View Full Version : Dumb Dog Owners..>=(

08-15-2003, 06:31 PM
These people, the Hayses who live two doors down from me have three beautiful dogs. All adults, and all large. A Female Dalmation mix named JD, a Male Golden Retriever/Labrador Mix named Duke (He's a senior) and a Male Border Collie/Husky mix named Bandit.
Bandit is my favorite. He's so handsome, and a great old boy. He is older than Duke, but acts like a puppy! He's SO entergetic, loves to cuddle, and just wants to be touched, petted and loved.
Duke is everybody else's favorite. They all think that Bandit is to entergetic. :rolleyes: He's a BORDER COLLIE, people! But anyways, Duke is calm, and sweet as can be. He'll just calmly follow you around, and when you find a place to stay, he'll gently lay his headon your lap, or lay down on your feet to keep you warm. He's an overweight hunk of dog and is just the sweetest boy.
JD on the other hand is young, and absolutly the most hyper dog I've ever seen in my entire life. She's only about 4, so she's still got puppy energy. OMG :eek: You can throw the ball constantly all day, all night, and she'll just keep wantin more! She will not once stop to take a water break or a breather. She's also agressive about her toys. She LIVES for her tennis balls though, so if any other dog gets near em, she will hurt them..
I took my RB Barrett (Golden Retriever) to play with them one time, and JD jumped right on her. She bit her, made her muzzle bleed and pulled some fur from her neck. Damn you, JD. :mad:

But anyways back to my point. :rolleyes:
We had a huge storm last night. Rain, thunder, lightning, and gravel sized hail. It was quite a storm. Yeah, they LEFT THE DOGS OUT IN THE UNCOVERED, MUDDY DOGRUN ON THE SIDE OF THEIR HOUSE! :mad::mad::mad: How stupid can you get??!! I would not be one bit surprised if one of those dogs have hypothermia, or wounds due to all the hail. The poor dogs were barking, howling, running..I felt SO bad for them! They had no shelter whatsoever, and the owners could not have cared less..:rolleyes: :mad:

Another thing, ALL of their kids are scared of the dogs..and they have 4 kids. All under 7 years, and they're deathly scared of the dogs. Every time one of the dogs will come near them, they'll smack them across the head, or on the back or butt or wherever!!
UUUGH!!! :mad:

08-15-2003, 08:14 PM
Bump -__-

08-15-2003, 09:35 PM
Awww! How Terrible can that get?? They are dumb dog owners and, they shouldnt leave their dogs outside with bad weather.:mad:

I Love Brian, Forever <3
08-15-2003, 09:51 PM
Some people just shouldn't own animals. I've see that waaaay too much and it angers me to no end.

Karma will get 'em.

:) :D

08-16-2003, 06:54 AM
No shelter, hail, bad storm, sounds like a form of animal abuse. THe law in GEorgia says if a pet is outside there has to be adaqete shelter. Was this reported to the proper authorities. SO that something could be done so that this does not happen again. Just wondering.

08-16-2003, 07:27 AM
Yeah I would think you could report that. How sad :(. Do you know what your other neighbors think? It would help to have neighborhood support to get these dogs help.

08-16-2003, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by Foam
Every time one of the dogs will come near them, they'll smack them across the head, or on the back or butt or wherever!!
UUUGH!!! :mad:

i know some people who do the same thing! they have 2 dogs (lab mixes) a male and female who are from the same litter, they are about 10 or so. anyway no one that i know likes the female!!! :mad: :( :confused: i hear one of the owners saying that they wish she would die already! :eek: and whenever they're mad and she happens to be there she gets smacked, kicked, etc. out of the way. :eek: so i always try to be extra nice to her.:) (and her brother too.) ;)

08-17-2003, 09:43 AM
omg, I hate owners like that. That's very sad:(
Why do they own dogs anyways is their kids are afraid of them? and they don't even care about them, since they just leave them out in the storm:mad:

08-17-2003, 10:40 AM
I know it's been said 1 million times already and it will be said 1 million times again and again.....


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

How would they like to be stuck outside in a hail storm??

08-17-2003, 12:30 PM
I have no way to report this. Being, I am a minor, nobody will listen and my mom or any other adult don't care. :mad:

My gosh, this makes me frustrated!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

08-17-2003, 12:42 PM
You can call animal control and tell them that they have dogs outside without shelter. In Arizona if a dog is outside by law they are required to have shelter for it, meaning it must have some form of doghouse. It has to at least have 3 sides and a roof. Call up animal control and they will check it out. They won't take away their dogs, but they will let them know that they have to fix the situation and they may give them a fine.

08-17-2003, 01:08 PM
Mom and I might be going to the pound today, maybe if there's an officer there I'll tell him/her. :)