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View Full Version : An interesting article -- What do you think?

08-16-2003, 07:43 PM

It brings up some good points. I do believe that most dog people would say that dogs are smarter, and most cat people will say that cats are smarter. Myself, being a dog person, say that dogs are the smarter of the two.

What do you think?

08-16-2003, 07:56 PM
I'm a dog lover and I've always found dogs to be smarter. There extremly intelligent, and can perform amazing jobs no cat could do.

08-16-2003, 08:07 PM
I'm more of a cat person but I believe dogs are much smarter.

08-16-2003, 08:30 PM
I've ALWAYS thought dogs are smarter.

I have never seen a cat rescue someone out of a burning building, colapsed snow, sniff out bombs or other explosivies and so on.

Dogs are so amazing with their capabilities and intelligence, I'll NEVER understand why anyone could dislike them.

08-16-2003, 08:57 PM
I don't know which is smarter, but I do know that having dogs is like having children, but having cats is like having room mates. :D

08-16-2003, 09:37 PM
I think dogs are smarter, but I still have more respect for cats.

08-16-2003, 09:41 PM
I think my dog is smarter than my cat, but my cat is more manipulative. Not sure how that works, but it's true!:D

08-16-2003, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by babolaypo65
I think my dog is smarter than my cat, but my cat is more manipulative. Not sure how that works, but it's true!:D

Excellent point.

I don't think either is smarter. I think we expect more from our dogs and our cats we just let live.

08-17-2003, 07:36 AM
why would a cat let on he's smarter than a dog??

it's a tactical advantage.

when you can train a dog to clean himself, poop in a box and demand that you feed them seafood---THAT will be the day.