View Full Version : I'm so upset I miss them so much

08-12-2003, 10:11 AM
I miss the kitten so bad. We had to turn them into the shelter. I feel so bad. I just keep thinking about them there, and since they are boy/girl, they seperated them right away:( Boy can't stand to be away from his sister. Whenever she got out (that's one of the reasons we had to take them in, she was jumping a 4 foot barrier) he would scream and cry for her. I can't stand it. I miss them and I just keep thinking about them. I cried for 3 days after, and last night for some reason I started thinking about them. I made myself sick. I wanted to throw up. I felt horrible. I cried for 2 hours. I finally calmed down enough so I was able to cry myself to sleep. I used about 50 Kleenexes and a roll of toilet paper. My mom could hear me out in the living room. She just said that I was doing this to myself and that I needed to let it go. But I couldn't. I couldn't help it. I mean, I raised them since they were 3 weeks old. I was their momma. I loved them to death. I really really want to go visit. The lady at the shelter just grabed the kennel, took them to another room, threw them into a different kennel and said "Bye" and we left. I want them back sooooo much! I need them, they need me. They are both black and they have over 200 kittens there already so I don't know their chances of being adopted. They can't be put to sleep. No, I won't let it.

Sorry this is so long, I just needed to let it out. Does anyone have any suggestions or anything?

08-12-2003, 12:23 PM

Where exactly do you live??? If I can be of any help, I'd be happy to. I live in Michigan. I know how difficult it is to give up pets, even though the outcomes have been happy ones (they went to friends and have great homes). The reason the shelter has separated them is because they are boy and girl. If they are both spayed and neutered, then I see no reason why they can't be together. Above all, what you have to do is keep telling yourself that they WILL get homes.

In the meantime, let me know your location and I'll see what I can do from my end, even if I have to foster them myself.


08-12-2003, 12:29 PM
I'm so sorry that you feel so sad.

If its any help, read over some of the Cat of the Day biographys. A lot of them are stories of people who adopted kitties from shelters and how happy their lives are now.

The love and caring that you gave your kitties will make them that much more adoptable. It will be hard, not knowing where they are, but it is very likely that they will find wonderful forever homes.

K & L
08-12-2003, 12:34 PM
Oh you poor thing. My heart goes out to you. Please try and think more positive. They could get a very good home! I wish there was something I could do for you. I'm also sorry your mom doesn't understand how you're feeling.

08-12-2003, 01:35 PM
I'm so sorry. :(

I hope you feel better soon. Is there any way your parents will let you visit them?

08-12-2003, 02:46 PM
Thanks guys:)

Noah's Mommy: My mom and I have volunteered at the shelter for 3 going on 4 years, so we can go out and visit any time. I think visiting will make me feel better. Plus the shelter is really good about checking out the applications (they check the home situation, call their vet, etc.) so I'm sure that they will get good homes. And I do understand why they were seperated (already having 200 kittens means that they'll probably be extra cautious), it just makes me feel bad.

I know there are alot of good people out there, but there are also bad ones:( We have really bad pit bull fighters here in my town, and authorities are doing everything they can to stop it, but here the law is that you have to catch them in the act, not just know that they're doing it from the looks of the dogs. When people put out adds for free kittens/puppies, these people go and find them and use the animals as blood-bait:( :mad: I keep imagining these kittens being used like that, but I'm sure those people wouldn't go to the shelter and pay for an animal when they can go get free ones:rolleyes:

Thanks for saying these things, it really did cheer me up:)