View Full Version : Murph, Maddie and Oz pics...

08-14-2003, 03:13 PM
I was taking some pics of Oz in his bandana for another
thread, but I was too late with'em and they already moved
onto hats... darn my parcrastination...;) Anywho, can't not
share them, now that I have'em and also gotta add a few of
Murph and Maddie too.



Oz pulling Murph around the room, but Murph isn't about to let

Maddie doing what she does best.:)

Maddie actually letting Murph sleep next to her (she must have
been reeeeeally tired)


08-14-2003, 03:27 PM
Lol very cute. Oz is so handsome in his bandana :D

08-14-2003, 04:13 PM
Aww....great pictures~! Oz is soo handsome......he has such LONG legs~!!! LOL N' of course Maddie n' Murph are cute too~!:) :p

Thanx for sharing~!:D

08-14-2003, 05:32 PM
Thanks prima and GSDgurl!! and yeppers his legs are indeedy
vedy long. I always get a kick out of Murph running underneath
him, like he's a draw bridge.:)


08-14-2003, 05:42 PM
ParNone, Oz is simply GORGEOUS! :D He looks soo handsome in his bandana. He does have very long legs...hehe :) Molly is in love..hehe. ;) Its to bad theres not many collies on here...:( How is he doing in agility? I bet hes fast! I'm thinking about having Molly do agility, I think she would love it! :) Anyway, great pics! Maddie and Murph are adorable as well. :)

08-14-2003, 06:03 PM
Par, I absolutely adore your dogs! I always love seeing pictures of them.

I love the one of Oz pulling Murph around the room!!! :D

08-14-2003, 06:10 PM
hola GoldenRetrLuver!!

I actually hang out at a yahoo Cairn List and a Collie one too,
so I can get my Cairn and Collie fixes. Neither seems to be
very popular breeds, which for the life of me I do not know

Oz is doing really well in agility, except for the teeter totter.
He just really can not get use to having that board move
under his feet. I finally got mine put together in my back
yard and started training Murph on it. Skipped all the steps
that we did in Oz's beginning class, to build them up to
liking the see saw. That Murph! by the fifth time through, he
was sailing across it and having the board bang against the
ground. Totally fearless.:) I thought seeing Murph be so
enthusiastic about it might help Oz(because he loves to do
what Murph does) and it did a lil', but I think with him I'm
going to have to go back to square one and build his
confidence up on just having something moving under his paws.


08-14-2003, 06:11 PM
Great pics, Par. Oz is soooo handsome, love the bandanna!! This pic is too cute:

Not often you see two terriers sleeping peacefully together like this, huh? :D Not in my house, anyway!:rolleyes:

08-14-2003, 06:14 PM
Aw thanks Cookieb! That Murph, he will just not relinquish
the toy, once he's got ahold of one... no matter how far
he gets drug around the house.:)


08-14-2003, 06:18 PM
hey micki! Yep only another terrier owner could appreciate
that pic.:) Maddie must have been in a particularly generous
mood, when I took that this morning, to let Murph be that
close. She usually only allows him the very foot of the bed and
sometimes not even that.

Edited to add: And If you want to see all hell break loose, all
Murph has to do is plop his lil' self down on her pillow there
at the head of the bed. Boy howdy does that set her off.:D


08-14-2003, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by ParNone
Edited to add: And If you want to see all hell break loose, all
Murph has to do is plop his lil' self down on her pillow there
at the head of the bed. Boy howdy does that set her off.:D


Wooohooo!! Same here. All poor Millie has to do touch Chester with the hair on her tail, and LOOK OUT!! WWlll!!! It's so funny that sometimes I give her a little shove into him. :o I know it sounds bad, but they usually end up playing together when I do it. Now when Millie throws herself into him, different story. I guess he know I'm just trying to get them fired up to play. :)

08-14-2003, 07:13 PM
Well if they're like my two, it's just a lot of noise. They've never
really ever tried to hurt each other. The worst that's happened
is some yanked hair, so I never get too concerned about it
either. With Maddie all you have to do is say Murph's name
to get her going, so Murph and I have developed a lot of
silent communication between us over the years. :)


08-16-2003, 09:23 PM
Maddie decided to get into the act tonight.



Oz couldn't get the toy away from her either. :)


08-17-2003, 06:19 AM
Great pictures but I always enjoy your pictures anyway! Your dogs are sooo cute! My Bella and Ripley love to play tug-o-war with a toy too and Bella lets Ripley win sometimes. I think she is so happy to have him playing with her that she doesn't want him to get discouraged! LOL! I love your signature line about Oz being a pill popping collie! LOL! Thankfully those days are behind you! :)

08-17-2003, 08:28 AM
They are so cute! What breed is Maddie?:D :D

08-17-2003, 09:43 AM
All of your dogs are beautiful!! :D

08-17-2003, 09:48 AM
Oz is sooooooo handsome!!! I just love his pictures in his bandanna--just stunning!!

Murph and Maddie are too cute--them sleeping together is odd, huh??

It's funny what Par and Micki are talking about agitating one of the dogs just by another one touching the tail ever so slightly--Kito is the same way--if he's asleep, and his tail even gets brushed, he jumps up and barks and gives the dirtiest look possible to the offender (usually me, because it makes me laugh)

08-17-2003, 06:15 PM
Hi Pam!

Aw Bella is so sweet. Murph and Maddie never let Oz win.
They just eventually get bored and let him have the toy.:)

hi there puppygrrl4eva7!

Maddie and Murph are both Cairn Terriers. Their hair's softer
than what it's suppose to be, because I hand scissor it vs
hand plucking it.

Thanks ChloeLove!

hiya lovemyshiba!

The issues between Murph and Maddie only exist when I'm
around actually. I've come home and caught them sleeping
side by side many a time. She relies on Murph and now Oz
for security during the day, so I think she secretly loves both
of them.

When I'm around though, Maddie feels she should get all the
attention and all the status and Murph and Oz should be
sleeping on the floor, because they're just dogs afterall and
she's a person.;)


08-17-2003, 07:50 PM
How cute! Good to know that Oz loves his country as well. :)

08-18-2003, 01:06 PM
hi dukedogsmom!

Actually I'd love to get a Texas bandana for Oz (cuz you know
us Texans feel like we're in our own lil' country;))
Just haven't found one yet.


08-18-2003, 11:11 PM
What great pics!! It's good to see Maddie having fun playing with Oz too! I LOVE the first pic of Oz in a bandana! What a HANDSOME boy!! :D

08-19-2003, 09:33 AM
All your dogs are so cute!

But I love Oz's long legs. :D :o

08-19-2003, 11:09 AM
hi wolfq!

I think there was definite fun on Oz's side, but on Maddie's
it was more on the line of desperate determination that he
was not going to get the toy from her.:)

hola ramanth!

I measured Oz at the withers the other day and he was only
24 inches. I was really expecting 26". He's only a year
old, so maybe he'll have a growth spurt in the next 6 months.:)


08-19-2003, 11:19 AM
Great pictures! :) All of your dogs are such cuties! :)

08-19-2003, 11:31 AM
Thanks ChrisH!!