View Full Version : Alaskan Malamute?

08-14-2003, 02:07 PM
Just tell me something...are we crazy? :eek: :o :eek:

After getting Astro, my family and I have completely fallen in love with the whole Spitz group. While researching Huskies to prepare for Astro's arrival, we stumbled across many Alaskan Malamute websites. After reading all about them, we took Astro and Lexie for a walk the other day and one of our neighbors was walking her Malamute (that I never knew she had...lol). Imagine that...lol. ;)

Anyway, after talking with her about her dog and getting to know him...we have fallen in love with the breed even more. We would love a Malamute of our own...but we have no idea when it would be appropriate to do so. Astro has adjusted perfectly to our home, and already acts like he's been there for years...I can't believe it's only been a week! lol. Lexie absolutely adores having a 'little brother' around...although I don't know how little he is...lol. ;)

With that in mind, would it be to soon to start looking around for a Malamute? My older brothers and I went to a local shelter yesterday 'just to look.' ;) Ironically, we stumbled upon this gorgeous Malamute. He's a little over 8 months old, and a complete angel. He's like a big teddy bear. :D :D Apparently, his last owners had to get rid of him because he was a little too much for them...both size, energy, and expense.

We took him outside and played with him for a little while, and now I'm completely in love. I managed to drag my mom out there this morning, and now she wants the dog just as much as I do...lol. I guess my question is, are we wrong to even think about bringing another dog into our home...especially after just getting Astro? Please keep in mind that Astro really does fit in well at our home, and honestly acts like he has been there his whole life.

I've posted a poll along with this...just to make it visibly clear for me, lol. Opinions please...

08-14-2003, 02:24 PM
I would suggest more time for everyone to become completely settled into the pack before introducing another pack member. I think maybe it could possibly make the pack unstable? Not sure, just an assumption on my part.

08-14-2003, 02:26 PM
I actually couldn't agree more...the more we think about it, the more ridiculous it seems. As much as we would love to adopt him, it seems nearly impossible to make it work.

08-14-2003, 03:02 PM
Honestly, I think you and your family should wait a while. There may be some issues that Astro has but hasn't come up yet.

08-14-2003, 03:38 PM
Please disregard this entire thread. The more we think about it, and the more I read my own post...the more ridiculous and idiotic it sounds to bring another new dog in this soon. We will definitely keep the idea in the back of our minds, but we won't even bother seriously considering for quite awhile.

Thanks, guys! :)

08-14-2003, 07:34 PM
I'm glad your family has decided to wait. I'm sure many people wouldn't have thought twice before bringing that dog home. It's good that you're thinking of Astro first :)

Aspen and Misty
08-14-2003, 07:57 PM
I know what you mean! We brought Nova home and I thought she acted like she had lived her for years, but honestly after 6 months she still suprieses us with some thing about her personlity every day. I find it interesting how much she has changed in the 6 months we had her. Now thats it's been six months, I do feel comfortable brining a new dog into the house since she is compleltly adjusted and knows that she aint going no where.

So I agree with your decision to wait, not saying you have to wait 6 months, that was just an example.


08-14-2003, 08:45 PM
No dont get a malamute they are a very agressive breed toward other dogs and small aniamls, EVERY single malamute I have seen, know, or owned have had an earge to kill small dogs,cats, animals. It is horrid, they ahve a very HIGH prey drive and a male would kill Astro over simple dominance issuea and a female would ruff play so bad with the other dog that it wouldent be kind toward it ::(:(:(:(. I dont suggest getting a malamute, they are a breed for very VERY experienced owners.

08-14-2003, 08:47 PM
I would wait a while to let Astro feel more at home. Would you consider adopting another Huskie instead?

08-14-2003, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I would wait a while to let Astro feel more at home. Would you consider adopting another Huskie instead?

I agree dont go over bored just because you got an awsome dog doesnt mean you have to go and adopt 12 more ;).

but y not adopt another female sibe? siberians are much better at controlling agression towards other dogs compared to a malamute. :eek:

08-14-2003, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
No dont get a malamute they are a very agressive breed toward other dogs and small aniamls, EVERY single malamute I have seen, know, or owned have had an earge to kill small dogs,cats, animals. It is horrid, they ahve a very HIGH prey drive and a male would kill Astro over simple dominance issuea and a female would ruff play so bad with the other dog that it wouldent be kind toward it ::(:(:(:(. I dont suggest getting a malamute, they are a breed for very VERY experienced owners.

Well, I have to disagree. As a breed type, all northern breeds have a strong prey drive. I own a purebred mal and two mal mixes. One mix is cat killer, but she plays with other dogs as long as they leave her food alone. The females don't like other female dogs, but are great with males. My purebred is a two year old male and the gentlest soul ever. He wouldn't kill a mouse, has never even chased a cat and lives in peace with 14 other dogs. My most dog aggressive dog loves my mal.

I'd wait before I adopted another dog and let Astro settle in some more, but don't write off Malamutes completely. They are great dogs for the right owners.

08-14-2003, 10:28 PM
I'd wait a while. Alaskan malamutes can be very difficult to control, much like a husky, and only an experienced owner should own one or both. It will be tough. I would also get a female if I were you. While I've noticed that most male huskies are inclined to like other males, I've only met one male malamute that liked other males, and he was a puppy. That's only by personal preference though. You could watch them together and see how they do, but since the malamute is a pup, Astro might not see him as a threat until later on when they are both adult.

08-14-2003, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
Well, I have to disagree. As a breed type, all northern breeds have a strong prey drive. I own a purebred mal and two mal mixes. One mix is cat killer, but she plays with other dogs as long as they leave her food alone. The females don't like other female dogs, but are great with males. My purebred is a two year old male and the gentlest soul ever. He wouldn't kill a mouse, has never even chased a cat and lives in peace with 14 other dogs. My most dog aggressive dog loves my mal.

I'd wait before I adopted another dog and let Astro settle in some more, but don't write off Malamutes completely. They are great dogs for the right owners.

Like I said they are dogs or a owner who is experienced with the breed, you are Glacier. I think I might know a lil more about mals though since I have known and owned over a dozen and we bred them as well *well we didnt my grandpapents did*, they were trailer dogs and they were all fluffy and cute and cuddly as pups and adults, they think they are lap dogs, But the ones I have personally known have not been very kind towards other smaller animals.

"the reason your most agressive dog loves your mal is because it knows the male could kick its butt if challenged ;)"

08-14-2003, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
I'd wait a while. Alaskan malamutes can be very difficult to control, much like a husky, and only an experienced owner should own one or both. It will be tough. I would also get a female if I were you. While I've noticed that most male huskies are inclined to like other males, I've only met one male malamute that liked other males, and he was a puppy. That's only by personal preference though. You could watch them together and see how they do, but since the malamute is a pup, Astro might not see him as a threat until later on when they are both adult.

AGREED!!! :D :p