View Full Version : Need Some Tips on Crating

08-10-2003, 12:03 PM
As some of you know, Andrew, Drake, and I will be making a trip overseas to Germany in October. Drake is going to have to be crated for the trip. He is a great traveller and has been all over the place with Andrew and I but always in our car. He made the trip across the ocean one time before when Andrew and I got married 2 years ago. He was fine going there but we encountered many problems on the way back with flight delays, etc... He ended up being in the crate for almost 21 hours and was not at all happy or pleasant when he came out!! He growled and snarled at anyone who came near him, including Andrew and I. This lasted about a week and he was back to normal.

He wouldn't come near a crate since! Andrew and I saw it neccessary to get him used to the crate since he was going to have to be in it for a very long trip. I do not want a traumatized pup on the other end when we get to Frankfurt. We bought him a new one 2 weeks ago and he has been slowly getting in it. I feed him and give him his water in it. He will go in eat and drink and come out. I also give him treats in there. He will not eat the treat in there, but will take it out to his bed and then eat it! I have only closed the gate twice and left him in there for a few mintes.

I am worried that if I leave him crated and go somewhere he will not want to get back in it! I want him to be comfortable and not loathe the thing! We do not want to creat a scene at the airport trying to shove Drake in there :)

Any ideas on how to get him to stay in there.

08-10-2003, 12:08 PM
Sounds like you are starting out right. Make the crate as comfortable as possible giving him food and treats. A Peanut Butter filled kong is a great crate enhancer. I would even start leaving him in there when you run to the store, or are going to be gone for a short time. Work up to leaving him in it for a few hours, and maybe before you leave, a whole day once a week or something. Lots of praise, treats and toys, everytime he is good in it.

When we first got Spot, he hated his crate. I think a lot of that was beucase he had just spent a month in a cage at a shelter. It still isn't his favorite thing, but when we tell him to get in his crate, he will run in, tail wagging.

4 Dog Mother
08-10-2003, 04:43 PM
Our dogs are crated at night and when we are gone for long periods. We use favorite treats to lure them in and now if anyone goes for puppy pepporoni or string cheese they run for their crates. We've never tried the kongs with peanutbutter but I am sure it would make them love their crates even more.

08-10-2003, 05:11 PM
You could try crating Drake for a couple minutes while you keep busy and allow him to see you. Increase the couple minutes to 10 minutes, 20 minutes then half an hour. After that, you can try crating for a couple minutes again but without you in sight..then work your way up. You might want to try having him sleep in there beside your bed or something...

08-10-2003, 05:45 PM
It sounds like you're doing things right. binka_nugget's suggestion is a good one too! :)

08-10-2003, 07:22 PM
Andrew and I went grovery shopping today and we got lots of yummy treats for Drake. We got 4 fresh meaty bones and some steak. Andrew gtilled one of the bones and gave it to Drake in his crate and closed the gate. Drake was in there for over and hour. He actually fell asleep after demolishing the bone :) Perhaps that will help him tolerate the crate. He's very stubborn though and if he doesn't want in, there is no way I can get him to go in :) Yummy food always helps!!

I will try leaving him there when I am out tomorrow running errands. Thanks for the advice everyone :)

08-11-2003, 07:14 AM
Sounds to me like you are doing everything right--Drake seems like he adjusts well to any situation.
Good luck on getting him enjoy the crate--I'm sure he will just love it!!