View Full Version : Thanks clover :(

08-15-2003, 10:07 AM
last night as i was bending over to get clovers food dish and she jumped up and bashed me in the nose and nearly broke it (a bit of blood and a weird cracking noise) and nearly knocked me out :mad:

i was horrified to look in the mirror today:o but all was fine only a tiny bit of bruising, but i still have a headache, so from now on im leaving clover in a drop stay when ever i bend over to get her food dish.

thanks clover

08-15-2003, 10:22 AM
Owwwweee! :eek: That hurts, I know. Millie has done the same thing to me before. She tends to jump (guess thats the JRT in her :) ) and jumped up when I bent down. Very painful. Of course, it didn't bother her at all. :rolleyes:

Hope you feel better soon. :)

08-15-2003, 10:26 AM
ohh indeed it hurts

aww silly millie ;) that is very dangerous.

hopefully all will be well in a few days

08-15-2003, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by cloverfdx
aww silly millie ;) that is very dangerous.

I know. We've tried everything possible to get her to stop, but she won't. :rolleyes:

We've seen two behaviorists with no luck.

08-15-2003, 11:35 AM
Ouch!! I hope you feel better soon!

08-15-2003, 12:00 PM

I hope you feel better soon!

08-15-2003, 01:21 PM
Wooo that sounds painful, especially the cracking noise.

I use to play a game with Maddie when she was lil', where
she'd try to jump up and kiss me in the face. I'd always pull
back before she got there, so she'd miss me. She'd watch
me out of the corner of her eye, pretending not to be paying
attention to me, and then spring into action, but I was always
ready for her.

Weeeelllll, I had a friend take care of her, while I went on
vacation and forgot to mention about the gotcha game.
The friend leaned over to fill her food bowl and Maddie
nailed her. Busted her lip right open. She said Maddie looked
dazed too. I bet! She was probably wondering what the heck
was the matter with my friend for not understanding the rules
of the game.:)


08-15-2003, 01:39 PM
Nala always bangs me in the nose when I'm laying on the floor with her. :rolleyes: :mad: :mad:

08-15-2003, 02:11 PM
*OUCH!!!!* :( :(

oh, i know how it feels to be boinked by an animal (and this one wasn't even my own...it was at a dog park).

hope you feel a lot better!!!!!! :)

08-15-2003, 03:24 PM
Awww naughty Clover! :)

I had the same thing happen to me with a pit bull. And pitbulls have very hard heads lol. She was just a sweet little puppy and she was so excited to see me and when I bent down she jumped and hit my nose then pushed me backwards onto the cement. :o

08-15-2003, 04:32 PM
Ouch!!! Sadie has got me once or twice, and it does not feel good :)

Originally posted by micki76
I know. We've tried everything possible to get her to stop, but she won't. :rolleyes:

We've seen two behaviorists with no luck.

Has anyone suggest the "towel from heaven"?

In Spot's obdience class, there was a Weimei that loved to jump the trainer, took a rolled up towel, taped at both ends and kept in our her shoulder. When the dog would jump, she got a quick swat. It was there and gone, quickly, enough to startle the dog, but not hurt it. It was not beating ithe dog, but just a quick soft swat. It was amazing how after once or twice, the Weimie stopped jump, but approached and sat and got a treat :)

08-15-2003, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
Has anyone suggest the "towel from heaven"?

In Spot's obdience class, there was a Weimei that loved to jump the trainer, took a rolled up towel, taped at both ends and kept in our her shoulder. When the dog would jump, she got a quick swat. It was there and gone, quickly, enough to startle the dog, but not hurt it. It was not beating ithe dog, but just a quick soft swat. It was amazing how after once or twice, the Weimie stopped jump, but approached and sat and got a treat :)

I've not heard of that before. I'll try it and let ya know. Thanks! She drives us crazy and the worst part is that she lands on poor little old Aneko and I'm afraid she's going to hurt her. :(

08-15-2003, 04:52 PM
ouch!!! eep.

Tikeya has done that to me b4 :o. it really hurts. probably hurt clover too. ;) but most dogs have hard heads ;) :p