might had helped in making the movie more scarry then it really was. Oh & the Cell was too sick & mind messing.[QUOTE]

OMG the ring was the only movie to scare the crap out of me also, i was watching it alone one stormy wintery afternoon and was horrified:o had to keep switcing to re runs of Big Brother on TV (which was also VERY scary lol)

cannot think of anything else that scares me (thinking) but ill get back to you

08-19-2003, 09:24 AM
What scared me the most was when I was about 16, we went to a haunted house and there was this guy creeping around all the people waiting in line. Then he would pick out one person to follow through out the house. (this happened to be me)
As we were walking in the house, he made sure I saw that he was in front of me, then after I walked through the first room he jumped in front of me. Then from then on he was following me, then he'd already be in a room when I'd walk into it.
Then... the last room of the house, was PITCH black, they let a small group go in, then shut the door, and all you can see is a light comming from inside a coffin.... then they turn some lights on, and THAT SAME GUY JUMPED OUT OF THE COFFIN AND REACHED FOR ME!!! I ran out of the house and he chased me down the street to my car!!!!!
OMG I will NEVER forget that one!!!