View Full Version : Can I vent about my IMMATURE brother?

I Love Brian, Forever <3
08-14-2003, 09:17 PM
I was on the phone earlier and that of course is when my 19 yr. old brother decides to play the 100 questions game* with me.

I answered a few of his questions, then I finally said, "LOOK, I'm on the phone, I"ll talk to YOU in a minute." He said, "No, you'll tell me now cause I'm here NOW." I just ignored him and continued to talk to the person on the phone. So, he stuck around for a minute, being a little pest. Constantly asking the same question that I wouldn't answer.

Well anyway, there's this shooting game/RPG game that I play on the computer everyday, when I'm bored, which is often. :p :p Well anyway, he was the one who brought the computer game up here, to Missouri, from his home in Georgia. Well, I just got back on the computer to find the game GONE. AND the CD out of the computer. He knows that I play the game every day, all day, so that's his immature little way of 'getting back at me' FOR NOTHING!!!!! God, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD HE IS 19-YEARS-OLD!!! He still "TELLS MOMMY" on me! Didn't we get over that like TEN years ago?! Geeze. I mean, I have shown a lot of immaturity on this board, but I can tell you one thing, I am so much MORE mature than his lame ass. When will he ever grow up?! :mad: :mad:

Thanks. :) :D

08-14-2003, 09:25 PM
I'm sorry he's being a pain. I have a brother too, but he is younger than me, but still...he drives me NUTS! :mad: :rolleyes:

08-14-2003, 09:27 PM
LOL He's just being a brother. 5 or 15 or 25. Brothers will be brothers. They somehow seem to enjoy teasing their sisters. :rolleyes: Don't worry, he'll grow up eventually. Maybe after another 10 years. :p

I have a brother too, and yes he loves to tease me STILL. :o Its annoying, but oh well. I still love him. :)

08-19-2003, 04:19 AM
i know how you feel...... i know how you feel

08-19-2003, 08:13 AM
ya I really know what you mean! My brother is a pest and he is 16 years old. He drives me nuts!!! He bugs me all the time!!!!


08-19-2003, 12:25 PM
I have FOUR brothers and TWO sisters.

Growing up with them I can truely relate to your problem. But believe me when I say....as we all are older now, and a tight knit family, it does get better.
Oh there are still the odd bugging when we all get together, but it is so much more fun now.

Hang in there, it will get better.

A friend of mine lost her brother at the young age of 22, in a terrible car accident. She use to complain also what a pain in the butt he was and how she wish he wasn't around.
Well now, she wishes she could take back what she said cause even after a year, she still misses him very much.

Something to think about.

08-19-2003, 01:15 PM
I can relate...I have two brothers and a sister..I happen to be the oldest and it bites.

However, True as it may be, I'm alittle offened by your chocie of a three letter word discribing your brother in one of your last senences, remeber this site is family freindly. ok :D Sorry just had to say that, nothing personal. :p

08-19-2003, 02:33 PM
I'm glad I don't have any brothers. But I've always felt sorry for my mom she was the only girl out of 7 children, you know they picked on her a lot!

08-19-2003, 07:01 PM
Well Yes my son is 21 and he still teases his sister who is 11, and it drives ME NUTS.

08-19-2003, 07:09 PM
Brothers were put on this earth to annoy their sisters. Be it younger or older..It annoys us all to no end.
My brother is 13..He sohuld at least be more mature than he is. :rolleyes: He still plays with his little action figures, makes little noises and can't walk by me or my sisters without smacking us. And during commercials on the TV he has to make a noise just to annoy me. :mad:

08-19-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by I Love Brian, Forever <3
When will he ever grow up?! :mad: :mad:

Answer : Never. :rolleyes:

My brother is 21 or 22, and I think you've all heard how I feel about him over and over.

He does things from spending his money on things he doesn't need, and then asking my father for money, instead of paying for bills - to teasing Simba by hitting a crowbar on another metal thing so it rings real hard and putting it by Simba's ear. :mad: :mad: