View Full Version : -in pain-

08-11-2003, 11:06 AM
The past week was our county fairs 100th birthday..so they added another day. Well...it was alot of fun. We had the Agilty dog show, I had stuff in the open building that got best in show, and some of my drawings got blue. I showed my horse Soni and got hurt EVERYDAY!
Wednesday- I twisted my anckle in a pothole.
Thusday- I hit my head really hard on the bingo stand and tripped on one of the ropes holding the tend up, and almost got bucked off my horse...he spooked...stupid golf carts.
Friday- I was running to catch my brother before he left and ran into a string used to keep people from parking in certain plces, I bounced off it and knocked myself out. :rolleyes:
Saterday- After the dog show I ran to get out of the rain, so i wouldn't get Annie and my show clothes wet, tripped over annie's long body and fell, I rolled over to miss her and pulled a muscle in my arm. :( IT HURTS!
Sunday- Still in pain from yesterday, and Soni stepped on my feet UGHH! That horse is scared of his own shadow!
AHH!! WAH! I hurt. :(

08-11-2003, 11:22 AM
LOL wow sounds like ur jinxed!! :D :D aww i hope you feel better! :(

08-11-2003, 12:26 PM
yikes!!! Get well soon!!!

08-11-2003, 02:16 PM
I certainly hope you feel better soon, but it does sound like you had a fun week--lots to do!!

08-11-2003, 04:30 PM
ow.i hope you feel better soon.maybe you should just stay somewhere where there are no sharp objects.and try to stay still and dont touch anything.lol i hope u feel better soon.

08-11-2003, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by HoRsELUvR
maybe you should just stay somewhere where there are no sharp objects.and try to stay still and dont touch anything.lol
This made me laugh!! I don't think I could not touch anything...Im one of those "OHH!! Look at that botton!!" types. LOL Thanks everyone!