View Full Version : Birds and Cats?

08-09-2003, 03:57 PM
I've been toying with the idea of getting a cockatiel...but, I worry that its not possible with our cats. I know some people here do have both and I wanted to know how you kept a "happy house".

Thanks! :)

08-09-2003, 04:03 PM
I have 2 cats, and just got a cockatiel yesterday. :) They leave the bird pretty much alone. They'll look at him a little, but then just walk away. :) If your cats have a very high prey drive, I wouldn't suggest getting one. Let us know how it goes. :)

08-09-2003, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
I have 2 cats, and just got a cockatiel yesterday. :) They leave the bird pretty much alone. They'll look at him a little, but then just walk away. :) If your cats have a very high prey drive, I wouldn't suggest getting one. Let us know how it goes. :)

you got a cockatiel?! lucky!! :)

I've wanted a bird since I was 8 or 9, especially a budgie or cockatiel. But we've always had cats. Malley & oreo are always stading near the gerbil cage, like "I want to eat you" and they would probably go for a bird. sally probably wouldnt mind though. It probably depends on the cat, like goldenretrluver said. :)

(please excuse my poor spelling, I had a bit of an accident today and can only type with one hand)

08-09-2003, 04:39 PM
Ack....I wanted it to be a surprise...oh well..lol. :p

Yes, I have a cockatiel. :) His name is Piper and he is 5 months old. :) I should have pics up in a couple days. :)

08-09-2003, 09:35 PM
We have a cat and a parakeet and it works for several reasons.

1) Samantha is an older cat who doesn't jump higher than her favorite chair and she has never been a cat that goes after birds. She has lived with fish before and never went after them.

2) When we do clean the bird cage or let T-bird out to exercise it is behind a closed door or when Samantha is in the basement and not in the same room as T-bird.

3) When we first got T-bird two years ago we kept an eye on Samantha when she was in the same room as T-bird's cage and she has never gone after her. Now we can have them sleep in the same room together.(The bird cage is covered at night with a towel since T-bird sleeps from dark until dawn)

Here is a photo of Samantha sitting under T-bird's cage staring at her.:)

Other Pet Talkers who also have cats and birds are Logan, Tina and Cookiebaker, maybe they will have some advice too.

08-10-2003, 01:32 AM
For the most part my cats seem to know..."this bird is a pet" so they don't bother much with him. But if they do try....a water gun does the trick. They now think bird means water and they don't like water. :D

Same way I trained them to not use the house plants and a kittty box. :eek:

08-10-2003, 02:32 AM
I have a parakeet and a cockatiel. lol The cat doesnt even notest them, or he just doesnt care. And he has a HUGE prey drive for catching birds, since he brings dead wildones home once in a while :rolleyes: