View Full Version : First Impression

08-14-2003, 07:43 AM
When I came to this site I imagined people in certain ways...............

I thought
Kfamr was about 17 or 18 years old
Tikeyas mom I thought you were like 30:eek: lol don't hate me
PrimabellaI thought you were about 15
lovemyshiba I also thought you were about 30
Camcampup I thought you were about 14
Cataholic when I first saw your username I thought It said Catholic, so I thought you were like a nun or something lol
Binkanugget I thought you were about 20 or 30
What did you imagine everyone like when you first came to PT:D

08-14-2003, 08:30 AM
I though Kfamr was much older than she is, which I see a lot of people think. :)

Hmm...Oh, I though the same thing when I FIRST came here about Cataholic, lol, I thought it said Catholic too, except when I looked at her name for like the first real time. :)

08-14-2003, 09:04 AM
Me too! I thought kfamr was older too, lol.
I don't really remember what I thought of other people, but I just thought that I was the youngest on here. Guess not;) :D

08-14-2003, 10:15 AM
OMG BlueKat you're two days older than me! I was born March 28th 1990 cool:D

08-14-2003, 03:43 PM
I can't really remember too many people, and most of the ones I do remember would be embarrassing for me to tell. :o In any case, I bet no one would have anything great to say about me when I first arrived. I was still used to my "msn typing style." :rolleyes:

08-14-2003, 03:53 PM
I really didn't think about it at all. I kind of came here by accident when Duke was DOTD back in October of 2001. I had even forgotten I had emailed the pic and nominated him. As I'm learning more about people here, I kind of feel old now. But, what is good is that no one lets age affect friendship here and that's really nice.

08-14-2003, 09:36 PM
When I first read Cataholic's name, I read it as Catholic too! :o:p LOL

08-14-2003, 10:03 PM
Lol Same with me (the catholic, cataholic thing). I thought Kfamr was maybe 20 or so. I thought wolfsoul was about the same age as kfamr. I still don't know how old pcb is lol...

08-14-2003, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
Lol Same with me (the catholic, cataholic thing). I thought Kfamr was maybe 20 or so. I thought wolfsoul was about the same age as kfamr. I still don't know how old pcb is lol...

Thanks. :D

No one really knows anything about pcb lol. I think that she's around 16 because she still lives with her parents and just got her license. Eh, PCB? ;) Hehe

08-14-2003, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Close but not quite. :p I never thought of kfmar as older than she really is though. :confused: I thought of her to be somewhere between 14 and 16 before I knew how old she really was. I dunno. I never really *assume* people's ages over here, but some people, I kind of guess.

Same here. I thought she was about my age, which she about is.

pssst....17? lol :p

08-14-2003, 11:03 PM
I am 15.

My first impression *years ago* before all of the people younger me ( I think I was the youngest at the time) was exactly that. I thought I was the youngest. :)

I believe I was right too.

Rachel was the first person that really sucked me into PT. She was so kind and sweet when Simba was Dog of the Day!

Sandra as well, but who could expect anything less from the two, their both very great people.

I don't remember anymore since it was so long ago.
I did have alot of "first impressions" of the "newbies" but that wasn't the topic. :)

08-14-2003, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
You silly girl. Quit quessing! I'm supposed to be the secret Popcornbird, remember? :p:p:p LOL J/K ;)

I think it's kinda of weird that you never tell us anything about you. :( I really would like to know, what your name is and so on. It makes it so much harder to actually talk to you without knowing things. Would you mind giving us a "PCB Bio" ?

08-14-2003, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
LOL I have to keep the suspense up. :p You all know I'm a teen girl and have two tiels. I think that's enough.........for now at least. Let the suspense continue! :D

Your name atleast would be great. :) Or maybe location. not exact location, obviously, but atleast enough so we get a hint of where you actually are!

08-14-2003, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
LOL I have to keep the suspense up. :p You all know I'm a teen girl and have two tiels. I think that's enough.........for now at least. Let the suspense continue! :D

We also now know that you have naturally tanned skin. T-T :p

08-14-2003, 11:10 PM
Haha, Jordan is that a mini-float for the rats?:D

08-14-2003, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Haha, Jordan is that a mini-float for the rats?:D


08-14-2003, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Haha, Jordan is that a mini-float for the rats?:D

Lol, yup. :D They get around on it pretty well. :p

08-14-2003, 11:14 PM
Hmm, shes a spy..! Get her I say!

08-14-2003, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Oh yeah. LOL

Ny name and location shall remain a secret. KayAnn, I live in the US though, somewhere west of you. :p

I think you live west of me too. ;) ;)

08-14-2003, 11:16 PM
*007 music plays*

*flattens against wall and pulls out pistol*


08-14-2003, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
I think you live west of me too. ;) ;)

Northwest of me?

08-14-2003, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
LOL! Uh...no. LOL! That would be the LAST occupation I would EVER want. :eek:

As I though..just how a spy would respond..LOL :p :rolleyes:

08-14-2003, 11:22 PM
A spy I say! A spy! Why can't you just let us know your *first* name? Are we really that frightening?? :(

08-14-2003, 11:25 PM
No actually I knew both her and her mom's names long before that! :p

08-14-2003, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
*shakes head* Don't be silly Schlepy. *is that your nickname* :p Popcornbird just doesn't give much info on the internet. That's all. :rolleyes:

I never asked for you info ;) I was just joking around about it lol

08-14-2003, 11:30 PM
I just want a first name. Maybe a name other than popcornbird or nicknames PT has given you. :( Maybe a nickname people call you in real life?

08-14-2003, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
You did?!?! :eek:

Everyone in the "late night AIM chats" knew it way before the meeting. :D

08-14-2003, 11:31 PM
heh I am too..too..? lol Hm..I here by dub thee PCB..-trys to thikn of a name-

08-14-2003, 11:45 PM
He!He!He! I know PCB's name, location, and approx. age. But I'll never tell :D

08-14-2003, 11:52 PM
Ugh. :rolleyes:

08-15-2003, 09:50 PM
I'd never be able to keep so much about myself a secret

08-15-2003, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
He!He!He! I know PCB's name, location, and approx. age. But I'll never tell :D

And why are you so priviledged? ;) :D

08-15-2003, 11:38 PM
This is fun to read :)
Its super easy to findout about me & where I live, my info is all over the net. But only a nut would dare to come to this house wth my guard man home. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes :eek: hehehh

& like signs say **forget the dog, beware of owner***

08-16-2003, 12:55 AM
LMAO! I'll need to find some of those signs.

08-16-2003, 12:56 AM
I guess we're getting off topic.......back to first impressions! I'm trying to think of some!