View Full Version : help for grieving child over RB cat

08-13-2003, 09:00 AM
A friends sister just had to put her diabetic cat down and she has a special needs child that is having trouble coping. She didn't know about the Rainbow Bridge so I passed it along but is there a special something especially for a child that I could pass along as well?:( Thank you.

08-13-2003, 02:10 PM
I'm so sorry for your friends loss. I don't have a special needs child but I do know that some of my friends have made photo collages (sp?) of the special pet as a way to help their children with the loss.

I'm sorry that I am not much help, but any thoughts are better than none at all.

08-13-2003, 06:48 PM
This is the site I use:


Perhaps she might find something helpful there.

My sincerest best wishes for the family. :(

08-13-2003, 07:03 PM
maybe you could post a pic and a little biography here on PT? You know that will generate a bunch of condolences that could be shared with the child and that might help.

08-13-2003, 07:48 PM
Oh, Laurie, I'm so sorry. :( Any child has trouble dealing with the death of a loved pet. I'm sure it is doubly worse for a special needs child. I wish I had some answers for you, but I simply don't have that experience. I will keep this child in my prayers.


08-13-2003, 08:53 PM
Loosing a pet is hard for anyone to deal with , let alone a child, I found talking about our Sooti with my daughter really helped, she drew a lovely picture at school with Sooti on it in different poses, its very special to me, she dedicated it to me.

I also found doing a special memoriam on the net in different sites very healing, mostly for me, but I am sure a child, even a special needs child would benefit from it.

And making the burial and burial site very special was indeed a great healing process, I have posted pics of my Sootis grave under our camelia tree, and it has its own unique little things that are very special to us all, my daughter was involved in decorating her grandmothers coffin as she lay there, with all the other grandchildren and this was very different to me, but I saw it as a very rewarding experience and learning one in death for my then 8 year old,.

This is what gave me the idea to do something for our RB Sooti, we got a special shaped stone, like a heart and painted it and decorated it with glitter and paws and his name.

Hope these suggestions help a little, and I am sad for your friends loss, of course in time a new kitty kat will help ease the pain alot.