View Full Version : I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAACK!

Daisy's Mom
01-03-2002, 02:03 PM
Oh my GOSH! It is soooo great to be back!!!! I am so sorry to have been away for so long, I have missed you all so much! I have never been this busy in my entire life and I am going kind of crazy! But I finally have the time to check in with you all now. Wish me luck catching up :)


P.S. I apologize for not being able to send out a Christmas e-card, so... A BELATED MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEARS TO YOU ALL! :)


01-03-2002, 02:11 PM
Welcome back!! It's gonna take ya a while to catch up!! Glad you're baaaaaaaaack!!

01-03-2002, 02:47 PM
Welcome back Bridget! We missed you :)

01-03-2002, 02:54 PM
I'm soo gkad your back, Bridget! We missed you! Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year, to you, too! Great pic of Daisy! ;)

Aly, I LOVE your new signature! I wish I could make one like that! It's so cute!

01-03-2002, 04:20 PM
So glad your back Bridget and I love that photo of our sweet, lovely Daisy.

01-03-2002, 04:57 PM
Glad to have you back Bridget. I hope everything is ok and that you had a nice holiday. Love the picture of Daisy...is that supposed to show how you are feeling too? lol

01-03-2002, 05:35 PM
Daisy's Mom,
I'm so happy you're BACK.Good to hear from you !!!

Mugsy, I thought the same thing re Daisy's
picture. LOL. Daisy hides her excitement
very well, doesn't she ? LOL.

[ January 03, 2002: Message edited by: lizbud ]

01-03-2002, 05:42 PM
Welcome back!
A Happy New Year to you and yours.

Daisy would wear shades ALLLLLLLL the time if she could, wouldn't she????? How laid back and cool can you get about Christmas? I'm hiring Daisy to plan next year for me!!!

01-03-2002, 07:07 PM
Boy am I glad to see you and Daisy back here, Bridget!!! :D

Hope you had a terrific holiday and that Santa Claus was extra special to you and Daisy this year.


01-03-2002, 07:58 PM
Yea, the girls are back! I missed you, Bridget AND Daisy Rooooo :D I am sure glad you are back, and hope you can keep chatting :)

Daisy's the cutest, by the way :)

01-03-2002, 08:32 PM
liz, it must be a Hoosier thing...we must be more harried than the rest of the country.

01-03-2002, 10:23 PM
Hi Bridget,
So glad that we're both baaacckkkk!!
I have missed all of my buddies here and I have been so busy too. Let's all catch up on whatever's been going on in our lives and let's make 2002 even better.
aka purrfectpaws

01-03-2002, 11:48 PM
Welcome back Daisy-Roo and Brigie too!

01-04-2002, 04:37 AM
welcome back bridget and daisy roo-roo!!! we were worried about you guys!!!! hope that you had a nice holiday.....deli says merry woof mas!!!!deli dog ;) :D