View Full Version : dog found after he was stolen with car....

Sara luvs her Tinky
08-14-2003, 07:10 AM
This is an interesting story.... I am sure that these are some happy owners... and a happy dog now!!


08-14-2003, 07:43 AM
my oh my, leaving the dog in the car and with the keys how insane , but i am happy the dog was reunited with his owners :)

a car and dog were stolen from outside a store where i live last saturday, but neither the dog or car have been seen since:(

08-14-2003, 08:11 AM
They're so lucky...maybe next time they won't be so, I hope they learned their lesson!! But it's great that the dog is ok. :)

08-14-2003, 08:12 AM
Well, I don't think it was very smart to leave his keys in the ignition :rolleyes: And I don't understand why the dog had to wait in the car while his owners went into a museum :mad: (at least it had the AC, but still... :rolleyes: )

I'm glad Colby got safely back to his family (hopefully they won't be leaving him alone in the car again :mad: )

4 Dog Mother
08-14-2003, 03:52 PM
I know that dogs enjoy going for rides but how silly to take a dog and then leave the car on so it wouldn't die from the heat. They should realize that the temptation would be too great. And I am sure the dog would have been just as happy in an airconditioned house.

Thank God, they got the dog back!!!

08-14-2003, 09:26 PM
That is so scary! I do that with Duke all the time, though not for long periods of time. Just like at the store or something. I don't think Duke would let anyone take it. He's a very good guard dog. I may start taking him out of is seatbelt before I go inside, though.

Sara luvs her Tinky
08-15-2003, 08:51 AM
I don't think Duke would let anyone take it. He's a very good guard dog.


I don't think we could say that for Colby.... He befriended all those people in the story... I bet the homeless people are missing his company.:)

08-15-2003, 02:16 PM
I agree with you all about leaving the dog with the ignition on in the car...how crazy!! :eek: :eek:

But what I want to know is why the dog didn't have an ID collar??? I'm sure they would have found him quicker...

Anyway, good to hear that's he's safe...:) :)