View Full Version : My non- personality new cat - with pics

08-11-2003, 11:10 AM
Scout has only been here 3 1/2 weeks but she only seems to sleep, attack/chase Jazz and eat. She has no personality so far and what affectionate traits she first had have disappeared for the most part. On top of that she swatted at my face Saturday night and left a big scratch on my nose (I look lovely now). This happened when I looked around the scratching post at her. Do you think her personality will improve with time here? My other two cat's personalities were evident quickly but if anything I woud say Scout's is just disappearing. We haven't finalized the adoption and my husband says if things don't improve we may not. He wasn't thrilled with me getting a third cat and especially one that swats at faces and only wants to wrestle (hard) with Jazz - who doesn't always like it. What do you all think? Will it just take time for her to adapt and come out of her shell?

I'm not giving up on her, just want a little advice and support from those who understand, thanks.

Anyway, here are a few pictures of her sleeping.

08-11-2003, 11:23 AM
I think Scout trying to wrestle hard with Jazz may be Scout's way of establishing the "pecking order". As for the slash to your nose, maybe Scout has a thing for what she feels is getting in her space. I don't think she meant to hurt you. My Tucker does the same thing if you touch her and she does not want to be touched....she give you a good swat or she will even bite at you. I don't think it is a personality disappearing, just maybe some TLC and she will come out of her shell.

I know that when I got all of my furkids they each had their own personnality all ready established. I think Tigger (10 years old) took the most time, she has only become more affectionate as she has gotten older.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Best of luck.


08-11-2003, 11:35 AM
When I got Tanner (at 8 weeks of age), all he did was sleep, eat, and chase Emily around the apartment. Once Emily "put him in his place" and he felt more comfortable in the apartment, he has become a real love bug. Yes he still likes to swat at my hands, but I have learned to play with toys where he can swat (e.g. feather on a stick) and then he is less likely to swat at me.

And yes I have ended up with many scratches because I didn't understand that they were telling me to back off. But I figure that my tetanus shot is up to date and I will heal, so it isn't a big deal ;)

08-11-2003, 11:36 AM
I agree. Scout is new in the house and it could take months for the cats to organize the pecking order and territory situation. They will, though. Some cats are never overly affectionate, but I think time will mellow Scout.
Don't give up, it'll come on its own.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-11-2003, 07:39 PM
I have to agree that Scout is still finding her place. Some cats just take a little more time, and I'm sure she will soon become more comfortable and her true personality will come out.

Good luck and give her a smooch for me for looking so sweet as she's sleeping. :D

08-11-2003, 11:26 PM
Thanks for the advice and support.

I was home all day today and was able to spend a lot of time with her. I think all the TLC is already helping. She started following me around more and even talked some - very unusual. She even seems like she has learned her name now.

As I type this she and Jazz are taking turns chasing each other through the house. This is also a little different because usually it's just Scout chasing Jazz.

I just heard a bang in the guest room and found all three of them looking very guilty. I think Jazz and Scout were wrestling on the floor and Ripley was playing referee from the bed.

I'm feeling better about it all already. Thanks again.

08-12-2003, 12:04 AM
I'm so glad to hear that things are already starting to improve. :) I was also going to say that it just takes longer for some cats to adjust than others. How old is Scout? She sounds like she may be fairly young and still have many kitten ways about her. This is just like my Sky. He's still very bitey like a kitten and also loves to play rough with his older brothers. I'd give her more time before you decide to rehome her or not. Good luck and please keep us updated. :) BTW she's gorgeous. :)

08-12-2003, 10:10 AM
How old is Scout? She sounds like she may be fairly young and still have many kitten ways about her. This is just like my Sky.

According to the shelter Scout is suppose to be around a year old but my vet thinks she isn't quite that old yet. In fact, she is so small that my vet thought she was still a kitten when she first saw her and really doubted she was much older until she saw some tartar buildup on her teeth. That stumped my vet. All I know about her is she was being abused by some young boys (mostly playing too rough with her) and was taken away from them. The shelter said she was pregnant when she was brought in and the pregnancy was ended when she was spayed. However old she is I think she is making up for her lost kittenhood and yes, she still has many kitten ways about her.

She got in bed with me this morning, crawled under the covers and slept by my feet for a little while. My husband and I are really giving her lots of extra TLC and it seems to be bringing her out of her shell. I think she's a keeper!!

08-12-2003, 10:15 AM
I'm so glad to read this latest update jazzcat. I was thinking about you and Scout last night and I was hoping you wouldn't give up on her too soon. I'm glad to see that all of the TLC is paying off.:)