View Full Version : New dog in our house, need advice

08-15-2003, 01:37 PM
My friend is going to be living with us temporarily. She has a beautiful brindle pit bull, Mia. Mia has always been a spoiled housedog. (Which is ok with me, she's an only child and shorthaired.) My dogs aren't allowed on my furniture or beds, and they know it. Mia has been a couch/bed dog all of her life. They will be living here 1-2 months. Is it unfair/confusing for my dogs to see Mia "breaking" the rules? Is it unfair for Mia to get rules thrown at her all of a sudden, or should I teach her the rules at my house? How can I make this transistion as easy as possible?

08-15-2003, 02:27 PM
I am not sure what to tell you. If the reason you don't want your dogs on your furniture is that you don't want to ruin it or get it hairy, then Mia needs to follow your rules and it should be your friends job to make sure that her dog is not on your furniture. When no one is at home, perhaps you can flip the cushions on the couch from the horizontal position to the vertical position. If your couch doesn't have seat cushions, perhaps put some boxes or something to prevent Mia from climbing up on the furniture!

Shorthaired does not neccessarily mean she doesn't shed. All the PBs I have met shed. Perhaps your friend should have a comfy bed for Mia near the couch. Now when it comes to Mia on the human bed, I don't think it should be a problem. If you are worried about your linens, change them out with something you wouldn't mind getting roughed up.

Drake is not allowed on certain pieces of furniture. He knows what he is and isn't allowed on. Best of luck to you and your friend!

08-15-2003, 04:28 PM
I think that since you are helping your friend out and opening your house to her and her dog, they need to follow the same rules your dogs do. My dogs are allowed on the furniture at home, but not at my MIL's house. They very sledom even try...they have learned, when at grandma's stay off the couch.

Ours are also aloud to sleep on our bed most nights. Last night, I trimmed the dogs nails, and fresh cut nails hurt :) We told the dogs they were sleeping onthe floor, and they did, no issues. They were not being punished, or treatly unfairly, but we are alpha and make the rules. In your house you have the right to say the same thing.

First make sure your friend will help you enforce the no furniture rule, then when she tries to get on the furniture, tell her "no" ( or "get down", or whatever command you want to use), or and give her a gentle nudge down. Praise and reward her for getting (and staying down).

08-15-2003, 04:56 PM
Since they both pretty much covered it my only advice is...:


08-15-2003, 06:18 PM
Good ideas! Thank you!

The main reason that I don't allow my animals on the couch is the fact that there are so many. With three dogs,two cats, a kid and husband, we can't all fit on the couch at once. I just assume tell the dogs to keep off then fight for space. Also, my doggies are longhaired, so fur is always everywhere.

08-15-2003, 06:19 PM
I will take pictures! You guys will love Mia...we call her the mini pit. She is by far the tiniest pit I've ever seen. She is so cool.

08-16-2003, 06:57 AM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
I think that since you are helping your friend out and opening your house to her and her dog, they need to follow the same rules your dogs do. My dogs are allowed on the furniture at home, but not at my MIL's house. They very sledom even try...they have learned, when at grandma's stay off the couch.

I absolutely agree. Plus getting on furniture with the humans is higher dog status. The last thing you need are any fights over the pecking order. Think of it from your dogs perspective. Here is a new dog coming into their territory and being allowed the coveted higher status spot. It could definitely cause some skirmishes. As far as the bed goes - I would only allow it if it is only on the bed of the friend and only if the other pups cannot see it.

Good Luck - Looking forward to pictures.

Toby's Mommy
08-16-2003, 11:48 AM
I think Mia should have to follow the rules of your house. She will learn soon. why confuse your dogs?? right?

08-16-2003, 12:12 PM
I agree with not letting her on the couches......

At my house no dogs are allowed on furniture either. When we've watched my aunts dachshund, and also my sister's schnauzer, (who are allowed to do it at home) we did not allow them to do it here.

08-16-2003, 12:52 PM
She is smart enough to know "new house, new rules." It shouldn't be a problem IF everyone is consistent about it.

My first dog Sheba (the best, smartest dog in the whole wide world) learned that when Grandma moved in with us, Grandma just could NOT abide a dog on the couch. This was Sheba's own house, mind you, we didn't move, just Grandma moved in with us. But Grandma scolded her ONCE, and that was all it took. Sheba was never on the couch again when Grandma came in the room.

Sure, there might have been a warm, dog-shaped spot with black fur in it on the couch, but Sheba was curled up on the floor!

In Grandma's defense, she really grew up believing that dogs didn't even belong in the house. And the bulldogs my dad and Grandpa had were all too short-legged to climb up on the couch, anyway. And being bulldogs, they weren't all that ambitious, so followed Grandma's rules about dogs and furniture without challenge!

Mia will learn, I am sure. It's just another part of the big adjustment she'll be making.

08-17-2003, 11:57 AM
I think Mia will understand that a new house means new rules!

08-17-2003, 01:29 PM
It looks like Mia won't be staying here. One of our other friends is going to keep her for a bit. I am glad because my friend has a kitten also, and she isn't litter trained. I am already having trouble getting the concept in my friend's head that a small kitten needs to stay near the litter box. NOT locked in newly carpeted room with no litter box. :rolleyes:

08-17-2003, 02:39 PM
if she would have stayed at your house i think u should've taught her 'your' rules. she is a guest in your house, she will have to abide by the rules; just like her owner will. :rolleyes: :p ;)

08-17-2003, 07:54 PM
I don't think it would be fair to any of the dogs to change the rules on them, as it would be confusing. However, if you could work with the visiting dog, maybe not let it get on furniture so much, that might help. Also, to keep stress down, how about keeping the visiting dog in her room for a while, then let them all out to play together.