View Full Version : Introducing... Garlic!!

08-09-2003, 11:59 PM
Luckly Garlic is alive, only took 12hrs to come out of her shell. Well today shes out & about. When I looked in Oscars tank I thought She had run off or Oscar found away to open his mouth like a snake & eat her. I found her walking on my filter hose at the top ofthe tank & then she borded the LUCKY_DUCKY Cruise ship.

When I rescued her from her ship, she opened herself up & I got to see her for the first time & I'll make it my last time. I think Garlic was beaten with thousands of ugly sticks. I also think I went blind by looking at her... I thought she was gonna look like a lake snail, those r super cute!! but damn was I wrong... She has these nasty bag things on her & spiky looking things on her face (not her eyes nor her feelers), oh & did I mention I could see her EYE!! she has one eye!! & it was surounded by a fat black thingy... My poor poor baby. But I'll still love her :) I just wont look at her too close up... hehehe

Can someone please help me find info on the Caribbean Yellow Snail (i think thats what she is) I want to know more about her, but I can't find anything on them)

Heather Wallace
08-10-2003, 04:17 PM
Forgive me, I haven't been on for sometimes, what is GArlic??

Heather Wallace
08-10-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by kingrattus
Can someone please help me find info on the Caribbean Yellow Snail (i think thats what she is) I want to know more about her, but I can't find anything on them)

Sorry I now know.:o

08-10-2003, 04:40 PM
I do not think I have ever seen a snail of any kind OUTSIDE of their shell.:eek: But in the shell she is rather nice looking.:D

08-10-2003, 08:12 PM
I didn't mean that she left her shell. I ment that she opened her littlr door thingy so she would crawl around. that took 12 hours

When she gets use ti things a bit more she'll turn back to yellow, because she was yellow when I got her & now shes black