View Full Version : Pics of Miley and Juni !!!

08-10-2003, 02:22 PM
Don't we look alike? (Juni on the top and Miley on the bottom)

This is Juni doing her "new flavor of coke" commerical!

This is Juni attacking the poor monkey she has befriended, since "you know who" left

Here is Miley, not finding Juni very amusing!

And then, reversing the order...



08-10-2003, 02:36 PM
Cute! Now were can I find some of that "new coke"?

08-10-2003, 02:39 PM
They are SO beautiful!!!:D

08-10-2003, 03:15 PM
The very pictures I have been waiting for.

08-10-2003, 03:37 PM
When I saw the first picture, I didn't necessarily think that was Miley in the tunnel. Until I saw Juni in the fifth picture. Thank you for the comparison.:)

08-10-2003, 03:46 PM
Gorgeous! Simply gorgeous!:D

08-10-2003, 03:47 PM
Great pics. It great to see them so happy together. :)

08-10-2003, 03:49 PM
Awww! They are so pretty SAS!! :)

Do they cuddle together?

08-10-2003, 04:23 PM
I just can't believe how much Miley and Juni ressemble each other. Juni -you grow quickly:) :) :)

I'm looking forward to many more sequels of The Story of Miley and Juni:D

08-10-2003, 04:24 PM
I just took this shot. Isn't she something?

08-10-2003, 04:43 PM
Now there is a belly just ASKING to be rubbed!!!

Steffi N
08-10-2003, 04:57 PM
Two beautiful, relaxed, and happy kitties. Just what I was hoping to see. :)

08-10-2003, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont
I just took this shot. Isn't she something?

Oh what a little character! :) SAS these pictures make everything worthwhile. What a couple of silly girls you have there. I know they will become great little friends now that they can be carefree and PLAY, PLAY, PLAY! Thank you for posting these. I look forward to lots more! ;)

08-10-2003, 05:22 PM
It has been raining off and on all day. Right now it is pouring! The two cats are both on the top bunk of the cat tree, cuddled together. Juni has been very quiet today. I think she is missing having Ti to jump on whenever he walked by. She is fine, just quiet. Miley, on the other hand, has been very, very brave and has stopped that flat earred, sorry looking glancing around, and is feeling much more confident. I am sure she will regain her reign and be back to her old self in no time.

Do I miss Ti? Surely. In some ways, I really miss having his furry face to look at and then, seeing Miley so happy and NORMAL, I am glad he is somewhere else. I am just so sorry that it did not work out. I suppose I could have waited to see what the behaviorist had to say, but I wasn't willing to put Miley through another attack. You all know that, I don't know why I am typing this again! I suppose I feel guilty. I just know he would rather be here, than where he is now. He will adjust and live a good life.

More tears.

Life goes on...


08-10-2003, 08:09 PM
aw - those pics are so cute. How are you going to be able to tell them apart?

As for Ti - I can understand your sadness, but if you ever feel guilty, you should just go back and look at those pics of Miley with the bandages and tubes coming out of her and you will know that you did the right thing.

08-10-2003, 08:23 PM
Great pictures!! Those two look really happy together, and of course I cannot resist an aby!!! especially 2!!!:) :D

Edwina's Secretary
08-10-2003, 08:27 PM
They look like mischevious monkeys!!! What dolls they are...and how will you tell them apart??????

Happy endings all around!!

08-10-2003, 10:01 PM
Sas, it is so nice to see happy relaxed photos of your two beautiful girls!:D
It looks like Ti is going to be just fine too since Beth has posted an update in your other thread.:)

08-11-2003, 12:50 AM
They are breathtaking!!!
I love them both!! And Miley looks sooooo happy!!
What sweeties!!

08-11-2003, 01:24 AM
Eventually happy pictures from two gorgeous cats!!!
Juni has grown up so quickly, in no time it will be difficult for us to tell them apart...they are both so cute!!!:D
I've just read the post where Beth has posted and I guess things will get smooth there in no time, too!!!

So a happy ending for all involved!!!
Sorry, this post is quite short, but now I have to switch back to the photos to enjoy them again!!!;)

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-11-2003, 01:34 AM
They are both so beautiful - there certainly is something special about their breed - and I had never even heard of them before I joined PT!

08-11-2003, 09:24 AM
Oh, how we missed seeing pictures of these two cuties.

08-11-2003, 09:28 AM
It's great to see your two girls relaxing together. And so good to hear that Miley is up and roaming around again with confidence. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Can't wait to see more of them.

08-11-2003, 10:39 AM
Great pictures and beautiful girls. I'm so happy to see life is getting back to normal for you guys.

Kona & Oreo's mom
08-11-2003, 11:01 AM
They are both beautiful, and I am glad to see them both looking so comfortable! :)

08-11-2003, 11:57 AM
Great pictures! It's really good to hear that Miley is about now. They are both beautiful and I hope to see lots of pictures in the future.

Sara luvs her Tinky
08-11-2003, 12:06 PM

The pics are so cute!! Espically the belly pic. I am glad they cuddle together... and Miley is feeling better! WE NEED TO SEE MORE PICS OF THEM!!!:D

08-11-2003, 12:38 PM
Oh, SAS... they are so awesomely beautiful...and it does my heart good to see all things happy and secure now back at Camp Vermont!!!:D

08-11-2003, 01:20 PM
They are both so beautiful! Wonderful pictures, sas

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-11-2003, 07:55 PM
It's so good to see Miley's sweet face again, and it's even nicer to hear she is relaxing and getting back to her old self again. Now that we know Ti is doing ok in his new home, you, SAS, can do some relaxing like your little Juni girl. :D